My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 32: The Simple Liang Rongrong

Chapter 32

Shi Li had just said, that they could watch the drama now.

Everything else could be missed, but not the excitement.

Upon Shi Li's reminder, the young ladies around her noticed Qiao Shan not far away.

Just as Gao Yun saw Qiao Shan, he too saw her.

Qiao Shan quickened his pace, heading in the direction of Gao Yun.

【Without a doubt, he's here to reconcile】

Gao Yun: I beg you to stop, I really don't want to.

She's just full of regret, extremely regretful for her blindness.

After two days of brewing, gossips about Qiao Shan had spread throughout the Qianpu School's high school.

To put it bluntly, Qiao Shan was the most famous student of Qianpu Middle School, no doubt about it.

Not even Feng Yunhe, who had the protagonist's aura, could compare to Qiao Shan.

Many students from other grades, hearing of his fame, flocked to the door of Qiao Shan's class, just to catch a glimpse of this celebrity.

Up to now, it's possible not to know Feng Yunhe in Qianpu Middle School, but impossible not to know Qiao Shan.

Every passerby knew him.

After seeing him, everyone's gaze couldn’t help but stick to him.

Eager to see what this new celebrity of Qianpu was doing at the school gate.

Gao Yun, of course, knew of Qiao Shan's reputation as the lipstick warrior, that's why she was particularly reluctant to have any connections with him now.

Qiao Shan's sincere intentions towards Gao Yun would not waver just because she was avoiding him.

With the fish in his hand trying to break free, Qiao Shan was a bit panicked now.

He couldn't care less about hiding their past relationship in public.

He looked at Gao Yun affectionately, "Yun Yun, you didn't answer my calls, you even blocked me, did I upset you?"

Inside, Gao Yun was screaming for help, why couldn't they just let the past die after breaking up?

The students were all leaving school, ready to go home, the school gate was full of students.

When the students saw the lipstick warrior obviously waiting for someone, they all stopped in their tracks, curious to see what he was up to.

He's that kind of person whose simple charisma could attract everyone's attention.

Right, this person is Qiao Shan!

The man who once owned this charisma was the protagonist of this book, Feng Yunhe, but now his aura was snatched away by Qiao Shan, leveraging his fame as the lipstick warrior.

Alright, as the protagonist, Feng Yunhe still possesses a charming presence.

These two men shine in their own domains.

Under everyone's gaze, seeing Qiao Shan approaching, Gao Yun wished she could crawl into a hole.

Shi Li added narration to this scene in her mind: 【He chases, she escapes, she attempts to escape and fails】

Gao Yun was panicking, while this guy still had time for such dramatics?

Did Shi Li think this was some kind of idol drama or overbearing CEO novel?

Shi Li thought to herself, in my previous life, I kindly advised you, but you turned a deaf ear, still choosing to be with this scum. This is payback for you ditching me in our past life.

When Qiao Shan called her, Gao Yun was completely done in.

Gao Yun's slightly chubby face tensed up, she said coldly and quickly, "I think we aren't suitable for each other after break-up it's normal to delete each other's contacts; is there a problem?"

Gao Yun managed to spit out a chunk of words without taking a breath. Before Qiao Shan had a chance to react, she grabbed her girlfriend by the arm and hurried towards the parking lot.

She needed to shake Qiao Shan off without delay. She didn't want to have any connection with him, especially in such a crowd.

Shi Li sharply pointed out while being dragged, "Being around such a man is like a criminal record for the rest of your life."

Everyone chuckled, "With a sharp tongue like that, you should aim for grad school!"

Gao Yun sprinted ahead, harnessing all her might in a desperate bid to escape.

Surprisingly, Qiao Shan, a burly man, couldn't catch up.

Thanks to her fast pace, Gao Yun swiftly left the crowd behind.

The other stationary students wanted to gawk at the scene, but chasing after her to do so would be lacking dignity.

They all valued their reputations and would deny their desire to pursue others just for the sake of drama.

This gave Gao Yun an opportunity to escape. Shi Qiuyu's car was parked on the outskirts.

Without a second thought, Gao Yun hopped into the vehicle, neglecting to remember it wasn't hers. She sat down and gestured for Shi Qiuyu and Shi Li to join her.

Shi Qiuyu and Shi Li were left gobsmacked.

Once they were aboard, Gao Yun swiftly directed the driver, "Uncle Zhou, please, drive ahead."

"Very well."

With the approval from the young masters, Uncle Zhou stepped on the gas and sped off.

Staring at their retreating car, all Qiao Shan could do was watch helplessly.

Annoyed, he vowed to make Gao Yun pay for this public humiliation.

Shi Li teased, "The real humiliation is yet to come."

Puzzled about the unexpected breakup, Qiao Shan began to question why.

Why indeed. What went wrong?

Qiao Shan believed he had Gao Yun entirely in his control. So far, everything had run smoothly.

Scrutinizing the past, Qiao Shan assessed when things began to unravel.

They went shopping during the weekend, where he gifted Gao Yun a scarf he apparently made for her. Overwhelmed with emotions, she insisted on buying him a gift. Up until this point, she had been smitten with him.

In the gift shop too, she seemed entirely ordinary.

However, things spiralled out of control after her girlfriend arrived.

From this point onwards, Qiao Shan recalled only two instances of conversation involving Gao Yun's girlfriend.

Gao Yun had introduced him to her, and her response was lukewarm at best.

Was the breakup because her friend didn't approve of him? Did Gao Yun break up because she felt her boyfriend was disliked by herbest friend?

That explanation seemed extremely far-fetched,

Qiao Shan struggled to believe it.

She Qiuyu teased, "The truth is far more bizarre than what you're imagining, kiddo"

Just as Qiao Shan was lost in thought, a soft feminine voice called out to him.

"Qiao Shan, what are you doing here?"

Upon turning around, Qiao Shan saw Liang Rongrong. He appeared a touch unnerved.

His original target had been Liang Rongrong. The naive and harmless girl had transferred into the school after the term commenced, replacing Shen Qinglin's spot in the competition. Rumours were rife about her influential familial background.

At the time, Liang Rongrong was feeling low due to the double blow of a monthly exam and a competition. Seizing the opportunity, Qiao Shan started to get closer to her under the pretense of tutoring her.

In fact, he was doing great.

Qiao Shan’s grades were high, ranking him among the top students at Qianpu School.

Liang Rongrong naively thought him to be just a fellow student with a kind heart. After school, Qiao Shan would ride home with her in her family’s car.

With a spacious villa that perfectly met Qiao Shan's criteria for a potential partner's home, Liang Rongrong was an ideal candidate.

By tutoring Liang Rongrong, Qiao Shan was able to significantly bridge the distance between them, which sometimes included casual touches on the hand, and kisses on the cheek.

To Qiao Shan, the only thing standing between them and becoming a couple was a thin veil of uncertainty that hadn't been pierced yet.

He was confident he could make Liang Rongrong his girlfriend in no time if he wanted.

As her would-be boyfriend, when his girlfriend was insulted or bullied outside, and came home whimpering about her grievances, he assumed it was his responsibility to stand up for her.

Thus, Qiao Shan arranged for a few punks to warn those who had once bullied Liang Rongrong.

After all, Liang Rongrong wasn’t popular among her fellow female students, and there were many who had "bullied" her.

Among those the punks had planned to warn, Shi Li, who happened to have gone out to buy books that day, became their first target.

Two of the ruffians planning to harass Shi Li ended up behind bars, the news of which quickly reached their gang leader.

Realizing the danger of confronting the wrong family, he went into hiding, and the rest of the group narrowly escaped the same fate.

That night, the gang leader called Qiao Shan to ask about the girl's background as two of his gang didn't return home and were unresponsive to calls. This might mean they're either arrested or worst.

Regardless of either scenario, it indicated that the girl couldn’t be messed with.

Being a student at a prestigious institution like Qianpu, Qiao Shan was more aware of the significance of coming from a wealthy family.

That was the reason why he was determined to marry into a high-status family; he saw it as an opportunity that would benefit not only him but his future generations as well.

Qiao Shan was somewhat apprehensive that Shi Li's family might cause him trouble, but considering that Liang Rongrong's family was equally influential, he had no reason to fret.

He shared his concern with Liang Rongrong, but she was puzzled by his behavior.

Despite being bullied, Liang Rongrong still held a benevolent heart towards the perpetrators and didn’t wish to harm them.

To most people, Liang Rongrong would seem like a kind-hearted girl.

However, Qiao Shan thought she was na?ve and easy to deceive.

For the first time, there was a disagreement between them, with neither being able to convince the other.

Just then, an argument broke out downstairs from Liang Rongrong's home. As the host, he decided to go out and see what was happening.

As soon as Liang Rongrong went downstairs, Qiao Shan hid aside and watched.


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