My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 424: Jinli: I… am very gentle.

Chapter 424: Jinli: I… am very gentle.

Mo Heng concealed his form, quietly making his way toward Duan Yue Abyss.

Since Heavenly Lord Mo Tong might have some issues, it was best to have Heavenly Lord Mo Chi keep an eye on him.

Moving stealthily, Mo Heng passed by many Yin Gods.

Even when he was within mere miles of these Yin Gods, not a single one detected his presence.

After a while, Mo Heng's figure halted, his eyes focusing deep into the abyss of Duan Yue.

The protective formation blocked his vision.

Although his strength far exceeded that of Heavenly Lord Mo Chi, he lacked the profound insight of Heavenly Lord Mo Tong.

As a result, he couldn't discern anything at the moment.

"Heavenly Lord Mo Chi, come out and meet me quickly," Mo Heng transmitted telepathically.

Being a Supreme Truth Yang God, Mo Heng's status was far higher than Mo Chi’s, so there was no need for him to visit in person.

As soon as the words were spoken, the formation deep within Duan Yue Abyss stirred. A man in a gray robe rushed out, seeming a little panicked.

This naturally occurring panic could be hidden from those at the same level, but for someone as perceptive as Mo Heng, it was easily noticed.

"Greetings, Heavenly Lord Mo Heng!" Qi Yuan, disguised as Mo Chi, lowered his head, feigning respect while also displaying a hint of surprise. "I was unaware that Heavenly Lord would visit Duan Yue Abyss. What brings you here?"

At this moment, Qi Yuan put all his effort into acting, suppressing even his inner thoughts.

"Mo Chi, have you seen Heavenly Lord Mo Tong recently?" Mo Heng asked, giving Qi Yuan a glance.

"Yes, I made my routine visit to Heavenly Lord Mo Tong a few days ago.

At the time, Heavenly Lord Mo Tong invited me to... launch a sneak attack on the Moon God Palace.

However, I had a cauldron of elixirs nearing completion, so I declined his invitation.

But now... are you suggesting..." Qi Yuan continued his performance, his face displaying shock and disbelief.

"Heavenly Lord Mo Tong sustained some injuries," Mo Heng said, his expression deepening. "I suspect that the injuries inflicted by Moon God Palace are severe enough to have affected him. I am too far away from Absolute Moon Abyss to monitor the situation constantly. I need you to keep an eye on him for me."

Upon hearing this, Qi Yuan adopted a grave expression. "Heavenly Lord, do you suspect... Mo Tong?"

He swallowed nervously, leaving his sentence unfinished.

"Just keep watch and report back to me immediately if you notice anything unusual," Mo Heng instructed, not offering further details.

"As you command!" Qi Yuan bowed his head, not daring to meet Mo Heng's gaze directly.

"Return now," Mo Heng said casually.

Qi Yuan nodded and hurriedly retreated.

After about ten breaths of time passed, Mo Heng narrowed his eyes, his gaze becoming more complex.

"There's something off with Mo Chi as well; I don’t sense the fresh energy of newly refined elixirs on him."

If Mo Chi had been busy refining elixirs, as he claimed, there should have been a trace of that process on him.

While Mo Heng did detect some lingering medicinal energy, it was from elixirs long completed—not the scent of a batch recently refined or still in progress.

So, Heavenly Lord Mo Chi had been lying.

"He must have some secrets of his own," Mo Heng mused, his eyes darkening. "It's a pity that my true body is too far from here; otherwise, I'd like to know what secrets Mo Chi is hiding."

A sudden feeling struck Mo Heng as if fate was urging him.

"Since Heavenly Lord Mo Qi is stationed near Duan Yue Abyss, I'll have him keep an eye on Mo Chi," Mo Heng thought. Then, he made his way to Heavenly Lord Mo Qi's territory.

Yes, Heavenly Lord Mo Heng was particularly good at playing these layered strategies.


Meanwhile, in the Sixth Heaven, at Suiyun Pavilion, a woman in green robes emerged, her once fierce aura significantly softened.

As she exited Suiyun Pavilion, a heavy expression clouded her face.

"Aunt, aren't we at war with Demon Abyss? Why are we borrowing money from them?" Mu Bihua, a young girl beside her, asked in confusion.

Today, she had accompanied her aunt to a territory operated by the Demon Abyss to negotiate a loan.

The sum they were borrowing was astronomical.

These celestial gems would be delivered to their family over time.

"War is war, business is business," said a tall man nearby. "Even though the Moon God Palace and the Demon Abyss have been at war for nearly a hundred thousand years, so far... only Yin Gods have perished, not a single Yang God."

The man spoke with a sigh.

In his eyes, the grudges held by these major powers seemed almost laughable.

Only the lower ranks died in such conflicts.

The higher-ups sat on their celestial thrones, untouched by the hatred. At any time, a single order could turn enemies into allies.

"So, naturally, business can proceed as usual," the tall man continued, though his face bore a puzzled look. "What I don’t understand is why Lady Moon Maiden ordered us to take out a loan from Demon Abyss. The interest rates are quite high."

Because of their hostilities, the interest the Demon Abyss charged them was higher than usual.

Every ten years, the interest alone amounted to a staggering sum.

In fact, just paying off the interest every decade required several entire celestial gem mines.

One celestial gem mine could provide enough resources to elevate a Yin God to a Grand Venerable.

"Exactly! So much celestial treasure! Most of our wealth will have to go just to cover the interest!" Mu Bihua grimaced, clearly displeased at the idea of being saddled with debt.

At that moment, a mocking voice interrupted them. A man with a fat face and large ears approached. "Don't you know? Your Lady Moon Maiden has fallen for some pretty boy and has voluntarily given up her title as Moon Maiden of Moon God Palace.

Now... she’s probably short on resources for cultivation and had no choice but to seek loans from Demon Abyss."

Seeing the fat man, Mu Tianshui scoffed coldly. "Even if my lady has given up her title, the likes of your Zhao Clan are not worthy to insult her!"

The fat man’s face stiffened at the retort.

Indeed, due to the presence of the Moon Maiden, the Mu Clan had far surpassed the Zhao Clan.

Even though Jinli had given up her status as Moon Maiden, the Mu Clan was still leagues ahead of the Zhao Clan.

However, the fat man couldn’t help but mutter, "Our Zhao Clan can still send daughters to Moon God Palace, where they have a chance to earn the title of Moon Maiden. Your Mu Clan has voluntarily cut off the opportunity to send its members to Moon God Palace.

And as for that loan you just took from Demon Abyss, good luck. In a few thousand years, when your lady fails to break through to the Yang God realm, your Mu Clan will be finished!"

In his mind, the fat man assumed that Jinli, having lost the resources and support from Moon God Palace, had taken the dangerous gamble of borrowing from Demon Abyss in hopes of achieving the legendary status of Yang God.

Such stories were not unheard of, though they usually ended in tragedy.

After all, the Yang God realm was not so easily attained.

In the five realms surrounding their territory—areas within the Sixth Heaven—no Yang God had ever emerged.

With those final words, the fat man left in a huff.

"How dare they! Those Zhao Clan wretches are dreaming!" Mu Bihua said furiously. "Lady Moon Maiden will definitely ascend to the Yang God realm and slap that fool right in the face!"

The tall man then turned to Mu Tianshui. "What’s Lady Moon Maiden’s companion like?"

His curiosity was evident.

Mu Bihua looked over as well, her eyes full of expectation.

The news that Lady Moon Maiden had given up her title for the sake of a man had caused quite a stir in the Mu Clan.

One of the elders had even pulled out his own Nascent Soul on the spot, threatening to present it to Jinli if she didn’t reconsider.

Others had been reduced to tears.

Those who accepted their fate were few.

After all, the older generation, accustomed to wielding their power over the clan, had become set in their ways.

But there was no need for Jinli to intervene. Mu Tianshui had already dealt with those obstinate elders.

The Lady’s decision was the Mu Clan’s will.

As Mu Tianshui thought back to the man by Lady Moon Maiden’s side, her expression grew complicated.

In truth, it was the first time she had seen the Lady act so much like an ordinary young woman.

"Well... his appearance is striking."

After a long pause, Mu Tianshui could only offer this one compliment about Qi Yuan.

As for other qualities... she couldn’t think of any.

"Huh?" Mu Bihua blinked in surprise.

Lady Moon Maiden was this shallow?

Did she care only about looks?

"Anything else?" Mu Bihua pressed.

"He speaks... with humor and imagination," Mu Tianshui said, trying to respond diplomatically.

In truth, she had found his words odd, absurd even.

Talking about putting an egg on noodles? Eating beef?

Not to mention the ridiculous claims about Demon Abyss’s downfall and borrowing loans from them?

If Qi Yuan hadn’t been Lady Moon Maiden’s chosen companion, she would have thought him a madman on the verge of inner demon possession.

"A handsome face paired with a glib tongue that can charm women? No wonder Lady Moon Maiden has fallen for him," the tall man said with a sigh.

Mu Bihua didn’t want to comment anymore.

In her opinion, Qi Yuan’s best course of action was to stop speaking entirely. His words seemed to make things worse.

"Who knows if Lady Moon Maiden’s decision will bring fortune or disaster," the tall man murmured, sighing deeply.

The Mu Clan had now saddled itself with a heavy debt to Demon Abyss.

The only way out was for Lady Moon Maiden to break through to the Yang God realm—there was no other path.

Could they really bet on Demon Abyss’s collapse?


At Duan Yue Abyss, Qi Yuan, now dressed in a blood-red robe, lazily propped his feet up, holding his Linglong Jade Communication Orb.

"Acting is such a bore. Ugh, having to play someone else every day... won’t this give me depression?"

"And the worst part is, I’m not even getting paid!"

"I’ve thought about this for a long time and still can’t figure out—who the hell owes me my paycheck?"

"I’d better stop thinking about it before I hurt my brain."

"But hey, things are going pretty well. These past few days, I’ve already bagged two idiots... though they’re only Heavenly Rank Yang Gods."

"What are you doing? Come online for a video call, let me see you!"

Qi Yuan spoke into the Linglong Jade Communication Orb, as if he were chatting with Jinli back on Moonwatch Continent.

The newly improved Linglong Jade Communication Orb now featured a video call function.

It wasn’t difficult to add.

However, because of the powerful Creation Artifact that protected Duan Yue Abyss, all communication there was typically blocked.

So before leaving Absolute Moon Abyss, Qi Yuan had requested Heavenly Lord Long Yue to grant him permission for their communication, ensuring that nothing would be screened or blocked between him and Jinli.

As for Duan Yue Abyss, Qi Yuan had some control over the permissions, so he simply gave himself access.

"No one is around you?" Jinli’s voice came through the orb.

"No one. Why?" Qi Yuan asked curiously.

At that moment, the Linglong Jade Communication Orb flashed with a soft white light, and a hazy mist appeared on Qi Yuan’s screen.

Jinli’s delicate, lotus-white arm held up the orb as she sat in a bath, completely unclothed.

The steam rising from the bath obscured much of her form, but her exquisite shoulders and everything below them were submerged in the water. The milky, bath-like liquid didn’t completely conceal the enticing curves of her soft, smooth skin. Faint kiss marks lingered on her body.

Qi Yuan’s memory instantly flashed back to their intimate moment, recalling how they had tangled together that night.

He swallowed hard.

The water... was so vast and white.

If Ningtao’s and the Golden Canary’s chests were delicate and small, Jinli’s... well, they could smother him.

"Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?" Qi Yuan blinked, staring at the screen.

Fortunately, this was the Cultivation World, and the Linglong Jade Communication Orb was created by him. Its technology wasn’t like that of his past life on Earth, so privacy concerns weren’t an issue here.

Jinli’s eyes shimmered with nostalgia. "When you wiped out the Xuanyuan Forbidden Land and talked to me, I was also bathing."

Her fingers glided through her hair, dripping with water.

"You told me about slaughtering the entire Xuanyuan Forbidden Land that night, and I hesitated to believe you," she laughed softly. "It’s similar to how I felt when you just told me you captured two Yang Gods."

She paused, recalling the memory fondly.

Back then, she hadn’t taken Qi Yuan’s words seriously—treated them as a joke.

But now, hearing him talk about capturing two Yang Gods—an even more astonishing feat than exterminating the Xuanyuan Forbidden Land—she believed him without question.

“Between people, trust is essential. I rarely lie,” Qi Yuan said earnestly.

Jinli gently placed a hand over her chest, the movement causing a delicate tremble.

“What do you want to do to me now?” Jinli asked, her eyes sparkling with a teasing smile.

Back then, through the Linglong Jade Communication Orb, they couldn’t even see each other. Now, things were different.

“A kiss, perhaps?” Qi Yuan’s gaze moved downward, lingering momentarily on her lips, her white neck, her delicate shoulders, and her soft chest before he responded sincerely.

“And after that?” Jinli asked, still expectant.

Qi Yuan’s gaze shifted further downward, stopping at her slim waist, admiring its graceful curves and defined waistline. But as his eyes traveled even lower, he frowned, looking disappointed.

“You’re still wearing undergarments while bathing?”

Jinli blushed deeply and covered her mouth with a smile, though this caused the beauty of her figure to be even more apparent. However, the smile soon froze on her face when Qi Yuan’s voice reached her ears.

“Why don’t your undergarments have an elastic band? If they did, I could take them off, pull out the elastic, and tie your hair up. Bathing with your hair down makes it easy to get it all wet.”

Qi Yuan felt proud of his attentiveness.

A less considerate man would focus only on his own desires at a time like this, but not him. He was a gentleman—a thoughtful one, even noticing such small, practical details.

At the moment, Jinli’s hair had indeed become slightly soaked from the bathwater since she hadn’t tied it up.

“... Should we turn off the video call?” Jinli suggested, her expression a mix of amusement and disbelief.

“Ah, you’re right. It’s inappropriate to keep it on while you’re bathing. Let’s turn it off,” Qi Yuan agreed, his tone showing how much he respected her. After all, he wasn’t just interested in looking—he respected mutual boundaries.

“No need.” On the other side of the orb, Jinli shook her head softly. She gently gathered her wet hair and looked at him with a tender gaze, her face full of warmth. “I want to see you a little longer.”

“Hmm... Jinli, would you like me to teach you a new technique?” Qi Yuan asked thoughtfully, his tone serious as he suddenly switched topics.

“What kind of technique?” Jinli responded curiously.

“The Qi Yuan-Modified Radiant Sword Technique!” Qi Yuan said, his voice brimming with confidence.

“Alright,” Jinli nodded gently, always ready to accept whatever Qi Yuan suggested.

“This sword technique is very powerful. It can disguise your overwhelming killing intent and transform it into the aura of righteousness and justice. When you use this sword, everyone will see you as a paragon of virtue!”

Jinli blinked, her large, doe-like eyes sparkling with droplets of water. As she lowered her head slightly, her face flushed with a faint blush, making her appear even more delicate and enchanting.

With a touch of grievance in her voice, Jinli murmured, “I... I’m very gentle.”


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