My Last Hunt

Chapter 193: Back to Middletown

Chapter 193: Back to Middletown

Back To Middletown;

It is under your choice

Previously he was dragged by the monster and got trapped in the delirium but as soon as the delirium broke; he was brought back in the barrier so there were hundred percent chances for him to return back. It means he would lose blood hunter if he did not take precaution. Both would immediately separate and then what would happen to his promise? He was not familiar with the place and don't know where it was located; how he would reach here again and get the blood hunter along for the long journey toward Hightown. 

Qiao looked toward blood hunter and thought for a long time. There was a television series which was most popular in his advanced world. It was about cultivation and similar other mythical concepts; the MC in the series somehow teleport with his will and if he wanted to bring along someone then he would held his hand. This way both characters would transport despite the fact the other character does not possess the mythical power. So to say in practical terms; 'if I get the stone from the monster and then picked the hand of this blood hunter before matching up all the three stones; would it help to bring the blood hunter along?' Qiao thought in his head. 

'I can't say anything without doing experiment' he shook his head. Before trying his theory; anything was mere bluff. Qiao then looked toward the huntress and voiced her. Her present condition was little pathetic and it was done by the huntresses waiting outside of the barrier. He needed to know where this huntress wanted to go after the barrier disappears. At least she should be aware that the barrier was about to vanish and what plans she has in her head after that.

Lowa rolled her eyes; 'Does not he know that I can't walk properly?' she murmured. "Not fair but I have to listen to him." She stood up with the help of a log and staggered; despite bothered a lot she finally reached where both hunters were standing and scrutinizing her footsteps. "The barrier would soon disappear; are you ready to leave? I mean what would you do to tackle if your enemies again surrounded you in this condition?" Qiao explained the situation. Her eyes got wide opened and looked at the monster. From the aura it seemed the right target. 

"What? Where would you leave? How I am supposed to again face those two teams of enemies in this condition?" Lowa was almost crying. Was he leaving her like this? These were all blunt thoughts but when she considered rationally she turned silent. 'Why I am asking this to him? Of course he would leave; why would not and there is no reason for her to stop him or refute' she thought. However Lowa was afraid that she would immediately die under the attacks of those learned level five huntresses and they were actually after her life. 

"I was somewhere else when this barrier dragged me here so it is definite that I would be sent back to the previous place." Qiao shook his head to see the silence of the huntress. She was not speaking instead seemed nervous or confused. Perhaps in the middle to decide how she would save herself when the barrier ended. She did belong to the Orey Continent nonetheless it would take several days to reach back in the human population on the promise that she was still alive after facing her enemies because dead bodies can't walk on their own. 

Lowa folded her fist with all the blunt thoughts storming her head. Qiao turned to attack the monster one last and then get the stone. The blood hunter understood that they would be somewhere else after few spans of time frame. So it turned out that he would be leaving this continent where he born and grew up. But he has no time to go back and say farewell to his family and the elders. "Wuza; stand here beside me." Qiao gestured him to stand near. Lowa was still silent and seeing the young man cutting the monster open. The third stone Bagel was giving out an immense aura. 

Qiao brought out other two stones and joined them together. Lowa saw them about to disappear and suddenly leapt at the chest of the young man grabbing last strand of hope to save her life. Qiao was caught shocked but he cannot push her away; the force brought him back to the bridge where he was standing previously. The blood hunter was holding his hand so he was also transported while the huntress was hugging his chest. He was dragged alone but returned with two especially one latching on his chest. 

The level six team was actively guarding the bridge and the team leader was standing in the middle of the wooden bridge. There had been many days and the young man was nowhere so he sent a report to the organizers to add in the details about the young man and about his sudden disappearance. The manual report would be sent to the Hightown regarding the hunt of the strong monster so it was necessary to let them know who actually hunted the monster. The Snow Island was cleared solely for level five hunters of Middletown and the surrounding population to hunt with number of challenges in order to prepare them for the long journey toward the Hightown. 

The bridge shook with the added number of hunters and the team leader brought out his sword in the blink of an eye sensing the danger. Qiao pushed her away when he saw that this girl also tagged them and reached here. Lowa threw away the log which she was holding to stand properly previously; Qiao pushed and she staggered about to fell from the bridge. He immediately held her from her waist else she would fell in the lake; he happened to see how badly injured she was so it was almost impossible for her to swim for life in the lake. 

The blood hunter saw the team leader and immediately came in front to face him. Till now the team leader happened to see the young hunter; he was startled. "Hunter Qiao?" 

Qiao supported the huntress and then turned to face the team leader; "I cannot explain what happened; fortunately I made it back with few friends." Saying this he pointed toward the other two. "I am glad to see you alive; you can return back in the encampment and take my tent for stay." The team leader frankly welcomed him and also gave his own tent for stay. 

Every silver class was given a huge tenting for rest in the encampment. A level six hunter can remain awake and active for three minimum days without feeling exhaustion of strength. After a week; it was must for a level six to rest for a whole day so they distributed as to how they schedule their rest time. "It is a favor then." Qiao also spoke frankly seeing that the leader was sincere. 

He has a girl with him who was seriously injured and Qiao cannot wander in search of a tent and it was also impossible since most of the tents were occupied. "Haha sure; we'll meet someday." The team leader nodded and Qiao supported the huntress to walk down from the bridge then move toward the encampment. Here in the Snow Island; the weather was still the same. They came near the evening and it was normal for snowflakes to be frequent and dense. Wuza was constantly looking at each and every detail of his surrounding; it was first ever that he left the vicinity of his tribes, away from the usual hunting forest. 

Though he wanted to retort the huntress for bothering his brother hunter but to avoid any distaste; he kept himself busy to explore the surrounding. Lowa was also very curious as to where they were at this moment. The cold and the snowflakes were adding pain for her injuries. "This place is called Snow Island and it is the nearest island from the Middletown." Qiao spoke to see the curiosity of the both. It seemed that he met another team for the time being until they decide to leave him though the blood hunter might remain for longer. 

The blood hunter heard and nodded while the huntress exclaimed with shock; "Really? This place is called Snow Island?" she asked to confirm. "My mother told about this place but she said that it was meant for the hunters of Middletown." Every continent has certain part of islands or forests where the level five hunters were trained for higher level struggles. Lowa was level four yet and she joined a senior team in hope to learn and gladly accepted to become a bait hunter for the team. The lowest level hunter in a team was supposed to play this role. 


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