My Last Hunt

Chapter 219: Journey (20)

Chapter 219: Journey (20)

Journey (20)

Not just disgusting but the vile 

Lost ventures from the tenth path were reluctant to let them free Qiao was surrounded with the lost ventures from eleventh path. It greatly reduced their action speed as well as restricted their movements. One of the lost ventures cornered him and his sword was taken by the other. "P..i..n h..ii..m d..own." several bells created unorganized sounds. Whenever these lost ventures spoke their noise resounded damaging the hearing. Qiao secretly took a strong grip on the shapeless weapon. It was kept under the first cover of the fleece. There was no choice for surrender in front of these creatures. 

He wanted to test whether what he observed could prove fruitful. Battling with them for long time might bring endless troubles. They have to escape first. The lost ventures were in numbers and the place was underground; if this went on they will be hostage again. Time was precious. They have limited time to search the third fellow and then escape. The lost venture grabbed his neck; it was the muscle creature that seemed like wearing transparent muscle hoody. The face was void of any emotion or twisted in a way that looked painted. 

Qiao stabbed the shapeless weapon in the supposed abdomen area; as soon as the weapon pierced the creature started screaming. The other lost ventures were baffled to see this because this was the strongest lost venture the bosses left behind. Qiao witnessed this and examined his weapon for brief moment. Its edges were gleaming. He breathed deep and then leapt toward the other creature. He did not know whether it was the quality of the weapon or his luck however to appreciate the luck he should not waste it in observing. Thinking this he increased his pace as well. The lost ventures dispersed. 

Inside the fifteenth path Lowa opened her eyes when she felt something crawling on her neck. The tail of the Reaper was reaching her neck the Reaper was ready to slowly recoil her stature by swallowing. Lowa looked at the ceiling which was made of rock then she saw the tail and her eyes followed finally skipping a loud scream. Some of the pours on the skin of the Reaper were drifting fluid out; the body was in no subtle shape. The head part was fixed with the body without visible neck. It seemed a huge a very huge slimy cover was place on some rock. The eye sockets were empty. Lowa could not see any arm. 

There were two tails one on the left and the other on right. The fluid which was constantly dripping from the body was turning solid after accumulating on the ground. It was not just disgusting to look at it. A normal heart might get paralyze with the shock. Both tails attacked at her immediately. She was struggling to get free from the grip closing her eyes. The tails brought the girl closer. "My aim." Approximately from all the opening the voice resounded. 

The tails were moving on her chest and Lowa was screaming and crying for help. From the words and the way the Reaper was getting her closer was despicable. Her throat started hurting. She was using all her strength to keep away the tails from her chest. "Almost all of my targets scream for help but none ever get rescued." The voice resounded again. The Reaper never let anyone escape as long as it approached its tails toward the target. The blood curdling screams reached Qiao and shouted "Wuza take care of these remaining. Within next breath he was inside the fifteenth path. 

The sight in front of him was truly disgusting however he cannot stop to take a look. His weapon slashed one of the tails immediately. Before falling unconscious Lowa saw the young man and fell on the ground. She was unable to face the humiliation; most of her upper fleece was ruined by the disgusting creature. The Reaper roared when one of the tails slashed. The second tail attacked the hunter however Qiao did not give this chance. He was already fuming; the huntress was facing this bastard until now. Without wasting any moment Qiao took out his fleece and threw on Lowa who was unconscious now. 

Her face was wet with the tears and her neck was reddened. Qiao leapt to tear apart this vulgar and despicable creature. His weapon was endlessly moving without giving a stay of single breath. He was maddened with the anger at this moment. He did not care whether the disgusting liquid was spilling around instead he made sure that creature should die at any cost. The Reaper might have destroyed and killed but because it was in the cycle of breeding and the hunter was insanely attacking so it let the Reaper helpless. 

The real appearance and the stature of the Reaper was huge and powerful while for breeding it was no more than a normal breeding creature with all the organs numb for reproduction. Soon the place seemed tinted with transparent liquid. When Qiao was sure that the creature would not move any further he turned toward the girl. He carefully wrapped her upper body with his fleece and brought out. Wuza was done with the remaining lost ventures. "Hurry we have to leave." He ordered in hoarse voice. Wuza sneaked that the huntress was not in good condition then he noticed brother hunter. He seemed recklessly battled with someone. 

They walked toward where they first fell from the slither. Qiao looked around there was no one and the both hunters were also not there. "Perhaps they left alone." He gritted his teeth but before he could think something else one of the hunters came back. "We found the stairs leading to the upper surface." He gladly related his finding. They were ceaselessly running here and there and searching. The lost ventures always use this path to leave the hidden place and then return from the second path. 

There was only one hour left in morning. "Lead us; hurry." Qiao nodded and ordered. The lost ventures were returning because the said targets changed their place and they could not chase because none sniffed their breath. The escape path was long and winding. The stairs were coming to no end. When the lost ventures reached the hidden place they saw many injured and killed fellows. It was alarming so they all rushed toward the fifteenth path. The Reaper was seriously injured when it felt that the hunter would definitely kill; it started pretending dead. "They are escaping." The Reaper roared. 

Qiao and others reached half of the stairs when Wuza told that the creatures were coming behind. The stairs were carved with the frozen ice and it was not easy walking over them. They cannot destroy the stairs because it would also throw them down again. "Wuza can you use your fastest pace at this time?" Qiao asked the blood hunter. "I am at my limits now after the battle but if I got some blood it would not be difficult then." Wuza sighed. His leaper storage bag was empty. Not a single drop was left. "Can you imbibe human blood?" Qiao asked the last option. 

"I can but it is against the rules set by the Hightown." Wuza was equally helpless. Qiao was carrying the unconscious huntress. Suddenly Qiao remembered something and spoke, "Use your voice to halt the advancement of the creatures then." It was the last option which he by chance remembered. "Sure brother hunter." Wuza stopped behind and produced the earsplitting screeching voice. Now only few stairs were left while the two hunters already reached on the surface. The screeching resounded in the empty hidden place and the creatures lost their initial pace. They could no more follow unless the voice gets muffled somehow. Lowa opened her eyes because the voice was so loud. "Don't worry we are escaping the vile place." Qiao politely told her. Wuza followed behind after fulfilling the orders. 

The both hunters nodded when Qiao came out on the surface. They were ready to destroy the stairs so that the creatures should not follow behind. Wuza also stepped out and saw them ready with the swords. "I am afraid that the frozen ice is molded in layers it would not break earlier." It was gesture for them to not waste their time and runaway. 

"Can you run on your feet?" Qiao asked her. "I can." Lowa lowered her head; she already sensed that she was covered well. They started running away. The surface was limbered with the fresh snow. Thankfully it was the morning and when the creature came at the surface; they hunters were already a mile away. "We are finally free from the hostage." The two hunters were the most glad. They actually lost hope after remaining in the cell. They were running and shouting with happiness while Qiao and others were thinking something else. A normal place which was supposed to have monster was actually bearing such creatures. 


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