My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 8: The whole class collectively heads to the scene to eat melons

Chapter 8

Wei Yi kindly reminded the driver, "Teacher Zheng, I'm not in a rush. Please prioritize traffic safety when driving."

Hearing Wei Yi's reminder, the politics teacher's agitated mood gradually calmed down.

Indeed, there were two precious students in the car. How could she dare to speed?

Wei Yi truly wasn't in a hurry. Teacher Zheng thought this child was considering her situation, after all, if an accident occurred now, even if there was a reason, the students' parents wouldn't let her off easily.

Her feelings instantly shifted from pity to fondness.

As the car slowed down, Shi Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

[Phew, life saved]

[If Teacher Zheng quits this job, she could become a race car driver]

Shi Li's sarcasm might be delayed, but it would never be absent.

Wei Yi's hard-earned melancholy almost cracked in an instant because of her comment.

Outside the emergency room, Wei Yi's Mother was already waiting.

Wei Yi stepped forward to embrace her mother. Seeing her daughter, Wei Yi's Mother's tears flowed more intensely.

Wei Yi patted her mother's back, "Mom, don't worry. Dad will be fine."

"Mom knows. You don't need to worry either."

Teacher Zheng stepped forward to exchange a few words with Wei Yi's Mother, then sat down with Shi Li on the chairs in the corridor.

Logically, after sending Wei Yi to the hospital, she should have left. However, since Shi Li hadn't left yet, she decided it was better not to leave now.

She had brought Shi Li out, so she needed to at least ensure the student was safely taken home by her family before she could feel at ease.

Teacher Zheng had barely sat down when her phone rang.

The caller ID showed it was Teacher Ying, the English teacher for Class 1.

Teacher Zheng glanced at the time. English class should still be in session now.

Why would Teacher Ying have time to call her? Teacher Zheng's heart skipped a beat, wondering if something had happened to the students.

Answering the call, Teacher Ying's somewhat apologetic voice came through the receiver, "You've arrived at the hospital, right?"

"Just got here not long ago."

"I should have called you earlier, but I was worried you might rush and have an accident while driving."

"Teacher Ying, just tell me what's going on."

"Well, shortly after you left with the two students, the remaining students in your class said they were worried about their classmates and wanted to see if there was anything they could do to help."

At that time, the class troublemaker had brought this up, and she was about to tell them not to cause trouble and to focus on the lesson.

But then the other students in the class acted as if they'd heard the dismissal bell, all standing up and running out.

Oh, no, it wasn't quite like hearing the dismissal bell.

When the actual dismissal bell rings, the little rascals at least pack up their bags.

The students in the class, in less than half a minute, had completely cleared out.

They'd never been this efficient even during fire drills.

However, two students remained in the classroom. Looking at the only two left, Teacher Ying felt extremely touched.

Qianpu Middle School is an elite school. Besides children from wealthy and powerful families, children from ordinary families can also study here.

As long as their grades are excellent enough, they can enter Qianpu Middle School.

Qianpu Middle School has always treated everyone equally, never discriminating against children from ordinary backgrounds, and absolutely not admitting them to be punching bags for the princes and princesses.

For this category of children, Qianpu offers the greatest preferential treatment: free tuition, no miscellaneous fees, and even scholarships for those ranking in the top five of the entire school in exams.

These students from ordinary backgrounds but with top grades are Qianpu Middle School's catfish, motivating the young masters and misses to work harder and be more competitive.

Rarity increases value. Although these students come from average backgrounds, the teachers quite like these hardworking, good children in their hearts.

Moreover, when interacting with these children, teachers don't have to worry about offending anyone.

The ones still sitting in their seats who hadn't left were the students who had entered Qianpu based on their grades.

Teacher Ying used the gentlest tone she had ever used in her life and said, "Bian Qing and Qiao Jingjia, you're both good students. Let's continue with the class."

Because of your loyalty to me today, not abandoning or giving up, you are now my disciples. I shall impart all my life's knowledge to you in this one class.

These thoughts had barely completed a revolution in her brain when she heard her so-called good student Qiao Jingjia speak up, "I'm sorry, teacher, but I also want to go see if there's anything I can help with."

He wanted to go and see the drama unfold too. He hadn't run as fast as the other classmates because he needed to use the restroom first, fearing he might suddenly need to go during a crucial moment.

Since he wasn't in a rush to leave, he decided to pack up his bag first.

Teacher Ying: ...... Teacher Ying's heart shattered into eight pieces.

At least... at least this student was willing to take his bag with him.

So now, all the students in Class 1 had run off.

The usually stern-faced Teacher Zheng couldn't help but curse, "What help could they possibly offer? Do they think they're doctors or nurses who can enter the emergency room and save patients?"

Shi Li, sitting right next to Teacher Zheng and clearly hearing their conversation: ......


This was different from her previous life.

Teacher Zheng was a veteran at the school. In the past, she had a fiery temper, and many teachers at the school had been on the receiving end of her outbursts, even the principal hadn't escaped.

Now that she was older, she had started to cultivate her character, and her temper had improved considerably.

Just now, with that one sentence, the memory etched in the DNA of Qianpu Middle School teachers gradually awakened in Teacher Ying's brain.

Even through the phone, she still timidly shrank her neck.

She defended herself, "You know the students don't listen to me." The subtext being, those little ancestors, who could possibly control them?

At this point, what else could Teacher Zheng say? "Alright, I understand. Thank you for your trouble, Teacher Ying."

Now she could only hope that these little ancestors had come to the hospital after leaving early.

Not to some messy place. Otherwise, if something happened, how could they explain it to their families?

Not long after Teacher Zheng hung up the phone, she turned her head to see a group of familiar faces.

They were still wearing their school uniforms. Despite clearly skipping class, they didn't look the least bit guilty upon seeing their teacher.

But thankfully, these kids had indeed come to the hospital.

However, she had only just sat down not five minutes ago, and these little ones had already arrived. Didn't that mean that as soon as she left, these little brats had skipped class?

Teacher Zheng's brow furrowed tightly once again.

Teacher Zheng's guess wasn't wrong. As soon as she had driven out of the school grounds,

the students of Class 1 had staged their rebellion and escaped class.

They had even made preparations to skip class long ago, already knowing when Wei Yi's father would have his accident.

They had booked a bus in advance for a group activity. The class monitor had reserved a coach that could just accommodate all the students in their class.

The main reason they didn't ask their family drivers to pick them up was to avoid their parents finding out they were skipping class.

Teacher Zheng set off early, but in the latter half of the journey, after Wei Yi reminded her about safe driving, she slowed down her speed.

Meanwhile, the students from Class 1, afraid of missing the plot, kept urging their driver to go faster.

They even made up a touching story about their homeroom teacher having a moment of clarity before death, wanting to see the students she had taught one last time.

The homeroom teacher, who had been assigned to study abroad during the summer vacation and hadn't even seen this group of students once, was already being scripted by her own students to have a deathbed epiphany.

The homeroom teacher thought to herself: This is truly a case of "being screwed over".


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