My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589

Chapter 29 - Personal Matters

Chapter 29 - Personal Matters

Chapter 29: Personal Matters

TL: Aniea

“Good job, everyone!”

“Good job!”

After all the filming was over.

Both the staff and actors, exhausted from a schedule much longer than originally planned, felt worn out.

In the early stages, the atmosphere was lively with everyone chatting and planning to go out together for a wrap party. However, by the end, everyone was shaking their heads.

“…I didn’t know it would be this tough.”

“…Right. Who would have thought it would go way past 10 o’clock.”

“…If just the poster is this hard, I can’t imagine how tough the actual filming will be. Forget the wrap party, I might pass out as soon as I get on the bus.”


A sigh escaped everyone’s lips simultaneously. Most of the actors were rookies, so they started sharing their impressions of their first shoot.

Most of their comments were about how hard it was, but despite their words, they all had satisfied smiles on their faces.

“But it was fun, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah. It really feels like we’ve passed the audition, doesn’t it?”

“Honestly, compared to the time when I was juggling theater life and part-time jobs, this is nothing. Here, the staff even clean up after us.”

Nod, nod-

Everyone nodded in agreement with each other’s words. Their gazes especially lingered on the staff busily tidying up the set.

At first, they tried to help with the cleanup, but Oh Dong-gyu, the assistant director, firmly drew the line and pushed the actors away.

– Thanks to the hard work of the actors, we also enjoyed the shoot a lot. So please leave the rest to us. We’re already grateful for your intention.

With such firm words, there was no choice but to comply.

Of course, part of the reason was also to prevent accidents from actors handling unfamiliar equipment or crossing boundaries.

Anyway, just by looking at the expressions of the staff, it was clear that they genuinely enjoyed the shoot.

“Isn’t it all thanks to Woo-ju ssi?”

“Yes, absolutely. We received so much because of you. Starting with the coffee and snacks your girlfriend brought, and even the dinner boxes.”

“I’ve never had such delicious lunchboxes in my life. The shrimp tempura on top tasted like it was freshly fried from a restaurant…”

Now the actors started showering me with praise. It wasn’t really my doing; most of the credit went to Kim Eun-ha.

As the filming stretched past dinner time, everyone was getting hungry and irritable. Just then, Secretary Yoon arrived with lunchboxes.

– Sent by CEO Kim Eun-ha.

Not just for me, but for the staff and actors as well.

Secretary Yoon, along with department store staff in formal attire, brought a truckload of lunchboxes, causing everyone to look at me with sparkling eyes.

“Woo-ju ssi, what exactly is your job?”

“I’m an actor.”

“Before this project?”

“I was an aspiring actor.”


People burst out laughing at my honest answer. They must have thought I was joking. This is why it’s important to conduct yourself well in daily life.

“But, Senior Kim Young-ho, since we’re new to filming, it’s not common to eat such expensive meals while chatting, right?”

“Right. The TV station’s budget is limited, so even basic lunchboxes are considered a luxury. There’s not much time to gather like this, to begin with. And most importantly…”

Kim Young-ho slyly turned his head towards me. As our eyes met, he continued with a mischievous smile.

“Actors with such wonderful girlfriends are indeed rare. I didn’t expect to be indebted twice in one day.”

“It’s not such a big deal.”

“Maybe not for you, but for us, who are used to going hungry, it’s different. Just one of those lunchboxes must cost as much as a whole chicken.”


It’s a misunderstanding.

To me, it’s an unnecessarily extravagant and expensive meal. If I had to buy it with my own money, my hands would have trembled.

Unable to say that, I kept my mouth shut, and Kim Young-ho burst out laughing and said.

“Hehe. Thanks to you, we had a hearty meal and enjoyed the shoot a lot. As a senior, it feels a bit inadequate to just say thanks, but I sincerely appreciate it.”

“Ah, me too! Thank you!”

“Thank you!”

Starting with Kim Young-ho’s words, the actors around me also began expressing their gratitude one by one.

I was somewhat embarrassed by this unexpected situation. Not knowing how to respond properly, I just bowed my head lightly, and they seized the opportunity to tease me.

“You know how to bow your head too.”

“Right. I thought you had steel rods in your neck and spine. The more I see you, the more human you seem.”

“Oh? Woo-ju ssi is blushing!”

“I am not.”


Now, whatever I said seemed to amuse them more than before. It felt like the distance between us had significantly shortened over the day.

At first, they saw me as a crazy sociopath, then a crazy rich guy.

Now, they seemed to view me as a “peculiar guy who always buys us meals.”

Since there hadn’t been any significant change in my acting, it was clear that the credit belonged entirely to Kim Eun-ha. Thanks to her, the atmosphere on set had become very amicable.

“But are you planning to have a public relationship?”

Suddenly, Senior Kim Young-ho directed a question at me. Everyone looked at me with eager eyes, seemingly curious about the same thing.

‘…A public relationship.’

By this point, it was practically already public.

His question was probably asking if I would openly say we were a couple, regardless of when or where, or who asked.

For actors, having a known partner generally brought more disadvantages than advantages. It made gathering a fanbase several times more difficult.

‘It’s really fascinating.’

Even though people realistically knew their chances of dating a celebrity were slim, their interest often plummeted once they learned that the celebrity was in a relationship.

This applied to actors, idols, and even internet broadcasters. There was a reason they meticulously hid their dating lives.

‘Probably because it shatters the illusion.’

It was not uncommon for the number of followers on social media to drop drastically once a public relationship was announced.

In the case of actors, I heard that the range of characters offered to them also significantly narrowed. It was particularly critical for rookies with low recognition and fanbases. However,

“There’s no reason to hide it.”

I did not hesitate to answer.

My situation was entirely different from that of typical celebrities.

I was able to get the role of [Kang Joo-heon] because of Kim Eun-ha. Without her, I would likely have quit acting and be job hunting by now.

She also valued promises highly. As long as our contract remained, I could continue acting.

‘Of course, such growth must be sustained…’

If I continued to grow steadily, there shouldn’t be any major problems. To ensure that, I had no intention of being picky about any roles given to me.

In other words, the common disadvantages of a public relationship didn’t apply to me. There was only one thing that bothered me.

– Woo-ju ssi, to what extent will you be satisfied?

I suddenly remembered what Kim Eun-ha had said to me before. My thoughts at that time were still valid. Being human, I also had ambitions.

Higher, even higher.

I wanted to reach a place where there was nothing more to look up to.

‘Announcing our relationship might create some distance.’

Perhaps the wings Kim Eun-ha attached to my back were those of Icarus.

I might fly toward the sun recklessly, only to have all the wax melt and fall helplessly to the depths of the sea.

‘But it doesn’t matter.’

In any case, I had a life with nothing more to lose. Despite working in the same place for years, not a single person came to see me perform in a play.

I didn’t have many opportunities to stand on stage, and even when I did, it was usually as an extra whose face barely appeared.

Compared to those times, this is truly a dreamlike situation now. Kim Eun-ha gave me a new life.

Because of that, if she needs me, I’m willing to give her anything she wants.

“Ah, youth is indeed wonderful. You’re a rare young man in today’s world. Hmm, saying this makes me seem old, doesn’t it?”

“Not at all, sunbae-nim.”


Kim Young-ho laughed heartily, then looked at me again and tossed a casual remark.

“You really like that girl, don’t you?”

He had a mischievous smile on his face.

* * *

“CEO-nim. Although I was the first to suggest it, I never imagined you’d actually have me deliver lunchboxes to your boyfriend.”

“That’s work too.”

“It’s a personal matter.”

“Why? I’m just following the plan that Secretary Yoon laid out step by step. Isn’t that a public matter?”

“There’s personal emotion involved.”


At the end of the conversation, Kim Eun-ha pressed her lips together. Seeing this, Secretary Yoon looked rather taken aback.

“What are you doing, going silent on me?”

“Because I think you’re right.”


“Thinking about it carefully, it’s rare for me to sacrifice anything for someone else without any reason.”

“You donate a lot. You even make time to volunteer at orphanages. There must be hundreds of kids whose lives have changed because of you.”

“…If someone asked me if it was out of pure heart, I wouldn’t be able to say yes. Honestly, a big part of it is for my own peace of mind. It also helps with image management.”

Kim Eun-ha candidly shared her honest feelings. Seeing this rare side of her, Secretary Yoon quietly smiled.

She felt a strong urge to take out her phone and record her expression right then and there, but knowing she couldn’t, she felt deeply regretful.

“So, adjusting your schedule suddenly and having me deliver lunchboxes wasn’t just for image management?”

“…Half and half?”

“CEO-nim, when you lie in bed these days, do you find yourself thinking of Kang Woo-ju?”

“Who do you think you’re talking to? A teenage girl!?”

“You’re not denying it.”


Kim Eun-ha took a deep gulp of the coffee in front of her as if her throat was dry. Seeing her being so candid, Secretary Yoon stifled her laughter again.

After quenching her thirst with coffee, Kim Eun-ha closed her eyes for a moment and sank into thought. Her sharp mind quickly drew a conclusion.

‘…Kim Eun-ha, this is just a simple hormonal reaction.’

It’s just a chemical reaction that naturally happens when a young man and woman are together. In time, it will pass and become indifferent as if it never happened.

She visited the set today because she heard that someone was taking couple photos of Kang Woo-ju, and she went there for management reasons.

‘Yes, that’s right. It is, but…’

However, as if to contradict her conclusion, dramatic moments flooded her mind.

Especially the moment when Kang Woo-ju suddenly grabbed her chin and brought his face close. It was still vivid.

His eyes at that moment were like deep lakes, reflecting her heart as if they were mirrors.

– Pretty.


The sound of Kim Eun-ha putting down her teacup echoed loudly.


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