My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 77: My Husband is Working as a Prostitute

Chapter 77

Director Zhu was in a foul mood. Upon seeing the students and their teacher at the school gate, he immediately launched into a tirade against the teacher.

"The bell has already rung for class. Why aren't you in the classroom managing your students instead of standing around here?"

In the winter, students were all bundled up in thick down jackets, hats, scarves, and gloves. He hadn't realized that these were actually students from Class 1 standing outside the school.

He always had two faces when dealing with students and teachers. He was obsequious towards students from wealthy families but heavy-handed with his subordinate teachers. This was his usual manner.

Faced with over thirty students wrapped up like dumplings, he became very polite. "Students, it's far too cold outside. You'll freeze if you stay out here. Please return to your warm classroom."

The students ignored him. The class teacher, who had always been subject to his casual scolding, said, "With final exams approaching, I've brought the students outside for some practical experience, to get a feel for the moral etiquette of ordinary people. This is something they can't learn in the classroom—an important lesson related to life itself."

Students from other classes, overhearing this teacher from another class standing up to Director Zhu, couldn't help but inwardly cheer. This teacher was so brave—they liked that character.

Shi Li inwardly exclaimed, [Wow, the teacher finally showed some backbone!]

Hearing Shi Li's praise, the class teacher proudly puffed out his chest. That's right, he was quite the man. He should say things like this more often in the future.

Of course, the reason the class teacher dared to openly confront his superior wasn't because he had suddenly grown a pair and become a real man. Rather, he had calculated that Principal Lu would certainly be fired from the school. Once Director Zhu lost his only powerful backer, he would surely be purged and fired as Principal Lu's underling.

If he didn't take this chance to throw a few jabs now, he might never get another opportunity.

Director Zhu, accustomed to years of respect, couldn't tolerate this. He was about to unleash his anger on the class teacher.

"Is that how you speak to your superiors? Don't you understand respect for elders? Has all your education gone to the dogs?"

The class teacher smiled slightly, flashing a row of white teeth at him. "Director Zhu, you'd better not worry about me right now. There's someone over there waiting for you to explain yourself."

Having his face slapped by a subordinate, Director Zhu was very displeased. But now there were more pressing matters that required his attention.

He walked up to his sister. "Sis, you should go home. As the saying goes, family shame should not be aired in public. It's really unseemly to let outsiders know about family matters."

He felt that his sister was making a mountain out of a molehill. To make such a fuss over a small matter—how inconsiderate. Did she have to make everyone lose face before she'd be satisfied?

Principal Lu was too embarrassed to come out and persuade his wife, so he had to send his brother-in-law to resolve the situation.

Director Zhu, relying on his brother-in-law's position at the school for his future, naturally put his heart and soul into the task.

"How are my brother-in-law and I supposed to show our faces at school after this?"

Mrs. Zhu, having already committed to making a scene, no longer had a good impression of even her own brother.

As Director Zhu approached, she slapped him across the face.

A long scratch was left on Director Zhu's face from the white gold ring setting on his sister's palm.

Director Zhu's parents had favored sons over daughters, so his elder sister had never hit him before. This was the first time he'd been struck, and he couldn't believe it. He was about to hit back.

The bodyguards behind Mrs. Zhu were not to be trifled with. As soon as Director Zhu raised his hand, they restrained his arms. Then Director Zhu received another slap, harder than the first. Clearly, his sister was angered by his attempt to raise a hand against her.

Director Zhu shouted for the security guards to come help him, but the school's security guards weren't his personal bodyguards.

As long as these people weren't harming the students, they didn't intend to intervene.

Everyone could see clearly that while Director Zhu was still a director today, it was uncertain whether he'd still be a teacher at the school after today.

Moreover, this was a family matter that had nothing to do with outsiders, so it was best not to meddle.

Unable to break free from the grip of the burly men, Director Zhu could only resort to verbal output. "Are you still my sister? How could you hit me?"

Mrs. Zhu's girlfriends hadn't just come to show support. Hearing this wretch insult their friend, they couldn't hold back.

Taking advantage of Director Zhu being restrained, they were much more vicious than his own sister.

Pig-like screams erupted at the school gate.

Shi Li pondered for a long while, [Actually, this Director Zhu has fairly clear features and bright eyes.]

Everyone: ...Ah... Is your taste really that heavy? Didn't you call him a pig-head before?

[He must have been quite good-looking when he was younger, seeing how beautiful his sister is.]

Everyone took a closer look at Director Zhu's face. Ignoring the greasy parts, he was actually not bad.

[Is the relationship between him and Principal Lu purely that of brothers-in-law?]

Everyone: Your imagination is too wild. We can't compare.

But then again, how could it not be possible?

Their gazes towards Director Zhu now contained "admiration". You even dared to lay hands on your own brother-in-law? You're really something else.

Is this the decline of morality or the distortion of human nature? Stay tuned for today's episode of "Morality and Law".

After being beaten, Director Zhu had lost his initial arrogance and turned to begging his sisters for mercy.

"Sis, I was wrong. Please tell them to stop hitting me."

More than her husband's betrayal, what pained her most was her brother's complicity in concealing it. Her friends beside her understood why she was so angry, and they beat the pig-head meat even more forcefully.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Principal Lu never showed his face. They only saw the pig-head meat being severely beaten.

Everyone disliked Director Zhu, and watching this scene made them feel quite satisfied.

At the school gate, they had witnessed quite a show, and everyone was very pleased.

However, they didn't realize that an even bigger drama was unfolding inside the teaching building.

The man who had played a cameo role as the male lead in the short video also had a wife who taught at the school. Naturally, she had seen her husband while passing by outside the school.

Her husband was working as a gigolo outside, and the video had been thrown in her face. This had caused her no small amount of pain.

As if that wasn't enough, all her colleagues had seen it too.


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