My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589

Chapter 35 - Sleep Well

Chapter 35 - Sleep Well

Chapter 35: Sleep Well

TL: Aniea

The shooting continued late into the night.

Although it’s typical for drama shoots to have uncertain end times, the set of <Peaceful Chaebol Life> was exceptionally busy.

‘…Damn, I can’t believe I’m filming a live broadcast drama. It’s unbelievable that it airs in just two weeks.’

Live broadcast drama.

This term is used when there’s not enough production time, resulting in day-of filming that airs almost live.

It usually occurs when pre-production is insufficient or during times when scripts are rushed.

In severe cases, they would film and edit on the day of the broadcast. This mostly happenes during the last episodes after constant delays.

‘Starting the first shoot just two weeks ago. Thinking about it again, it’s insane.’

Because of this, not only the main filming team but also teams B and C were created. They were even saving time on dismantling and setting up equipment to keep filming.

‘Considering the editing time, we need to complete at least half of the first episode by today.’

Despite being in the middle of shooting, anxiety kept building up. This made Kang In-ho bite his lip.

Originally, this project was planned for the next quarter, so even if there were many NGs, there would have been relatively more leeway. (TL Note: NG = No good i.e. Shot or take that is not good or worth using)

Now, with the sound of the ticking clock in his ears, he felt extreme stress, raising his voice involuntarily.

“Hey-!!! Who’s chattering in the back right now!? It’s all getting picked up by the audio. Are you out of your mind!?”

“I’m sorry!”

There aren’t many directors who get along well with the staff or actors on set. Actually, it’s more unusual if they do.

Time constantly moves forward, and modern society calculates everything strictly in terms of money.

Not just labor costs. There’s the expense of renting filming locations, food costs, even the electricity bill for the equipment.

Everything is money, money, money!

Therefore, someone has to take the lead.

‘This industry isn’t small for no reason.’

There are limited slots for broadcasts.

New directors and aspiring actors keep coming, but the market isn’t large enough to accommodate them all.

Hence, opportunities are rare, and even if one gets the chance to shoot, if they fail to prove themselves, they get ignored.

‘Especially fatal for rookies.’

Actors like Kim Young-ho, who have an established career, can find opportunities again even if their projects fail. It might sour their mood, but they’ll bounce back.

However, most of the actors in <Peaceful Chaebol Life> are rookies. For them, this project might be their first and last.



Kim Young-ho’s gaze scanned the rookies scattered around the set. These actors didn’t even have proper managers or waiting areas.

Despite hiding in corners to avoid disrupting the shoot, their eyes still shone with passion.

‘My work must not become their grave.’

Instead of a stumbling block,

He must become a stepping stone.

He had to exert all his abilities.

That’s why Kang In-ho raised his voice again today. The director’s role is to draw out all the potential, even the ones they themselves aren’t aware of.

“From the top!”

“With a slightly brighter expression.”

“Come here for a moment and see for yourself. Do you see how tired you look here?”

As the shoot dragged on, everyone became fatigued. Naturally, their concentration waned, but this was when the director needed to be most alert.

‘…Still, for a first shoot, things are going quite smoothly?’

Despite the hectic situation, Kang In-ho realized that the filming was progressing much more smoothly than usual.

Typically, rookies make frequent mistakes as they struggle to adapt to the fast-moving cameras.

The script had been changed hastily, so it was natural that the number of NGs increased.

It also meant there were more corrections to be made, so he thought at least one or two people would feel discouraged.

“I’m sorry!”

“I can do better!”

“Please, let me try again!”

Strangely, not a single person seemed down today. Some even bit their lips with dissatisfied expressions, despite receiving the OK sign.

“Um… Director. I know it’s shameless for a rookie to say this, but could we please, just once more, shoot this scene again?”

“Why? You did well enough just now.”

“If you look here… This scene! I think my expression was a bit off.”

“Hmm… Alright, let’s do it again.”

“Thank you!”

Park Soo-bin bowed deeply.

She wasn’t the only one. Others were similarly enthusiastic. Rather than needing to push them, he almost had to tell them it was enough.

‘…What’s going on?’

Even for Kang In-ho, who had worked with various rookies on many shoots, it was a sight he found hard to understand. He wondered what the reason could be.

“Secretary Kim. Do you know what I absolutely cannot stand?”

The moment he heard Kang Woo-ju’s voice, he realized the reason. The intensity in his voice was the cause of everything, even through the screen.

All the distracting thoughts vanished from his mind, and Kang In-ho stared at the monitor as if entranced.

“…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, just answer.”

“…I don’t know.”

“It’s simple. Touching my belongings without permission. Someone broke my toy while I was away for a while.”

Kang Joo-heon, adjusting his tie, asked this question. His gaze remained fixed on the mirror, and his voice carried no warmth.

Secretary Kim shivered. This reaction was scripted, but the actor’s performance made it seem real.

“…I will handle it cleanly.”

“You’ve already set up a private office, haven’t you?”

“With all due respect, I don’t think she has the personality to be a lawyer. If you contact the prosecution, they will make arrangements for her to come back.”

“No need. She’s not that stupid. If we act now, she’ll definitely notice, so for now, we’ll observe and replan.”

“Yes, sir.”

Secretary Kim bowed deeply.

But Kang Joo-heon still didn’t look at him. He was completely focused on perfecting the creases in his clothes as he looked into the mirror.

Familiar with this sight, Secretary Kim straightened up. Then he bowed lightly and greeted him.

“I will take my leave now.”

“Oh, Secretary Kim.”

Just as Secretary Kim turned to leave the room, Kang Joo-heon spoke in a calm voice.

“You’re fired as of today.”


“Why do you think I put you in that position with such high pay? I clearly told you to watch her closely.”

“But this matter was under the Chairman’s…”

“That’s why you’re failing.”

Kang Joo-heon cut him off firmly. Only then did he turn his gaze to Secretary Kim.

Despite informing someone he had worked with for years of his termination, his eyes showed no hint of remorse.

“You should have prioritized my orders, regardless of the other party. If you keep a dog to guard the house, what should you do if it wags its tail at a thief?”

“C-CEO! I’m sorry! From next time…”

“Next time.”

Secretary Kim, more than anyone, understood what it meant to be fired by Kang Joo-heon.

Although he knelt and pleaded desperately, Kang Joo-heon completely ignored him and turned his gaze back to the mirror.

“Why should I?”


Suddenly, the door opened, and several large men in suits entered the room. They immediately bowed to Kang Joo-heon.

“You called for us, CEO.”

“Lee Ji-han. From now on, you are the executive secretary. I trust you know what your first task is. Do not disappoint me.”

“Yes, sir.”

“CEO! CEO! Please…! Mmph-!”

Lee Ji-han, newly appointed as the executive secretary, dragged Secretary Kim out of the room with the other office staff.

It wasn’t until long after that Kang Joo-heon, who had been adjusting his tie the whole time, finally spoke.

“Tsk. No matter what, it’s never satisfactory.”

Kang Joo-heon eventually untied his tie and tossed it into the nearby trash can. Simultaneously, the filming set fell into a tense silence.


“Oh, okay! Cut!”

Kang In-ho, who had been so absorbed he didn’t realize the scene had ended, finally came to his senses thanks to the assistant director next to him.

There was no need to watch it again. He was confident that everyone would be completely immersed even without additional editing.

‘No wonder the rookies are all working so hard.’

Now he realized it wasn’t about practicing to do better, but more about trying to survive. It was like throwing a catfish among minnows.

Kang Woo-ju, who didn’t seem like a rookie at all. Any subpar performance in front of him would get devoured.

“Good, just like this…”


“Yes? Huh? …Oh.”

Startled by Kang Woo-ju’s sudden call, Kang In-ho inadvertently used honorifics. While he was confused, Kang Woo-ju stepped closer.

The [Kang Joo-heon] he had just seen overlapped with the current Kang Woo-ju, and the surrounding staff naturally moved aside to make way for him.

As if it was only natural, Kang Woo-ju walked over and pointed at the camera that Kang In-ho had been watching, then slowly spoke.

“Can we shoot it again?”

“Huh? What? Why? Why?”

“I didn’t like my performance just now. Especially in the scene where Secretary Kim is being dragged out, I couldn’t help but glance at him.”

“I don’t see that—.”



Unconsciously nodding his head at Kang Woo-ju’s rare request, Kang In-ho gave permission.

As soon as he received the permission, Kang Woo-ju confidently returned to his position, contrasting sharply with the pale-faced Secretary Kim being dragged away.

‘Director, are we really shooting again!?’

‘…Yes, it’s come to that.’

‘I’ll really die at this rate!’

‘It’s okay. People don’t die that easily.’


The two exchanged a brief glance. Kang In-ho pretended to look at the screen, subtly avoiding the eyes of the actor playing Secretary Kim.




“Good work, everyone!”

“Wow! Good job, everyone!”

With all the filming finally wrapped up, the staff and actors shouted, squeezing out every last bit of energy they had left.

It was a successful first shoot, but everyone was so exhausted that they didn’t even have the strength to clap.

Originally, a simple get-together was planned, but the unexpectedly intense performances of the actors extended the shoot, so it was temporarily postponed.

“Good work, Director.”

Kang Woo-ju, who usually left without a word, surprisingly greeted first. Remembering his chilling performance earlier, Kang In-ho felt a shiver inside but tried not to show it.

“Actor Kang Woo-ju worked the hardest.”

This wasn’t just a polite remark.

Kang Woo-ju already had a lot of screen time, and with Jung Ha-rin drastically revising the script, his share in the first episode surpassed even the main character’s.

Even after more than ten hours of filming, Kang Woo-ju didn’t show a hint of fatigue, which was astonishing.

“You’re too kind. I’ll head home first.”

“Sure. Take care.”

It was common for Kang Woo-ju to leave immediately after filming ended, so Kang In-ho didn’t find anything unusual about it.

* * *


Kim Eun-ha suddenly burst into laughter. Startled by her own reaction, she quickly looked around to check if anyone was nearby.

After confirming that the office was empty, she leaned back in her chair, relieved. Her gaze returned to her phone.

Kang Woo-ju: I got home now.

A text that felt so desperate it could be mistaken for a dying message if someone else saw it.

He must have sent it before falling asleep, just to let her know and ease her worries, like last time.


Noticing this, she hesitated for a long time about whether to reply or not. Finally, she began typing a response very carefully.

Typing, then erasing.

Typing again, then erasing again.

After much struggle, she finally sent a single sentence.

– You worked hard. Sleep well.

After pressing the send button, a gentle smile spread across Kim Eun-ha’s face.


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