My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 99: Transferring to be Your Classmate

Chapter 99

Shi's father and Huang Jie had been watching their daughter's actions intently. When they saw her extend her hand for the customary gift, the couple had to stifle their laughter. They were relieved; their daughter wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her when she went out into the world.

Modern people rarely carry cash or red envelopes, let alone Youngest Uncle Shi, who had been struggling since leaving home. His abilities were mediocre at best, and his first marriage had been supported by his family and in-laws. One could only imagine how his work and life had fared after he set out on his own.

Shi Li had heard from her eldest aunt that Shi's Grandmother often secretly gave money to support her youngest son.

The eldest uncle and aunt knew about this but didn't expose the old lady's actions, fearing that Youngest Uncle Shi might actually die out there.

Youngest Uncle Shi lacked the ability to earn money, but nearly forty years of living in a wealthy family had cultivated his habit of spending lavishly. After being kicked out, even with Shi's Grandmother's occasional support, he didn't have much money.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have shamelessly returned to the old house, talking about family reunions.

Shi Li extended her hand for the customary gift, but Youngest Uncle Shi not only had no cash on him, he couldn't even make a digital transfer.

Youngest Uncle Shi made a gesture of patting his pockets. "Ah Li, your uncle left in a hurry and didn't bring a red envelope. Do you think I could make it up to you later?"

Childless for many years after marriage, Youngest Uncle Shi had always been good to his brother's children. He hoped to appeal to Shi Li's emotions, seeing if he could get away with this situation.

Whether he could get away with it depended entirely on whether Shi Li would let him off the hook.

Unfortunately, Shi Li chose to strictly adhere to her principles.

Shi Li stood up and bowed deeply to the woman, full of apology. "Without the customary gift, I'm afraid I can't address you differently. Hello, Mrs. Hong."

Shi's father and his wife couldn't hold back their laughter this time. They never imagined their daughter could be so cutting with her words.

Hong Yan, sitting next to Youngest Uncle Shi, was so angry her mouth nearly twisted. This little girl was clearly also from a wealthy family, yet her words were full of the stench of money. All she talked about was money, opening and closing.

She didn't seem like a rich second generation, but more like a calculating middle-aged woman from the streets.

Shi's Grandmother particularly disliked this woman who had lured away her son. Shi Li's refusal to give Hong Yan face actually pleased her, so Shi's Grandmother pretended not to notice.

Because of Shi Li, Hong Yan had been christened with the title of "Mrs. Hong" in this family.

While her husband was called "Youngest Uncle," she was addressed as "Mrs. Hong."

This clearly marked her as an outsider.

Without Hong Yan having to remind him, Youngest Uncle Shi also felt this wasn't right, but being able to return home was already an act of mercy from his older brother and mother. He didn't dare ask for too much.

Three years away had taught him to read the room and not be tactless.

When mealtime came, Eldest Uncle Shi and Eldest Aunt finally returned home hand in hand.

Shi Li always felt that these two weren't really busy with company matters, but simply didn't want to see Youngest Uncle and Hong Yan.

The male and female cousins from Eldest Uncle's family were also at home, coming downstairs from the upper floor when it was time to eat.

Shi Li had more topics to discuss with her cousins. She chatted with her male cousin about his foolish classmate, Second Young Master Fu, who had a girlfriend his family didn't quite approve of.

With her female cousin, she gossiped about the vice principal at school having an affair with a male teacher. Her male cousin listened in bewilderment, "Your principal is something else, not an ordinary person."

Shi Li nodded, indeed not an ordinary person.

While the younger generation huddled together gossiping, Youngest Uncle Shi brought up, "Big brother, do you think there's still a place for me to work in the company?"

Hearing this, Eldest Uncle Shi threw his chopsticks on the table. "When you left home back then, didn't you say you'd never come back, and that company matters had nothing to do with you anymore?"

The younger generation, who had been whispering and gossiping, were startled into silence by the sound of Eldest Uncle Shi slamming down his chopsticks, suddenly as quiet as quails.

Eldest Uncle Shi was the family patriarch and commanded great authority at home. When he got angry, everyone from Shi's father to the younger generation became very obedient.

Eldest Aunt Shi nudged her husband, reminding him to show some consideration for grandmother.

Shi's father tried to mediate, smoothing things over. "Let's not talk about work while we're eating. The good food won't taste right. If there's anything to discuss, let's do it after the meal."

Then, feigning seriousness, he also reprimanded the three siblings discussing gossip, "You three youngsters remember this too: no talking while eating or sleeping. Don't chat during meals."

The three who were caught in the crossfire: o(╯□╰)o

Because of this little interlude, no one really enjoyed the meal.

A table full of dishes, and more than half was left uneaten.

After the meal, Shi Li and her cousins were sent upstairs, told to go play up there.

Shi Li didn't know what the adults discussed, but when her parents called her back downstairs, Youngest Uncle Shi's eyes and brows were filled with barely concealed joy, and even Hong Yan wore a delighted expression.

Turning her head, she saw her father's expression was neutral, while Huang Jie wore a look of amusement.

Shi Li then knew that Youngest Uncle must have achieved his wish.

As for how, it certainly wasn't brotherly love, but must have been Shi's Grandmother interceding on his behalf.

Soon to have an official position, Youngest Uncle Shi spoke more confidently than usual.

He called out to Shi Li as she came downstairs, "Ah Li, come here. Your uncle has one more thing to trouble you with."

When Huang Jie heard her brother-in-law say he had something to trouble her daughter with, her face immediately showed traces of impatience.

Her brother-in-law was really pushing his luck.

But Shi Li didn't respond directly, "I'm just a child, how could I possibly help you with anything? You're really overestimating me."

"Ah Li, you're a big girl now. I heard your grades at school are very good..."

Eldest Uncle Shi was very impatient with his youngest brother, "Just say what you want to say, or get out if you're going to beat around the bush. Our family doesn't have that bad habit."

Youngest Uncle Shi rubbed his nose, "Big brother, you really don't mince words."

"It's like this, your aunt's family has a younger sister who's in the same grade as you, also in her first year of high school. I want to transfer her to your school to be your classmate. I hope you can look after her, so your uncle can feel more at ease."


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