My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 71: Principal Lü has inappropriate relationships with many teachers

Chapter 71

Shi Li's ears were numb from listening to what could only be described as an award speech worthy of "Inspiring China." A towering figure appeared before her.

[The "Inspiring China" production team's failure to hire you as a copywriter is their loss]

Despite his somewhat nonsensical statement, Shi Li, due to her good upbringing, didn't interrupt him.

But she was actually quite bored already.

Usually, when the principal or students gave speeches at school assemblies, she would let her mind wander to other things.

In her mind, this guy had clearly taken on the image of a dimwit.

The sky outside had already turned pitch black, and she couldn't let him continue spouting useless words.

Shi Li returned to their previous topic, "It's alright, your boss is a good person, but we can't let good people suffer losses. You should keep this money for now. If there's any extra, you can use it to improve the lives of the pets you've adopted."

"Feather Duster" sighed, "You truly are beautiful inside and out."

"Come, let's exchange contact information. If there are any issues later, we can get in touch through this number."

"Feather Duster" nodded in agreement, allowing Shi Li to take control of the situation.

After everything was settled, Shi Li prepared to leave.

Before leaving, she gave the mother cat's head a pat, waking up the tabby cat that had been sleeping.

The tabby cat lazily glared at her, turning its head to the other side to continue sleeping.

The person who had disturbed the cat's dreams showed no remorse, instead letting out a burst of laughter.

Fu Huixing walked her to the door, "It's dark now, and this alley is quite secluded. It's not safe for a girl to be alone. Let me walk you home."

Shi Li naturally remembered the previous incident, and since Fu Huixing offered to accompany her, she certainly wouldn't refuse.

Waiting at the entrance of the study room, Shi Li was just thinking about exchanging some pleasantries before saying goodbye to Fu Huixing.

He looked towards the diagonal front, the cold white light from inside falling on his face, allowing Shi Li to clearly see his strong facial features.

"Thank you for today."

[It's getting late, you should head back soon]

She was just waiting for him to say "You're welcome" so she could drop these two sentences.

"No need to thank me. I'm planning to have some boiled food for dinner, would you like to join?"

"Sure, let's go." Shi Li instantly forgot about parting ways.

To show that she wasn't just a glutton with food on her mind, she added, "This time, it's my treat. I haven't properly thanked you for helping me yet."

"I think you've already thanked me." The banner and gold medal.

Shi Li tossed out a sentence and dashed into the study room like the wind, leaving behind words that floated into his ears, "Wait for me for a minute, I'm going to pack up my schoolbag!"

The Gu sisters had already left the study room, and a young couple now occupied their original seats.

Gu Yuqing had come solely for Shi Li's sake, so naturally, she wouldn't stay long after Shi Li left.

Before eating, they took their schoolbags with them, called for the family driver to wait near the food street, and the sisters went straight home after dinner.

Shi Li did the same, getting into her family's car after finishing dinner with Fu Huixing.

Since she had promised to go to the study room with Gu Yuqing next time, she wouldn't go back on her word. She sincerely invited Gu Yuqing to go out together the following evening.

Gu Yuqing had no other plans for the evening, and even if she did, she would have canceled them.

After all, it was the first time Shi Li had actively invited her out, an opportunity that had never occurred before.

Even though this was Shi Li's way of making up for standing her up the day before, Gu Yuqing was still overjoyed.

During the self-study period before school let out, Shi Li usually completed the homework assigned by teachers that day, so she could do her own things after returning home.

Today, she was planning to treat the Gu sisters to dinner after school, which might take a long time, so she hoped to finish as much homework as possible at school.

However, things don't always go as planned. Just ten minutes into the self-study period, the broadcast suddenly came on. The voice of the grade director, Director Zhu, came through the speakers, carrying a hint of oiliness even through the wires.

As for the content of the broadcast, not a single word was useful.

It was about some new grade regulations, ridiculous rules like not allowing trash in trash cans or books on desks.

Although Shi Li was working on math problems, the broadcast's voice inevitably crept into her ears, and she naturally heard it.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes dramatically, inwardly criticizing, [I wonder whose brain got kicked by a donkey to come up with these kinds of rules]

Everyone couldn't agree more.

The class monitor was in the middle of memorizing ancient texts when the broadcast's voice disturbed him. The content of the broadcast was equally infuriating, so he simply got up from his seat in the back row, went to the podium, and turned off the broadcast.

With that, the classroom fell silent, with only faint sounds coming from the corridor. Everyone put on their headphones in unison, blocking out the annoying noise.

Shi Li thought to herself, [It's supposed to be a private school, but this pig-headed director has all the bureaucratic airs of a public school]

She had attended the best public middle school in the city, and with her grades, she could have advanced to the best provincial key high school. But because she couldn't stand some of the attitudes there, she ultimately chose Qianpu School.

Everyone strongly agreed with Shi Li's assessment, their discontent with Director Zhu was far from trivial.

Also, since he only occasionally irritated everyone without causing any substantial harm, as he wasn't a teacher they frequently interacted with, no one had complained to the school about replacing him.

After putting on headphones and blocking out external sounds, the matter was forgotten until after school ended.

No one took Director Zhu's words seriously. In the past, he would occasionally issue some half-baked decisions, but no student ever paid attention to them.

Even the teachers wouldn't require students to follow his so-called regulations.

No one expected that the homeroom teacher would be singled out and reprimanded by Director Zhu at the grade-level meeting for such a trivial matter.

It was Sun Yiling who, while passing by the meeting room, heard Director Zhu's angry voice. She was initially gloating, wondering which unfortunate soul was being scolded by Director Zhu, but the next second she heard him call out her homeroom teacher's full name.

Sun Yiling's smile instantly froze. Although they hadn't known their homeroom teacher for long, he was still one of their own. How could he be scolded by that pig-headed director, and in public, in front of all his colleagues? It was too humiliating.

To find out why the pig-headed director was scolding their homeroom teacher, Sun Yiling quietly approached the door.

After listening for a few minutes, she understood the reason for the scolding.

It was about the new regulations announced over the broadcast during self-study period two days ago. Their class had left books on their desks after class, so the homeroom teacher was being criticized for it.

Sun Yiling didn't need to hear any more, so she ran back to the classroom.

Unable to keep the news to herself, she blurted out everything to everyone as soon as she returned to the classroom.

"I just passed by the meeting room and heard Pig Head scolding our homeroom teacher because we left books on our desks after class."

Everyone: ???

It was so absurd that everyone doubted the validity of what she was saying.

"Our homeroom teacher will definitely scold us when he comes back, and make us follow those ridiculous rules."

Half a class period later, the homeroom teacher returned, but his expression was normal. He neither got angry nor mentioned any requirements to the class.

Seeing everyone studying quietly, he seemed somewhat satisfied.

His attitude made it seem like Sun Yiling had been lying earlier, so naturally, she had to prove herself.

So before the homeroom teacher left, she asked, "Teacher, were you just scolded by Director Zhu?"

Hearing this, Shi Li couldn't help but cover her face [Oh, this silly child, I've never seen anyone so honest]

The homeroom teacher calmly said, "It's nothing major, just some work-related matters."

[That's putting it mildly, it's clearly Pig Head Director having one of his regular meltdowns]

As a teacher, he needed to maintain his dignity in front of students and couldn't laugh out loud, but holding back his laughter was quite difficult.

The irritation from being scolded for no reason earlier dissipated in an instant.

What could be more satisfying than hearing someone insult a tyrannical leader? Nothing!

Shi Li rested her chin on her hand, her gaze scanning up and down the homeroom teacher's figure.

[I never noticed before, but the teacher is quite handsome, look at those long legs]

The homeroom teacher, who had just been secretly delighting in the situation, was suddenly complimented on his physique by his student in front of the whole class.

His face turned bright red on the spot, thinking to himself that kids these days were really bold. Back in his day...

[Director Zhu is Principal Lu's brother-in-law]

Within the school, this wasn't a secret.

This is also why Director Zhu, despite his poor rapport with the masses and management skills that could barely keep his head above water, could still firmly hold the position of grade director.

It's all because he has a good brother-in-law.

[Sigh, Principal Lu has improper relationships with many teachers in our school]

The class teacher: !!! Oh, there's such a thing?

He now knew it. After learning this secret about Principal Lu, he could bring her down.

With Director Zhu's backer gone, he wouldn't be able to stay in this school any longer.

Shi Li is truly a considerate and good child, bringing him the most needed information at present.

The class teacher was still too young and naive.

Rather than saying the students understood Shi Li well, it would be more accurate to say that through Shi Li, they understood the lower limits of human nature.

It always felt like there was more hidden information in Shi Li's words.

[Those teachers all look dignified and quite handsome, how could they be willing to sleep with Principal Lu?]

Class teacher: Wait, what did you say?

Why use "handsome" to describe them? Could it be what he's thinking?

Everyone: Indeed, as expected.


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