My Last Hunt

Chapter 188: Quest For Three Stones (39)

Chapter 188: Quest For Three Stones (39)

Quest For Three Stones (39)


Only third stone was left to complete the mission and then he would be free from the restrictions of the barrier. The problem was that he did not hunt the second monster instead the hunter king killed it and he got the stone before he could crush it. That means he experience points were not increasing no matter how many monster's he hunt till he get rid the restrictions of the barrier. He was currently level five primary; as for his experience of hunting was concerned; he did learn much from the delirium and the hunter king. 

As soon as he got the bagel; he would start his travel toward the Middletown to get the permission for the journey toward the Hightown since he promised the blood hunter to take along he would not back down but it was a problem whether to tell the Star Glow Guild about the blood hunter or only mention if it was necessary? Wuza appear different from his physical traits for example his extraordinary fast pace, his blood red eyes and the huge stature which does not match with the normal hunters; it cannot be shaken away if the seniors questioned about it. 

"I need to focus for the third stone then there will be time to consider how I should take Wuza with me." Qiao fixed his fleece and removed the stains of blood from his forehead. Small cracks were still there so he carefully cleaned the open wound then he cut a long strip from the extra cloth and bind it on the forehead to hide the injuries. The purple strip looked off compared to his decent and expensive maroon fleece. His sword was hanging at his back. Now he looked like a bounteous warrior of old times since his facial features were not actually stiff or matching to the brutal one. 

After his cheeks got enough of a good shape and the whole tiny stature developed muscles brandishing his height; his appearance turned the mot handsome just like those top celebrity actors with strong and glamorous body shape. With these looks; one could easily get the gesture that he bear the stone of charm because most of the ladies would fall for his looks definitely. If his small sibling happened to see him; he would be confused in first glance before recognizing older brother. The extra cloth put on his forehead brought a little reservation in his charm because purple stand for threat in this world. 

Wuza made a rope from the various vines; it was too troublesome to go near the rotten carcass and bind the rope. He then dragged the first body out of the barrier covering his half face to avoid the stinking air. He was young but because of imbibing blood of the monster's he was quite powerful physically. Qiao was unsure whether he was hungry or not. The normal hunters after reaching level five could barely feel hunger; they only eat for treat twice or thrice in a month. 

However it was necessary to eat thrice in a month to maintain the inner health. Compared to the blood hunters; they live on blood to maintain their overall strength. It had been three days when he was not here and from the looks; Wuza seemed not better apparently different from when Qiao was forced to leave. Wuza came to drag the second body out of the barrier but then Qiao voiced to stop him; "Come over here Wuza." Qiao gestured from afar. Wuza left the rope there and walked to ask why brother hunter called for him. 

"Did you imbibe the blood or not?" Qiao asked. "Brother Hunter! I was waiting for you to come and did not leave this barrier in the three days." Wuza truthfully told. He was indeed hungry but chose to wait hence it was apparent from the dents on his cheeks. "Then you should not waste time on dragging the carcasses; just bring over a monster and I'll hunt it for you." Qiao stood up. If three days could bring this much change then it means that a blood hunter cannot survive without imbibing blood. "Oh; it happened because I did not slumber when there was nothing to do." Wuza understood that his condition was apparent for brother hunter and he perhaps got worried. 

"The blood hunters sleep most of the time after they imbibe blood and when they don't sleep then they are hunting for blood." Wuza chuckled because he was fed up with this routine of the blood hunter tribes. If they wanted to remain awake like normal hunters then they need to fetch some blood for normal meals in a day. "I am not familiar with the types of the monsters so I did not hunt for blood thinking that I might end up squeezing a rare monster and the brother hunter gets displease when he comes to know." He explained.

Qiao nodded. It means the young blood hunter was taking care to not break any rule. "It must have been difficult but I am glad that you were worried breaking rule in ignorance. This is the trait of humans to bear the burden but never go against the law of nature and this keep the balance as long as humans keep following the right. I know foul is easy to follow." Qiao patted his shoulder. 

In this world of hunting; what was the most troublesome: of course it was the stability. There were hundred over hundred options and opportunities for a hunter to immediately seize the power. But the instant ambiance was a deep rooted fear which stops the most of them from choosing easy options. Qiao belong to the same world where several evil opportunities were available for those who were willing to take risk and they never ended up in good karma aka ambiance and die a horrible and sudden death. 

"Alright: what about the nasty huntress?" Wuza asked because when he would harness a monster: she would be in trouble probably. "We will keep a distance and stop the monster from wandering or running toward her. You can bring a level four monster to avoid the hassle." The blood hunter trusted him and it was his responsibility to concern about him. Wuza nodded and went to bring the monster. After three long days which were like three years; he was going to imbibe some blood to revive some liveliness. A blood hunter was like normal human who needed daily meal to keep the strength of the body with a slight difference of food and blood. 

Unless the blood hunters chose to slumber after imbibing blood they needed blood daily; they could slumber for whole week without feeling hunger, these were two entwined aspects about the blood hunters. Qiao stood ready to welcome the monster and looked toward the carcasses. The decomposition of the things was faster in this world despite being it under the barrier; the flesh of the monsters was rotting at fast pace. This explained the aspect of the hunting and the strong humans against stronger beasts. Though the higher levels were under the different law still they have their own battles and worries. 

The huntress was able to clean her injuries and then heal the less deep wounds. Her long lock of hair which always moves to and fro in front of face was cut down with an attack and now it was only half of the full length. She temporarily folded few extra cloths on the deep wounds till they get healed with time. Lowa does not have another pair of clothes because when she first appeared in this barrier; she was riddles with wounds because betrayal from the team; she used the extra pair of clothes to replace the tattered dress. 

From various parts; it was looking like a dress full of strips or made of shreds however it was better than to have nothing. After losing the sword; the small dagger was the only weapon for defense. Lowa was ready to close her eyes when the roars of the monster reached to her ears. "This man came after three days and has nothing but to again play with monsters. Is he mad?" she spoke displeased. "If you are that free for skirmish then go battle my blood enemies." Lowa turned her posture to avoid the new wave of roars. 

Wuza harnessed the monster and he was quite excited. It was great to see that the brother hunter concerned for him. This proved that his decision to follow the brother hunter was correct. Qiao was ready so he did not let the monster wander around moreover it was lower level monster. "I guess only single attack would be enough to stop the wild movement of the monster." Qiao thought hence every attack snatch the strength then it would be unfair if Wuza imbibe the blood of a seriously injured monster. It would not give him enough strength too. 


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