My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 470: 470: Ji Baijian steps in and severely scolds Ji Baixing! (Third update)

Chapter 470: Chapter 470: Ji Baijian steps in and severely scolds Ji Baixing! (Third update)

Yin Qin walked into Ji Baijian’s house.

Ji Baijian was waiting for him in the living room.

Tank ran excitedly towards Yin Qin, but after recognising him, walked away with his tail wagging.

Yin Qin glared at Tank, “Ungrateful creature, if it wasn’t for me, you’d be a meal in someones house by now!”

Tank still ignored him.

Yin Qin moved towards Ji Baijian.

Tank lay obediently at Ji Baijian’s side.

Yin Qin joked, “Song Zhizhi still hasn’t borne you a son, huh!”

Ji Baijian scoffed at Yin Qin, “Certainly better than some people, whose own son might one day call someone else his dad.”

Yin Qin almost choked on his own spit.

This deceitful and cunning man, Ji Baijian, always knew how to rub salt into others’ wounds!

He managed to say, “Weren’t we discussing Weng Cheng’s matter?”

“I found all five men who violated Baixin.”

“Where?” Yin Qin’s face changed immediately, his anger couldn’t be concealed.

“I suspect this is Weng Cheng’s conspiracy. I exposed these guys effortlessly, isn’t it too easy! Have you ever thought about how they managed to avoid our sight when they kidnapped Baixin, and then died without us having a shred of evidence? It’s not like Weng Cheng, such a cunning person, to allow these men to stroll around Jin City waiting for us.”

“So, you mean Weng Cheng is intentionally letting us find these guys, waiting for us to take revenge and catch me in the act to accuse me!”

“It’s not impossible.”

“He must have known that I wouldn’t dare deal with Baixin’s incident through legal means.” Yin Qin angrily said.

Ji Baijian nodded.

“So what do we do now? Let them get off scot-free? I can’t swallow this pill!”

“The only way is to handle this incident through official channels.”

“What about Baixin? Do you let such a dignified woman publicly admit that she was ravaged by several men?” Yin Qin said heatedly.

“Or do you have a better idea?! In fact, under the current situation, making Baixin’s suffering known to everyone is beneficial for us all.” Ji Baijian argued, “Firstly, Weng Cheng will face severe legal punishment, which is what he deserves. We must uphold our rights through legal means; secondly, considering your current bad reputation, if you stand by Baixin due to your responsibility for her ordeals, the public will think you’re great. Therefore, no one will boycott you or your Milky Way anymore.”

“I know.” Yin Qin looked at Ji Baijian, “But do you think Baixin can accept it?”

“That’s why I’m discussing it with you now.”

“Baixin won’t agree with this, there’s no room for discussion.” This much, Yin Qin knew for sure.

From childhood to now, Ji Baixin had always been a demanding person, otherwise, she wouldn’t reject this family or the gender bias she didn’t like. If all her tribulations became public knowledge, she wouldn’t accept it. She wouldn’t allow anyone to see her in such a pitiable state.

“Leave that for me to worry about.” Ji Baijian straightforwardly retorted

Yin Qin furrowed his brows.

“Ji Baixin is my sister, I know how to handle her.”

“You better not force her.” Yin Qin warned.

“What if I do? Since she chose this path, there are some things she should bear. Yin Qin,” Ji Baijian was very serious, “No one should bear the responsibility for another. Ji Baixin should have solved her own problems long ago. You shouldn’t have gotten involved.”

“I can’t just stand by and do nothing.”

“That’s why you’re in a dangerous situation now.”

“Who asked me to love her so much over the years, so crazily.”

“Only a fool like you would.”

“Ji Baijian! After all, Ji Baixin is your sister.” Yin Qin was quite angered, “Speaking of which, I’m also angry. Didn’t anyone from the Ji family care at all when Baixin went through so much? Everyone just stood by and watched.”

“It’s not that they died.” In Ji Baijian’s eyes, he had always been a descendant of Ye family, he said, “You just meddled in too much, so they didn’t have to step in.”

“…” Yin Qin felt like spitting blood.

Ji Baijian said, “Anyway, you’re already in this situation, and regret won’t help. I just wanted to tell you my plans. You should focus on managing your Milky Way. It was not easy to get your hands on it, will you leave just like that? If I were in your shoes, I’d be heartbroken.”

“Ji Baijian, are you even my buddy? Aren’t you supposed to console me now? I’m really miserable these days.” Yin Qin fell apart suddenly.

From childhood to now, he had gotten used to losing face in front of Ji Baijian.

“My parents almost beat me to death. Luo Xiaolang dislikes me now, even my son doesn’t want to see me. My reputation is tarnished outside, and the company’s board members can’t wait for me to step down. If I blow through my father’s family fortune, I might as well commit suicide. I’m already in dire straits, can’t you just console me?” Yin Qin was on the verge of tears.

He was feeling too miserable to hold back any longer.

How did he end up living his life like this?

How did he end up doing this to himself?

Ji Baijian was very indifferent; he said, “I have two words for you.”

Yin Qin looked at him expectantly.

Ji Baijian casually remarked, “Deserved.”

Yin Qin glared at Ji Baijian, his eyes rimmed with angry red.

“If you want to cry, go home and cry. I’m busy.” Ji Baijian dismissed him.

Yin Qin stormed off angrily.

Either way, he would never find comfort from Ji Baijian.

Ji Baijian watched Yin Qin leave before picking up the phone.

The other side answered, “Big brother.”

“Where are you?”


“I’m coming over.”

“Big brother?” Ji Baixin questioned, surprised.

Her big brother usually didn’t take the initiative to look for her, not just her, but anyone in the family unless he needed something.

She always thought her big brother had a high and mighty attitude, even more so than their father.

Ji Baijian didn’t respond and ended the call, then left the house.

He went straight to Ji Baixin’s apartment.

Ji Baixin opened the door.

As Ji Baijian walked in, he casually asked, “Are you living with Yin Qin now?”

Seeing Yin Qin’s clothes on the sofa is what tipped him off.

Ji Baixin blushed slightly.

Ji Baijian didn’t say much, for he was already accustomed to all of Yin Qin’s antics.

He went straight to sit down on the sofa.

Ji Baixin poured a glass of water for Ji Baijian and sat down next to him.

“Yin Qin told me about what happened to you,” Ji Baijian began bluntly.

Ji Baixin gripped her hands tightly but didn’t speak.

“Initially, Yin Qin and I thought about secretly dealing with those who violated you. However, it’s not that simple. It was Weng Cheng who stirred all this up. If we deal with them secretly, we could fall into his trap, which could lead us into legal trouble, making it more harm than good.” Ji Baijian explained concisely. “So now, we need to confront this legally, in other words, report what happened to you…”

“Big brother!” Ji Baixin exclaimed, clearly agitated.

“Listen to me first,” Ji Baijian cut in sternly.

Ji Baixin bit her lip. Faced with Ji Baijian’s assertiveness, she couldn’t fight back.

She simply glared at her big brother.

“There are two benefits to taking legal action. First, it allows for those who hurt you to be punished by the law. Second, it can help redeem Yin Qin’s current reputation as a scumbag. If many people see Yin Qin being with you because of the harm you’ve endured, they will view it as heroic sacrifice. Most people like to empathize with the underdog. He might even become seen as a victim, especially if we use the media to our advantage. That could drastically help fix his current image,” Ji Baijian finished.

Having said that, he looked at Ji Baixin.

Ji Baixin’s eyes were ringed red at this point, “So what do I do? Do I just let everyone know that I, Ji Baixin, am tainted, deeply tainted! Big brother, you’ve always been cold and rational, impersonal. You never take others’ feelings into account. You’ve never truly considered me! Being mistreated by Li Wenjun is already humiliating enough, and now you’re suggesting I let everyone know that I’ve been violated! How am I supposed to show my face!”

“That’s just your opinion. Being violated is not your fault. You should face the situation positively, not just avoid it.”

“I’d rather endure it in silence, rather let these people get away with it than restore those things with my reputation!” Ji Baixin argued, her words punctuated for emphasis.

Ji Baijian looked at Ji Baixin.

The atmosphere between the siblings was tense.

Ji Baijian’s expression darkened, “So everything Yin Qin did for you doesn’t compare to your reputation?”

Ji Baixin was stunned.

“Yin Qin bore the brunt of criticism for you, cut ties with everyone, even forsaking his own son. For the sake of your reputation, you’re unwilling to help redeem his image and recover his losses. Is that your definition of love? If we compare this to Yin Qin’s love for you, don’t you feel you’re being selfish? From an outsider’s perspective, I genuinely feel that you don’t deserve Yin Qin’s years of undeniable love for you,” Ji Baijian concluded.


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