My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 417: 417: Husband and Wife Join Hands, the Tragic End of Lin Ximeng

Chapter 417: 417: Husband and Wife Join Hands, the Tragic End of Lin Ximeng

In the hospital ward.

Lin Ximeng incredulously looked at Yin Bin.

She had thought that Yin Bin knew nothing at all.

Back when her affair with Yin Bin happened, his parents did indeed approach her, tempting her with money. Young and easily tempted, she accepted. Yin Bin’s parents had promised not to tell him, but to her surprise, Yin Bin knew everything.

As he already knew, why didn’t he say anything?!

She felt like a clown, humiliated.

Her voice tinged with tears, she said in a wronged tone, “Yin Bin, we were so young back then. I was scared to death when your parents approached me. I didn’t know what to do, so I had no choice but to accept what they gave me and reluctantly decided to part with you. Actually, I never touched the five million, I accepted it because I just didn’t know what else to do.”

Yin Bin scoffed coldly.

He said indifferently, “In fact, I don’t really care. I never said anything because whether you took the five million or not wasn’t that important to me. Out of consideration for our past relationship, I never brought it up, just to save you the embarrassment.”

There was no need to hold onto a non-essential person.

To him, Lin Ximeng was already in the past and would not affect his future, so there was no need for him to fuss over her!

“I understand, I understand.” Lin Ximeng hurriedly said, her eyes filled with sorrow and helplessness, “I know you understood. Yin Bin, I admit that I used unjust ways to get myself involved with you. But, it was because I loved you so much. You don’t know how much I suffered after we separated, I thought about suicide several times. But every time I thought of you, I couldn’t bear to leave the world. Torn apart with inner pain, I did those things. I really just loved you so much…”

Having said this.

Lin Ximeng cried even harder.

She seemed so wronged, so miserable, as if she had been let down by the whole world. Her agony was heartrending.

Qin Keqin just sat watching her.

Seeing her in this state elicited a wave of sympathy.

Had she been a man, she may have been moved to show compassion.

Maybe then, she wouldn’t have minded Lin Ximeng’s past indiscretions.

She remained silent.

In Qin Keqin’s eyes, she was merely an outsider in the matter between Lin Ximeng and Yin Bin. Yet somehow, she was inextricably entangled in it.

Watching her daughter cry like that, and seeing Yin Bin’s indifferent disposition, Lin’s mother became upset again. She said, “Even if it was my daughter who was wrong at the beginning, it was indeed because she loved you too much that she did such foolish things. At least when she was with you, she was innocent. She gave herself to you, a married man, because she loved you so dearly, that is excusable.”

Yin Bin remained silent, seeming very indifferent, “Which is why I never really held it against Lin Ximeng.”

What else do you want from me?!

Because of Lin Ximeng, his life has been such a tragedy. He endured everything and decided to let Lin Ximeng go, no matter what she had done in the name of love. But because she genuinely liked him, he chose to stay silent. More importantly, with things between him and Qin Keqin the way they were, arguing with Lin Ximeng would only complicate matters. It wouldn’t change anything in Qin Keqin’s eyes!

There was no need to waste time!

Seeing Yin Bin still cold and unmoved, Lin’s mother became agitated again, her aggressive tone hinting at her rising ire, “Take issue? If my daughter didn’t love you so much, would she do something that harmed herself? Would she cast aside her pride to do something morally wrong? If she did not love you so much? What right do you have to take issue? In these types of situations, it’s always the woman who gets hurt!”

Yin Bin laughed coldly.


A woman’s chastity is important.

But what about him as a man?!

Was it alright that he lived with this stigma, disgusted for a lifetime?!

He said, “Are you sure your daughter was a virgin?”

“Yin Bin!” Lin’s mother was furious, “You’re actually doubting whether Ximeng was a virgin?! When you two were involved, if it weren’t for Ximeng stopping me, I would have gone to your house and made a scene. Ximeng, knowing that you were already married, didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. She didn’t want to disgrace you, so she endured it. And now you doubt her?! My daughter has always been pure, she didn’t start dating until college. You’re saying she’s not a virgin, so who was it with?!”

“You should ask your daughter!” Yin Bin’s gaze became stern.

A knot formed in Lin Ximeng’s heart.

How did Yin Bin know everything?

After Yin Bin broke up with her, out of resentment, she had a fling with a classmate who had always fancied her, thinking she could get back at Yin Bin. However, she regretted it immediately after. Afterwards, she never interacted with the guy again and had threatened him to keep quiet about it.

Yin Bin stated, “You really don’t understand men!”

Lin Ximeng gazed at Yin Bin in shock.

“Men often find superiority in women they can’t have. After you went abroad for university, almost the entire school knew you had slept with him. For men, it’s a badge of honor to flaunt!”

Lin Ximeng bit her lip.

Her body was trembling.

She even wondered what kind of rumors the school had spread about her after Yin Bin sent her abroad!

A loose woman?!


Because of her relationship with Yin Bin, she was always treated as a goddess in school – most men could only dream of her.

She looked at Yin Bin, her tears falling like mad, “I was confused then. Your breakup really broke my heart, so I…so I… I now regret it so much, I swear, it was just once with him, and after that, I have never been with anyone else. Believe me, Yin Bin!”

Yin Bin remained unmoved.

At that moment, Lin’s mother felt a bit humiliated too.

She looked at her daughter fiercely, infuriated.

But since it was her own daughter, she didn’t want to lose face in public and kept silent.

Seeing no one was helping her, even her own mother had stopped speaking, Lin Ximeng became somewhat anxious. She hurriedly got up from the bed.

Yin Bin furrowed his brow.

Finally, Lin’s mother couldn’t bear to see her daughter suffer any longer.

She said, “Lie down.”

Lin Ximeng didn’t listen. She got out of bed, but because she had lost so much blood, she was very weak. She almost fainted as she stood.

She looked incredibly frail as she walked step by step towards Yin Bin.

She said, “Yin Bin, I know I made many mistakes in the past. I was foolish and naive. I thought I could forget you, I really thought I could. But I didn’t expect that these years have been torturous. I stayed single all these years abroad, as I didn’t want to make another mistake. I admit that I returned because I still love you. I love you so much that I came back to check on you, to see how you’re doing. If you’re doing well, I absolutely wouldn’t interfere in your marriage with Qin Keqin. But because you and Qin Keqin are not on good terms, I want to start over with you!”

Yin Bin coldly replied, “No matter how bad things are between her and me, didn’t I tell you already that I would never be with you?!”

“Why do you put yourself through so much grief? It hurts to see you be so subservient before Qin Keqin. Since Qin Keqin can’t love you well, why not let me take care of you? For so many years, you’re the only one I’ve ever loved. Let’s put the past behind us and start over, I promise you’ll be happy.” Lin Ximeng pleaded cautiously.

As she spoke, she extended her hand towards Yin Bin.

She tried to grab his hand.

This was her only chance, and she couldn’t let it slip.

Even if it was humiliating, she wouldn’t give up this opportunity.

She couldn’t live without Yin Bin in her life!

She was ready to pay any price!

The moment Lin Ximeng touched his hand –

Yin Bin raised his hand and pushed her away forcefully.

The force was strong.

Lin Ximeng lost control and staggered backward.

Her younger brother, quick and responsive, caught her from behind, saving her from a fall.

He said fiercely, “Yin Bin, are you a man or not? Regardless of whatever my sister did, you have no right to be violent! Someone like you isn’t worthy of my sister’s love!”

Yin Bin remained indifferent.

Even though Lin’s mother was biased, seeing her daughter in such a weakened state and on the verge of crying made her angry again. She lashed out, “Yin Bin, have you had enough?! How long will you push my daughter away?! Even if Ximeng did something wrong when she was young, is this not enough punishment for her?! Look at you, having a wife and children, your son already married and with a child of his own, and now you have a second child. You’re living a fulfilled life. It’s easy for you to talk. Have you ever thought about my daughter, Ximeng? She’s remained single all her life for you. Can she still have a child?! Can she?! Ximeng has given up her entire youth for you, no family, no children of her own. Is this not enough?! Do you have any conscience left?!”

Lin’s mother pointed at Yin Bin, cursing him.

Qin Keqin didn’t know how to feel at this moment.

She felt a sense of suppression in her heart.

She had always felt like she was a bystander today, here to witness the love and hate between Yin Bin and Lin Ximeng, to see their riveting love story.

After all, she had none of that with Yin Bin.

Not only with Yin Bin, but she had none of that with anyone else, either.

Before meeting Yin Bin, she had never been in a relationship with anyone.

She and Yin Bin had an arranged marriage, from the start of their courtship to their wedding it didn’t cross three months.

Where would they get some grand passionate love from? They were just the product of familial interests.

She was figuring out that today she was going to witness a deeply moving love story.

But she didn’t expect reality to be so cruel.

Before Yin Bin could speak, she spoke up first, uttering in a cold and indifferent tone, “Why do you think Yin Bin is so fortunate?”

Mrs. Lin turned her head to look at Qin Keqin.

Only then, it seemed, did she notice this woman’s existence.

At this moment, everyone else also noticed Qin Keqin.

Yin Bin turned his head to look at her too.

He didn’t expect Qin Keqin to speak up, not even for a second.

From what he knew of Qin Keqin, she always kept her distance and never got herself tangled in unnecessary matters. To her, his issues were his own business.

But now, she suddenly spoke.

Surprisingly, she spoke up for him.

He was excited.

He thought, even if she said something about allowing him and Lin Ximeng to be together, he could accept it. At least Keqin wasn’t aloof anymore, no longer treating their marriage as if it didn’t matter. At least she showed him that she cared a little about their marriage, instead of always watching coldly from the sidelines.

“Isn’t he fortunate now? A man who is successful in his career, has a harmonious family, has a son, and is expecting another child in his middle age! Isn’t that good enough? Look at my daughter Ximeng, what has she been waiting for? She is alone, and when she gets old, who will take care of her?!”

“Who said he is successful? He just lost his job, didn’t you know! Maybe you didn’t know, but Lin Ximeng should consider finding out. Yin Bin has been driven out of the Milky Way by his sister,” Keqin said, looking at Lin Ximeng.

“How can this be possible?” said Lin Ximeng in disbelief. Then realization seemed to dawn on her. “That’s right, he wouldn’t have been kicked out if it wasn’t for you, he could have just continued to be with me to please Yin Ying! But even if he got kicked out, Yin Bin still has assets that are unattainable for most people!”

“Exactly, a starving camel is still larger than a horse! What does it matter if Yin Bin is unemployed now? He can still live without worry and enjoy all the luxury.” Mrs. Lin supported her daughter.

“That’s true. Even if Yin Bin is no longer part of the Milky Way, he is still wealthy, but what does that have to do with Lin Ximeng? That success is credited to his capabilities.”

Warm bubbles of affection kept surfacing in Yin Bin’s heart.

He did not expect Qin Keqin to acknowledge his capabilities. He always thought that Keqin disdained every part of him and sometimes when she looked at him, it was as though she was looking at a simpleton.

Turns out this woman deep down acknowledged he has abilities.

He was overjoyed…

“It is his ability to be born into a wealthy family, which guarantees that he will have a better life than ordinary people. If there really is an explanation, it’s that you, auntie, didn’t provide Ximeng with the resources for a successful career.”

“You!” Mrs. Lin’s eyes widened, obviously taken aback, unable to find words to argue back.

Yin Bin was also quite taken aback.

He thought Qin Keqin was acknowledging him. He really wanted to tell this woman that without his hard efforts, the Milky Way would not be so brilliant, it really wouldn’t!

Keqin continued, “As for having a harmonious family, that’s really laughable. In a truly harmonious family, would a man only have intimate relations with his wife twice in the 26 years of marriage? The second time only just happened recently.”

Mrs. Lin looked at Keqin in disbelief.

Lin Ximeng knew because Yin Ying had told her before that Yin Bin and Keqin’s relationship was bad, and they had been sleeping in separate rooms since marriage.

“I have no reason to lie to you. I’ve actually slept with Yin Bin only twice. Who knew that luck would play such a part, and both times led to a pregnancy!”

Mrs. Lin was at a loss for words.

“As for having a son, if you had a son like Yin Qin, you would probably wish you didn’t. He’s never accomplished anything worthwhile in his whole life, except causing trouble. His so-called settling down, well he hasn’t established his career, and his family is a mess. He still doesn’t know which woman he loves, yet he’s impregnated another woman! What’s more, this so-called second child… believe it or not, I never planned on raising this child together with Yin Bin. I had prepared the divorce papers eight years ago.” Keqin said calmly, as if she was just narrating a story. She raised her eyebrows and asked Mrs. Lin, “So, do you think Yin Bin has lived a happy life?”

Mrs. Lin was at a loss for words.

She never thought Yin Bin’s life would be like this.

At that moment, she gritted her teeth and said, “But what does all this have to do with Ximeng? It’s your own tragedy, which was only caused by your loveless marriage!”

“This actually has a tremendous amount of connection with your daughter Ximeng!” Keqin emphasized, her voice seemingly colder, “If Ximeng hadn’t interfered in our marriage, would I have to be indifferent to Yin Bin for the rest of my life?”

“What do you mean interfered? You two never had a good relationship to begin with, even if she did interfere, would your relationship suddenly improve?!”

“Mrs. Lin, we’re both women. No woman would have a child for a man she doesn’t love! At least, I’m not that selfless!” Qin Keqin spoke with determination.

Yin Bin looked at Qin Keqin in disbelief.

Did she just mean… she had had a child for him because she liked him?

Setting aside the current child, he had indeed forced her back then.

But there was that one time with Yin Qin, they willingly slept together!

So, she liked him at that time?!

He really hadn’t realized it.

He might have thought their marriage could just get by before, but Qin Keqin’s calmness when she witnessed him and Lin Ximeng leaving the hotel made him believe she had never liked him.

His heart was racing, his palms were shivering due to the overwhelming feelings.

“I admit we have an arranged marriage, but not every arranged marriage is solely based on benefits. If it weren’t for your daughter’s involvement and the bitterness towards Yin Bin, would I have rejected him so much? Aunt Lin, as a woman, do you think you can accept your husband having murky relationships with other women?”

“I… I… But no matter what, you guys are not on good terms now, and you also mentioned wanting a divorce from Yin Bin. Why don’t you simply give way to Yin Bin and Ximeng since it is already like this?”

“I have been yielding, but your daughter just hasn’t been up to the task.” Qin Keqin said truthfully, without any hint of sarcasm.

Upon hearing this, Lin’s mother exploded, “Qin Keqin, what do you mean?”

“No point in lying to you, you can ask your daughter if it’s true.”

Lin’s mother turned to look at Lin Ximeng.

Lin Ximeng gritted her teeth, “If you are truly giving way why don’t you terminate the pregnancy? Without this child, Yin Bin wouldn’t pity you and come back to you!”

Qin Keqin sneered.

How could Lin Ximeng utter such words?

She had already conceded to this point, and yet Lin Ximeng was still demanding more.

What did she mean by terminating the pregnancy?!

Lin Ximeng said it as if it was such a light matter.

“Lin Ximeng, now I understand why Yin Bin doesn’t like you.”

Lin Ximeng glared back at her fiercely.

“So selfish and unscrupulous. It’s not only Yin Bin, but other men would also dislike you.”

“Qin Keqin, you keep mocking me just because you and Yin Bin are together now, always mocking me! I don’t want you to kill a life, I was just suggesting… if you are so righteous, why don’t you be more absolute, why don’t you completely let go of Yin Bin and me!” Lin Ximeng got emotional, “You still want to cling to Yin Bin, you just want me to know, even if you let go of Yin Bin, I can’t have him! Qin Keqin, how can you think this way, how can you be so excessive!”

“I really didn’t know I thought such a thing, how did you know?” Qin Keqin mocked.

Clearly inferring what Lin Ximeng was thinking.

Lin Ximeng was taken aback.

She couldn’t believe she was at a loss for words in front of Qin Keqin.

She always thought Qin Keqin was nothing more than a housewife.

Having heard she hadn’t worked since getting married, even if her family was rich, she supposedly lacked worldly experience, but to her surprise, the way Qin Keqin spoke was very forceful.

Even though she had always appeared indifferent.

Qin Keqin said, “But there is one thing you got right. I really don’t want to pave the way for you and Yin Bin anymore.”

Lin Ximeng looked at her.

“Although Yin Bin is not any good.”

Yin Bin’s face faintly changed.

“But still, he would be wasted on you!” Qin Keqin remarked objectively.

Lin Ximeng was so angry she was trembling.

But deep inside, Yin Bin felt a stirring again.

Although he didn’t feel praised by Qin Keqin, at least she still cared about him, cared about whether he would be mistreated by being involved with other women.

Why was he so cheap?!

Qin Keqin said, “Yin Bin, let’s go.”

Yin Bin immediately followed behind Qin Keqin.

“Let’s go. By staying here, we are disturbing Lin Ximeng’s rest. We shouldn’t disturb the patient’s rest.”

Yin Bin actively held Qin Keqin’s hand.

Qin Keqin didn’t reject him.

Just like that, the two of them, hand in hand, left.

“Don’t go!” Lin Ximeng watched their departing figures.

She watched their intimate expressions.

How could she accept this, when she almost died, threatened them with death, and instead made their relationship better? Wasn’t that like a slap in her face?!

She couldn’t accept this.

“Yin Bin, if you leave now, I will definitely die, I will definitely die in front of you!”

Yin Bin paused, he turned back to look at Lin Ximeng, and coldly said, “If you want to die, do it sooner.”

“Yin Bin!” Lin Ximeng screamed.

Her body trembled with fear.

Naturally, Lin’s mother couldn’t bear seeing her daughter like this. She aggressively stepped forward, stood in front of Yin Bin and Qin Keqin, blocking the door of the ward, “If you want to leave today, you will have to step over me!”

Qin Keqin raised an eyebrow.

“My daughter has gone to such lengths for you, you absolutely can’t just leave like this!” said Lin’s mother harshly.

“Didn’t she choose to go this far? Did I force her?” Yin Bin retorted.

“No matter what! My daughter wasted so many years of her prime for you. She wasted her life for you. Now she has nothing, you cannot just leave like this!”

“I have said it before, the idea of me marrying her is a fantasy!” Yin Bin’s face was cold, and he didn’t spare any feelings.

“You don’t have to marry her!” said Lin’s mother fiercely, “At least, there should be financial compensation, at least her future financial needs should be secured!”

Yin Bin frowned.

He said, “I gave your daughter a huge sum of money, enough for her two lifetimes. Didn’t she tell you?!”

Lin’s mother was completely taken aback.

She didn’t know.

Lin Ximeng told her that she had given everything for Yin Bin and got nothing in return.

That’s why she wanted to come find Yin Bin!

In fact, she had broken off relations with her daughter long ago. That year, when Lin Ximeng took 5 million from Yin Bin’s parents and only gave her 500,000. The rest of the money was taken overseas. She had long held a grudge about this. If she was not looking for advantages from Yin Bin, she would not have come to help her daughter!

For many years her daughter was abroad, and she scarcely kept in contact. She had assumed her daughter was long dead!

She turned her head fiercely and glared at Lin Ximeng.

Feeling her mother’s gaze, Lin Ximeng clenched her teeth, not saying anything.

Lin’s mother turned back and asked Yin Bin, “How much did you give her?”

Yin Bin held up two fingers.

“2 million?” asked Lin’s mother.

Yin Bin shook his head.

“20 million?” Lin’s mother was slightly excited.

She was hardly able to contain her joy.

Yin Bin continued to shake his head.

Lin’s mother didn’t dare guess anymore.

Yin Bin bluntly said, “200 million!”

At that moment, Lin’s mother nearly fainted with shock.

200 million.

Forget Lin Ximeng’s two lifetimes, it was enough for their entire family for two lifetimes.

She appeared dumbfounded.

At that moment, Qin Keqin was actually dumbfounded by Yin Bin.

For a woman he didn’t love, he spent 200 million!

200 million.

She was trembling out of anger. She said, “Yin Bin, you gave Lin Ximeng 200 million?!”

Admit it.

Women are very sensitive to money.

They really care about it.

They can’t be calm about it.

Yin Bin nodded.

Because he didn’t want any trouble, he wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible, so he gave her a wealth worth 200 million in one go.

He always thought that a problem that could be solved with money wasn’t really a problem.

As long as this trouble went away, it didn’t matter if it was a bit much.

However, he didn’t expect that after giving so much, Lin Ximeng would still pull a stunt like this.

“Get it back.” said Qin Keqin, word by word.

Crystal clear.

Yin Bin looked disbelievingly at Qin Keqin.

He always thought that Qin Keqin wouldn’t care about these material things.

Besides, he still had many more lots of 200 million. If she wanted them, he would give them all to her.

“Get it back!” Qin Keqin said fiercely.

Her husband’s money, how could it be used to support another woman.

And such a woman that she considered unworthy.

“Really like this?” Yin Bin asked.

“How many times do I have to say it?!” Qin Keqin gritted her teeth.

Yin Bin said, “Then I will make a phone call and freeze the account.”

He believed that Lin Ximeng probably wasn’t smart enough to have moved the money already.

After all, once Yin Bin gave something away, he never thought about getting it back.

Even if he was stingy, he still had that much tolerance!

Indeed, Lin Ximeng hadn’t yet had a chance to touch that money.

Yin Bin picked up the phone.

When Lin’s mother heard the account was going to be frozen, she became more excited than ever before, “Once you have given it, how can you take it back? Don’t make that call, don’t make that call!”

Yin Bin only listened to Qin Keqin.

Lin’s mother, angered, grabbed Yin Bin’s hand to prevent him from making the phone call.

Yin Bin’s face looked a little ugly, but because Lin’s mother was elderly, he didn’t dare to be too rough.

On the other hand, Qin Keqin suddenly pushed Lin’s mother away.

Lin’s mother stared fiercely at Qin Keqin.

Lin’s mother’s daughter and son also came forward, their faces full of anger!

In front of money, even family ties can be forgotten!

Qin Keqin didn’t care.

She looked at Lin’s mother and coldly said, “Don’t disrespect your age. If you dare to come forward, I will immediately fall to the ground. Then, we’ll see if the police will believe you, an old woman, or me, a pregnant woman!”

Mrs. Lin was utterly distraught.

“I am an older pregnant woman, and could easily have a miscarriage. I’m sure Auntie Lin wouldn’t want to spend her old age in jail.”

“You, you, you…” Mrs. Lin was trembling with fury.

At this moment, her daughter and son dared not to step forward.

“Yin Bin, my daughter has put up with being a widow for so many years for you. Even if she hasn’t done great deeds, she has suffered a lot. You can’t possibly let her live like this for her whole life! Don’t you fear that the child in your belly will face retribution?” Mrs. Lin cursed aloud.

Qin Keqin’s face turned terribly ugly.

At the mention of the baby in her belly, she really couldn’t keep her composure.

She stepped forward to confront Mrs. Lin.

Yin Bin quickly wrapped his arms around her, angrily stated, “I had originally planned to leave hundreds or even thousands of millions for Lin Ximeng, but now, I won’t leave her a penny!”

“You, you, my daughter remained unmarried for you, she made so many sacrifices for you and you have no conscience. I will expose you, I will contact the media to expose your heartless and ungracious behavior!”

“Originally, I didn’t intend to be so ruthless, and wanted to leave some face for your daughter Lin Ximeng. However, since you are being unreasonable, I don’t need to consider anything for you anymore,” Yin Bin stared directly at Mrs. Lin. “Do you really think that your daughter was chaste and single all these years abroad for me? No, she was just having fun abroad, ran out of money, ran out of men, and so she came back to me.”

“On what grounds are you slandering my daughter, on what grounds do you slander her like this!”

Yin Bin nonchalantly pulled up some photos on his phone, then covered Qin Keqin’s eyes, gently saying, “It’s bad for the prenatal education.”

The next second.

One by one, photos of Lin Ximeng dating and passionately kissing different men abroad, even some very unsightly ones, appeared on Yin Bin’s phone.

Mrs. Lin didn’t want to believe it, she couldn’t accept that these were real.

She glared at the screen, then turned her head to stare at Lin Ximeng, almost passing out from rage.

“There are also videos, do you want them?” Yin Bin raised an eyebrow.

At that moment, Mrs. Lin felt like she was falling apart.

Lin Ximeng looked at Yin Bin in disbelief, she exclaimed, “How could you have these photos, how could you? You’ve been investigating me, you’ve been investigating me! Yin Bin you actually investigated me! So, all this time you truly had no feelings for me, no feelings at all!”

And she still had the nerve to act like a victim!

Yin Bin sneered, “Not just recently, but for quite a long time I had no feelings for you. As for the investigation… Yes, I did investigate you, not because I didn’t trust you, not to get back together with you, but because I didn’t want to have any trouble at this point. It seems that it did come in handy.”

“What do you mean!” Lin Ximeng shrieked.

“Let’s put it this way, when I decided to play along with you, I had people investigate your past activities abroad. Luckily, foreigners tend to be more open-minded, so your boyfriends left behind many intimate photos of you, allowing me to see all of this.”

“If you knew, why didn’t you tell me, why did you let me act like this in front of you, why!” Lin Ximeng screamed.

The way she had acted in front of him all this time… how shameful and disgusting it was!

“Why? It’s just to keep playing along with you. What’s more, for me, these things don’t matter, so there’s no need to worry about your past. I just didn’t expect you to use our past to threaten me. If you hadn’t threatened me, I wouldn’t have revealed all your ugly deeds,” Yin Bin said coldly. “Lin Ximeng, you reap what you sow.”

“Ha, ha…” Lin Ximeng was laughing maniacally.

At that moment, she seemed to not expect that things would turn out this way.

All her disguises were ripped apart, how could she have the face to live in this world.

Despite Lin Ximeng’s breakdown, Yin Bin remained unmoved.

He said to Mrs. Lin, “So now, what makes you think you have any right to demand responsibility from me?!”

“You, you, you…” Mrs. Lin was so speechless at that moment.

She glared at Yin Bin intensively.

She glared fiercely at him.

“I take back my two hundred million offer, you fend for yourselves.”

“No, no, don’t do that Yin Bin, I know 200 million is nothing to you, no, no, no, even 20 million, no, no, no, 5 million will do. 5 million will be fine, okay?” Mrs. Lin begged, “Anyway, it’s just spare change for you, just consider it charity and help us out!”

Yin Bin scoffed.

In fact, he could have agreed to that.

At the moment when he was wavering

Qin Keqin firmly stated, “From now on, his money can only support one woman, me!”

Yin Bin was trembling all over.

What did that sentence mean?

Did it mean that Qin Keqin wanted him to support her now?!

This signified, signified…

He dared not to think further.

Qin Keqin took Yin Bin’s hand and left immediately.

Mrs. Lin did not stop them this time.

Watching their backs, she was enraged almost to the point of madness.

Yet, she couldn’t find any reason for Yin Bin to give them money.

Thinking about how 200 million had just vanished right in front of her, she exploded with fury.

She stormed towards her daughter, and a resounding slap landed on Lin Ximeng’s face, “You lowlife, you shameless thing, you’ve completely lost face for our family, you faceless slut…”

Both Qin Keqin and Yin Bin paused in their steps.

Both of them turned around, looking at Mrs. Lin abusing and hitting Lin Ximeng.

Not only did Lin Ximeng’s siblings in the sickroom not help her, but they also joined their mother in cursing Lin Ximeng, saying she was ungrateful, immoral, and deserved to die!

At that moment.

Yin Bin and Qin Keqin left in silent agreement.

As for Lin Ximeng, this was the fate she deserved.

She was abandoned by everyone, left with nothing.

The pair headed towards the car parked in the hospital garage.

Their hands were still holding each other.

Yin Bin reluctantly let go of her.

Qin Keqin’s eyes moved slightly.

Yin Bin opened the back door of the car.

Qin Keqin got in.

Yin Bin turned around, intending to go to the driver’s seat.

In that moment, he was suddenly pulled back by Qin Keqin.

Yin Bin’s heart was racing, accelerating wildly.

He could really feel the difference in Qin Keqin’s attitude towards him. She was clearly helping him, helping him throughout the whole process.

He looked at her.

Then he heard Qin Keqin say, “Yin Bin, are you really an idiot?!”

At that moment, Yin Bin felt as if his brain was about to explode.

He thought, he thought…

He shouldn’t have had any expectations for Qin Keqin after all.

He heard Qin Keqin say, “Knowing full well what kind of person Lin Ximeng is, you still tolerate her, even giving her 200 million …”

Mentioning 200 million, thinking about how it almost ended up in Lin Ximeng’s pocket, her head started to ache.

“You must have inherited your intelligence from Yin Qin!” Qin Keqin expressed in a reproachful tone.

“Do you think I wanted to? I just wanted to get rid of Lin Ximeng so that we could be together in peace, without any further disturbance from her. I thought that I could quickly resolve this issue with money! I didn’t want to waste a single second, wanting to be by your side, caring for you and our baby!”

“Was it any use?” Qin Keqin asked.

Yin Bin gritted his teeth.

“So you are an idiot!”

“Yes, yes, yes, I am an idiot! Only an idiot would still love you to the point of madness after you’ve made me abstain for so many years!”


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