My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 53: Nothing Serious, My Dad Just Got Kidnapped

Chapter 53

Xue Xuejia circled a date on the calendar. It wasn't far off now, and she knew she had to speed up her plans.

Xue's Father and Xue's Mother's connections were undeniable. The DNA test samples they had sent off returned results quickly.

Upon seeing the black and white test results, Xue's Father turned as green as an eggplant with rage. He transformed into a desktop cleaning master, sweeping everything off his desk in one swift motion, regardless of value or usefulness.

The secretary, hearing the commotion from outside, feared his boss had suffered a stroke and collapsed.

Rushing in, he found his boss not only conscious but with fighting spirit rivaling that of a Super Saiyan, looking ready to tear apart enemies with his bare hands.

Clearly, this was not the best time for the secretary to make an appearance.

At that moment, the secretary's brain was working faster than a calculator. If he couldn't provide a satisfactory answer to Mr. Xue, he might be fired tomorrow for stepping into the company with his left foot first.

Using his usual professional tone, the secretary said, "Mr. Xue, will you be attending the meeting chaired by Xu General in fifteen minutes?"

Apologies, Xu General, but better you than me to bear Mr. Xue's wrath.

"No!" came the curt reply.

The secretary kept his eyes fixed on his toes, pretending not to notice the disastrous state of the room.

"Very well, Mr. Xue. I'll inform Xu General."

The secretary had barely settled back at his desk when Mr. Xue, still in Super Saiyan mode, burst out of his office. "Go clean up my office!"

The secretary looked up, only to see an enraged figure storming past.

He thought to himself that Mr. Xue looked like he was off to catch a cheating spouse.

Following his boss's orders, he went to tidy up the desk that had been cleared in an instant.

As he was organizing the documents one by one, a paternity test report caught his eye.

Secretary: So that's why Mr. Xue was so angry.

Seeing that one sample was from Mr. Xue and another from his precious son, the secretary could better understand the source of Xue's Father's fury.

His boss, who valued bloodline inheritance so highly.

Disregarding others' opinions, he had brought his illegitimate son home to acknowledge his ancestry.

This action alone had invited mockery from many.

What could have supported his boss to ignore the criticism and cold stares of others? It was the son who could continue the family line!

Now, to discover that his precious son wasn't actually his biological child.

What a tremendous blow this must be to his boss.

The secretary resisted the urge to take a photo and share it with his colleagues. There were cameras in the office; how could he dare to take a picture?

He calmly replaced all the documents on the desk and then called maintenance to have a new computer sent up.

Holding such juicy gossip without being able to share it was almost unbearable.

Back at his desk, the secretary couldn't help but wonder if his image-conscious boss would swallow his pride and keep this cuckold's hat firmly on his head to avoid embarrassment.

Being cheated on: no normal man could stand for that.

Their Mr. Xue was indeed worthy of being a boss, enduring what others couldn't. A true man.

However, judging by the boss's demeanor of someone about to catch a cheating spouse, the likelihood of him tolerating this seemed low.

In the end, the secretary's "true man" of a boss couldn't endure it after all.

He returned home, seething with anger. Seeing him in this state, Xue's Mother guessed that her husband had seen the paternity test results.

After all, being married for over a decade, they understood each other well.

The sharp sound of a slap rang out, followed by a woman's cry and a child's wail. Xue's Mother tightened the shawl around her shoulders as she stood by the staircase railing.

This was for the best. The old fool had discovered it himself, saving her the trouble of explaining.

When Xue Xuejia returned home from school, there was no sign of the mother and her three children.

She knew her father must have received the paternity test results.

Xue Xuejia secretly asked Xue's Mother where the woman and her children had gone.

Instead of answering, Xue's Mother said, "You were right. Yaozu isn't your father's biological son."

Xue Xuejia responded dramatically, "Oh, what terrible news."

Her tone and expression, however, suggested otherwise.

Xue's Mother stroked her daughter's head. "This has been a huge blow to your father. Don't go provoking him."

Xue Xuejia recalled the times her father had whipped her as a child. She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything foolish. As his daughter, of course I should go comfort Dad."

Xue's Mother smiled with satisfaction. "You've become sensible. Your father is the head of the family after all. Going against him will only hurt you."

Yes, it was precisely because she couldn't win against him that she had to take a roundabout approach.

Xue's Father was in a foul mood and didn't come down for dinner.

The nanny, having witnessed Mr. Xue's afternoon rage, didn't dare to bring him food and risk his ire.

Being the thoughtful daughter, Xue Xuejia took a few simple dishes upstairs to her father's study.

Logically, she shouldn't appear before her father when he was in such a state, lest she inadvertently provoke his displeasure.

But with that date drawing ever closer, Xue Xuejia knew she had to act sooner rather than later.

Xue Xuejia pushed open the study door. Though he showed no warmth even to his own daughter, Xue's Father didn't immediately order her out.

Xue Xuejia's usually terrible temper was well-contained now, as she played the role of a caring, filial daughter.

She had a long, intimate talk with Xue's Father for several hours. When Xue Xuejia left the study, all the food on the tray had been eaten by her father.

Having achieved her goal, she went downstairs with a satisfied smile on her face.

Both Xue's Mother and the nanny assumed her good mood was due to successfully persuading her father to eat.

"Did your father eat?" Xue's Mother asked.

"Yes, he did," Xue Xuejia replied.

It seems that anger consumes a lot of energy, she thought, but kept the words to herself.

She couldn't risk damaging her image as the dutiful daughter.

Even though only Xue's Mother and the nanny were present, she remained cautious with her words and actions.

As that fateful day drew nearer, Xue Xuejia found herself unusually calm.

People often said that Xue Xuejia was nothing like old Xue, a good bamboo shoot from a rotten stalk.

Only Xue Xuejia knew that her cold heart and ruthlessness were exactly like her father's.

One evening, Xue's Father didn't return home after work.

She called the class monitor and learned that Uncle Lin had safely returned home that night.

Xue Xuejia knew then that everything had fallen into place.

Xue's Mother assumed her husband was staying with one of his mistresses and naturally didn't call to check on him.

She had long since given up on her husband, only staying married to secure greater benefits for her daughters.

Her husband was a bastard, but a bastard who knew how to make money.

After getting married, their joint assets kept growing day by day.

The longer she maintained this marriage with the bastard, the more assets she would be entitled to in a divorce. This was the reason she was willing to endure this marriage.

Having no feelings for her husband, she naturally didn't care if he went looking for other women.

Xue's Mother only cared about one thing: that no illegitimate children were born, as that would affect the tangible interests of her three daughters.

Xue Xuejia received a call from her mother during class. She gestured to the teacher at the podium that she needed to step out to take a call, then quietly slipped out of the classroom.

On the other end of the line was her mother's somewhat panicked voice, "What should we do? Your father has been kidnapped."

Xue Xuejia thought: What else is there to do? Of course, we should go out and set off some firecrackers to celebrate.

She comforted her mother with a few words, then hung up and returned to the classroom.

By this time, the math teacher had paused his lecture. He had asked the students to read the problems while he took a sip of tea for a break.

Just as Xue Xuejia walked in from the hallway, he casually asked, "Is there an emergency at home?"

Usually, students wouldn't interrupt the class to take a call in the hallway unless there was something urgent at home.

Xue Xuejia calmly replied, "Nothing major. My mom just called to tell me that my dad has been kidnapped."

The math teacher: ???

Are you sure it's your father who's been kidnapped and not your sworn enemy?

A thousand thoughts raced through the math teacher's mind.

In the end, he could only come to one conclusion: Indeed, all the students in this class must be possessed!


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