My Hollywood System

Chapter 220:

Chapter 220:

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, California.

The entire audience was in chit-chats about one thing or another as the host entered the stage.

Almost every star in Hollywood was present in the audience. Will, June, Amanda, Robert, and Jeffrey were seated at a table. The tables were placed, not too close nor too far away, but if one paid attention, there was a high possibility that they could easily eavesdrop on the conversation ongoing at their nearest table.

With that being mentioned, directors, actors, actresses, and every other important person that had put their efforts in to make a movie successful was present.

Beside the table at which Will was seated, Lucas, the director of the movie [1917] along with the two leads, Renly Warren and Elijah Thomas.

As soon as the Host, Edward Teach took the stage, silence descended among the audience and everyone started quietly whispering in hushed noises after they gave the host a fabulous welcome clapping away merrily.

“Good evening, and welcome to the Academy Awards! This really is the biggest movie event of the year and we are here to honor all this year’s incredible films and the actors and actresses that have starred in them!”

“Now, the Academy loves to salute range, like Christine Clearwater, ladies, and gentlemen!” He said as he nodded to the actress seated at a table near the front.

“In [Enchantment at the sea], Christine, who is English, plays a German. She’s Nominated.” He pointed out, and the crowd clapped once again

“In [Sherlock Holmes], Michael Robert Elrod, who is an American, plays an Englishman, who is also a High functioning sociopath. Nominated.” He again said as he pointed toward Robert who was seated a few tables beside Will, with Susan.

“And then there is me, I am an Australian, who plays an Australian in a movie called [The Australian].” He paused, for a couple of seconds and said “Hosting.”

The audience cheered again, and the host had successfully managed to set a cheerful vibe among the host, most of whom were just as talented as he was.

“Well, life is tough, what can ya do? Right? As you know, this is my first year as the host of the Academy Awards, but that’s not the only thing that is different this year. Times are changing. It’s been a fabulous year for a lot of us. We have a lot to celebrate. Ceilings have been shattered, mostly by Dream Vision Studios, and Will Evans!” He continued, as he pointed to Will, who raised a glass of champagne at the host in acknowledgment.

“Greatness from small beginnings, as they say. In under a year, Will Evans has managed to prove to us that, the quote is still very applicable, provided you have the drive, dedication, and determination alongside a boat load of talent to back it up. So, give it up for Will Evans everybody!” He said as the audience cheered yet again for Will.

“But he is not alone, Greta Coppola is the first female director to be nominated in ten years. Only eleven percent of Hollywood movies are directed by women, and that is nuts. What is even crazier is the fact that this woman managed to score herself a nomination regardless.” He announced, and the crowd thundered in applause yet again.

“This is a positive step in the right direction for all of us. Positive change, this is a night for positivity, and our plan is to shine a light on a group of outstanding and inspiring films, each and every one of which got crushed by Will Evan’s [Spider-Man] last weekend.” He paused again, as the audience laughed.

“As I said, times are changing. I remember a time when I would have scoffed at a comic book movie ever doing well at the box office, yet here we are. I remember that time because it was March last year.” He paused again.

“Now, on that note, I want to point out, that is a very long show. So, here is what we are going to do, I am not saying you shouldn’t give a long speech, but whoever gives the shortest speech tonight will go home with…” He paused, and looked at the camera that was recording the event, “Scarlett, tell them what they will get!” He said and stepped aside, as the curtains behind him raised and showed a fantastic red and black jet ski, beside which Scarlett McJohn was standing looking every bit the eye candy by the jet ski.

“Now, I am quite serious about this. It’s a 17,999$ Jet Ski, and whoever gives the shortest speech gets to take it home. I have a stopwatch and everything, and if there is a tie, well in the spirit of the events of last year, Will Evans will take it home! Let’s get this show afloat everybody!”


The Academy Awards proceeded with all the glamour and pomp that they are known for. A lot of talented films were nominated for a multitude of different innovative movies. Will’s own [1917] was nominated for best cinematography, for Jeffery and best screenplay for Will.

Robert had actually been nominated for an award for best supporting actor for a film that DTA had managed to land him, and he had been extremely grateful to Will and the DTA. Even if he didn’t win the award.

There were other nominations as well, and many awards had already been distributed.

“Jeff, calm down.” Jeffery’s wife Emilia said, as she pulled his hands down, preventing him from biting his nails in nervousness. “You will win this, I am sure of it.”

“How can you be so sure? There is no guarantee that I will win, my nerves are killing me.” He complained.

“Buddy, you don’t have to worry about anything. I can guarantee that you will win.” Will interjected as Emilia looked at him gratefully, as she pulled his hand down again preventing him from biting his nails again. “Don’t worry, Emilia. I am sure he will stop worrying ‘When’ he wins. His work in [1917] was unparalleled. That itself is a guarantee for you, Jeff.”

Jeffery shook his head and nervously said “Other movies are just as good, if not better.”

Will replied smoothly “No, they are not. And you know it. Your work was magnificent, have faith in yourself. They are going to announce the winner, just wait.”

And true to his word, Edward Teach announced on the stage “It is time to finally award the person that brings us our coffees, wakes us up in our trailers when we’ve dozed off between retakes, and drives us on the set in their golf carts, the everyday handyman! The Cinematographers!” The audience laughed as he made a face, and acted as if he was talking into his earpiece.

“W-wait, that’s not right. Apparently, their job is actually something to do with the camera. Weird. Anyway, the winner for this year’s Best Cinematography goes to ….” He said as he opened the envelope in his hand.

Jeffery was literally on the edge of his seat, and he was half excited, half resigned to losing the award when Edward smiled and gazed at the audience.

“The award goes to [1917]! Give it up for Jeffery Houlston everybody!”

Jeffery was floored. For a couple of long seconds, he couldn’t move, and his wife had to nudge him to get into motion. He nodded to her in thanks and shook hands with Will after he patted him on the back.

Jeffery made his way to the stage and shook hands with Edward. He had a big smile on his face, as the screen behind showed a few clips from [1917].

Jeffery stood in front of the mic and sighed as he gazed at the Oscar in his hands. “I’ve come a long way from porn haven’t I?” He joked and the audience laughed.

“First of all, I want to thank my fellow nominees, for their wonderfully inspiring and innovative work. Then I want to thank the crew from Dream Vision, this award belongs to them just as it does me, It belongs to my wife, Emilia, who worked on this film with me. I also want to thank Will Evans, for coming up with such a fabulous screenplay. We’ve come a long way from scavenging for cameras in pawn shops for [The Blair Witch Project] huh buddy! I also want to thank Amanda for managing everything so wonderfully. And finally, I want to thank the academy for giving me this award, and I hope I can give the audience at home similar experiences with the movies that are yet to come from Dream Vision!” The audience cheered as he stepped off the stage, with a blinding smile plastered on his face.

“Give it up for Jeffery Houlston, everybody!” Edward said as he retook the center stage. “[1917], what a wonderful film. Last year really has been the year where Will Evans and all those associated with him and Dream Vision really cemented that they are a force to be not taken lightly. No longer are they in the realm where they are considered a rookie in the industry. They have managed to carve their name in the annals of history here in Hollywood among the greatest, and I am sure they will keep delivering. Now, for one of the most highly anticipated category of awards for the best Screenplay!” He finished as drum rolls played in the background.

“The award for the best Screenplay goes to……” He said as he uncovered the envelope in his hand.


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