My Last Hunt

Chapter 179: Quest For Three Stones (30)

Chapter 179: Quest For Three Stones (30)

Quest For Three Stones (30)


The first protective sett 

The level of danger was at the peak. The ground was constantly being moved by the unknown force; the parts of the ground were also buckled with the same vicissitudes. For instance; where Qiao jumped previously to save himself from the crevice and fall broke in many other fragments forcing Qiao to hedge over the next better option. The hunter king was also doing cradle jumps. "I think something amiss." It was after some time when he noticed that with the ground changing at every moment they were being slipped backward by the moving ground. 

In simple words; before they were fifty feet advancing toward the hill now they were fifty feet distanced from the actual place. It seemed they were gliding to reach forward while the ground was slithering them backward. He saw the young hunter going through double effort so he thought to explain, "The ground is not just splitting here and there; it is being used as platform to increase the distance between intruder and the resident. So we have to move forward while trying to not fell in the crevices and this is real phenomena not the illusion anymore." 

He pointed toward the sight presented in front of them. The first layer of the stone was actually designed with intellect. No matter how many enemies attack at once; the first layer alone can tackle them all. Qiao saw the phenomena critically and understood what the hunter king was pointing at. He could see that crevices were also changing forms with the time and smoke started to rise. Not just the upper surface was moving but actually the lava inside was incensed to rise at the surface but because it was in-depth it was highly unlikely for it to harm them as long as the layer itself was not willing or the hunters were not unfortunate to fell inside the crevices. 

It was exceptionally high level strength which if a hunter wanted to exhibit then he has to be at least the peak level nine hunter king eligible for the rank of Hunter Monarch. It was said that a hunter monarch wield a power of an entity capable to move the ground with his own will. That means the peak level infinity stage of a stone matched with the level nine hunter king. In this case; only fancy can take the burden of imagination to tell how much powerful this stone could become at the Requiem stage. 

"You will have to focus on the advancement while I will make sure that you don't catch the crevice." The hunter king voiced. He knew very well that half of the power of the stone was being used on the young hunter and the focus was also distracted. The young hunter was no doubt in death-defying state in these moments and there was no choice either way so there was a chance that he may slip during the sliding. The rising smoke coupled with the slithering surface brought a series of challenges. 

Presently there was not a single place in their vision which was different or inactive that means they have to move forward to get rid the first layer defense of the stone. Qiao nodded; he was fortunate to have the assistance of a hunter king in this situation. Now he could tell that the stone much before planned to trap him and gain his consciousness; by chance of luck he met this hunter king during illusion however he was not sure if the difficulty level increased what would happen to both of them. 

The second crack appeared on his forehead and he roared like a beast. The pain was intense and he was unable to keep it anymore. The piercing needles felt like swords stabbing in his heart; few drops of tears fell from his eyes. He searched through his fleece to remind himself if he has something unusual; there was nothing extraordinary other than the strange sword. Qiao was already impressed about its uniqueness; he strongly held it against his forehead in order to check any changes; even if it could lessen the attacks of the stone then it would be considered helpful. 

For few moments it did not react but then the stone shining on the hilt glistened creating a gleam around the head; the older crack which was still seeping blood mended itself while the fresh one remained the same. The only difference which Qiao felt that the stone which was no more speaking anything howled in his head, "Does not matter how far you believe in your luck; this weapon cannot stop me for long. And remember making choice to search my dwelling is your worst choice ever." The stone finally found out that two hunters were presently stuck in the first defense layer. 

"It was not I but you made me choose it and now there is no way back." Qiao answered with the same tone. He cannot show sliver of impression that he was worried that the stone finally found about their advancement. Qiao was speaking truth. He tried his best to leave the delirium but the stone was unwilling to let an eligible target go away; he cannot live inside the illusions for whole life or beg from a stone to have mercy on him. It was not that stone would show mercy for a level five stubborn hunter who intentionally triggered its ego. 

Qiao held back the sword because he was feeling better; keep using the sword might lost the advantage since the stone gleaming in the hilt cannot be used for long. In case he was again at the verge then he thought to use it for a second time. The ground slipped backward and he jumped to move forward; after the hunter king explained Qiao was moving forward and the hunter king was following behind. It was highly unlikely that in this layer defense an unseen attack lie in wait for them except the lava under their feet can rise up unusually to bring trouble. 

This was fortunate that the stone cannot bring changes to the present defense layer to stop the advancement or make an attack when the layer was already active for defense. So the stone which was before very attentive toward the young hunter was focusing on two aspects; one was to control the consciousness of the young hunter and the second was to keep an eye at their advancement. If it was able to do the first task earlier then there was no need to worry about the hunter king. The stone could just flip the ground and crush the hunter ruthlessly without giving a chance for defense. 

The pace increased and the parts of the ground were moving faster than before due to the fact that both hunters were able to maintain their advancement. The lava rose high in the air as a threat and Qiao suddenly halted himself else he might have been roasted for no one's treat. He took deep breath and jumped as soon as the burning fire reverted back. A line if blood formed at the side of his forehead; the temperature of the ground increased as well as their struggle to maintain the balance on the small ground parts. 

Qiao was perspiring with the intense heat whereas the hunter king was not much affected with this increasing temperature instead he brought out a stone which bear ice characteristics. "Is the heat unbearable for you?" he voiced to ask the young hunter. It was much long years since he himself crossed this level so it was better to ask the limits of this hunter at this level. "If it kept increasing I might turn into a dry leaf." Qiao was feeling difficulty in breathing. 

"Oh; let me help you with it." The hunter king commanded the stone to create a layer of ice around the hunter and flipped in the air. The stone reached at the head of the hunter and foreshadowed the ice layer around him. The ice wall restricted the excessive heat from harming the hunter however as for as the lava rose near him the ice layer melted. The spawned command was active so another ice wall came into existence. The stone was moving along the hunter and keeping the command active at the same time. Qiao finally felt better. They already crossed half of the distance of first layer of defense and it was a good sign for advancement. 

The hunter king was moving as well as giving a critical eye at the young hunter in case he needed his help; this made his attention divided and his fleece caught on fire unknowingly. The part where the lava touched disappeared leaving no trace and he wide opened his eyes with the terror. He was really focused at many aspects. "Be careful." When he was looking at the rising lava; his eyes fell at the young hunter and voiced with incredibly high pitch. 


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