My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589

Chapter 24 - It's Not Like That

Chapter 24 - It's Not Like That

Chapter 24: It’s Not Like That

TL: Aniea

“Welcome, CEO-nim.”

“Ah, Secretary Yoon!”

Early afternoon.

Kim Eun-ha, who had come to work later than usual, arrived at the department store where Secretary Yoon hurriedly came over to greet her.

“I’m sorry for changing the schedule so abruptly.”

“It’s alright. I’m paid a good salary to handle the CEO’s tasks in times like these. Let me quickly start with a briefing related to work.”

“Please do.”

Secretary Yoon started the briefing with a gentle smile. The organization was impeccable enough to satisfy even the meticulous Kim Eun-ha.

“The luxury boutique on the first floor is running smoothly, as you have trained them for a long time. Especially Manager Park is controlling everything well.”

“That’s a relief.”

“As for the other stores, they all opened on time without any issues, and there isn’t a significant difference in sales compared to usual.”

“What about the VVIP side?”

Kim Eun-ha’s expression sharpened as she asked. While all the mentioned points were important, in reality, most of the department store’s revenue came from VVIPs.

The purchasing power of the top 1% was already remarkable, but recently, as polarization increased, they accounted for up to 80% of the total sales at the department store.

It was essentially a battle among department stores to attract the top consumers.

Secretary Yoon knew this all too well.

With a serious demeanor, she began to speak.

“This morning, Park Hye-jeong~nim from Daema Construction made an unscheduled visit.”

“The wife of the construction company’s owner?”

“Yes. She told me she came to have a casual look with her daughter, but I personally accompanied them around the store.”

“You handled it well. That person is not someone whose words should be taken at face value. If Secretary Yoon hadn’t personally accompanied her, there definitely would have been issues afterwards. As expected of our Secretary Yoon.”

“Thank you.”

Secretary Yoon bowed her head slightly at the rare praise from Kim Eun-ha. When she lifted her head again, a bright smile was on her lips.

“That concludes the briefing, but there is one more thing I would like to suggest to the CEO.”

“Go ahead.”

“How about adjusting your arrival time like today, maybe just two days a week?”

“What? Why all of a sudden…”


Startled by the unexpected suggestion, Kim Eun-ha loudly set down her teacup.

Turning to Secretary Yoon, who had since composed her expression, she continued speaking.

“All of us, including Manager Park and the other employees, have been trained directly by you for the past three years. As you can see, even if you come in a few hours late, there are no significant problems.”


“Maybe it’s time you trusted us and delegated some of your duties?”

Kim Eun-ha stared intently at her. Secretary Yoon, with a light smile, did not avoid her gaze.

After a brief tug-of-war, the winner was none other than Secretary Yoon. Kim Eun-ha took another sip of her coffee and then asked,

“This suggestion doesn’t seem like it’s just based on today’s observations. I’d like to hear more detailed reasons.”

“You looked very relaxed today.”


Kim Eun-ha jolted at the unexpected reason, as Secretary Yoon, with eyes full of knowing, smoothly continued,

“I have been serving under you for three years now, but this is the first time I’ve seen you like this. You always seemed sharp.”

“…Was I like that?”

“Yes, but today, the atmosphere was much softer. Perhaps that’s why everyone was saying you looked much prettier than usual.”

“What, how does that have anything to do with this!?”

Kim Eun-ha’s voice rose in her fluster. However, Secretary Yoon continued without losing her composure.

“It is very much related. Firstly, the tension among the employees has significantly eased, and naturally, their focus and motivation for work have noticeably improved.”


“Additionally, one reason I’d add is that perhaps it’s time for you, CEO, to start working more efficiently.”


Secretary Yoon was probably the only person who could dare use such a word in front of her.

She had been the only one by Kim Eun-ha’s side, witnessing all her deeds.

“Until now, I wondered if you were like Da Vinci or Napoleon, a ‘short sleeper’ genetically able to function well on little sleep. But today, I’m sure of it. It wasn’t that; you were just enduring.”


“You’ve been working with me for more than a day or two; you surely didn’t think you could fool me with just a phone call?”

“…I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t bring it up to receive an apology. Honestly, I was fooled by Kang Woo-ju’s call at first. I only realized it after seeing your expression.”

“My expression?”


Kim Eun-ha turned her head unknowingly. It was towards the direction where a mirror was in the office, but unfortunately, it was too far to check right away.

“Ha-ha, that’s exactly my point. Normally, you would never show such a cute side to others.”


“It made me realize just how much you have been overworking. Right now, I’m genuinely grateful to Kang Woo-ju.”

“Secretary Yoon…”

The two had always gotten along quite well, almost like friends or sisters. This lent a strong persuasive power to Secretary Yoon’s voice.

“I think you yourself felt how good your condition is today.”


Kim Eun-ha kept her mouth shut.

Because Secretary Yoon’s words were true.

In fact, she was enjoying a feeling today that she couldn’t normally feel, having consumed only one cup of coffee as opposed to her usual several.

The phrase ‘my mind is spinning’ felt all too real, and she found no words to argue.

“What I’m suggesting about adjusting your schedule isn’t just out of concern for your health, but also because it would be far more efficient. You agree, right?”


Under Secretary Yoon’s relentless pursuit, Kim Eun-ha finally nodded. Her logical mind found no room to argue against such reasoning.

Secretary Yoon’s smile grew wider. She parted her lips as if she wasn’t finished yet.

“Most importantly, you’ve just started experiencing real love. If you want to spend happy times with Kang Woo-ju like today…”

“It’s not like that!?”


Kim Eun-ha, greatly embarrassed, blurted out informally without realizing. As she bit her lip, realizing her mistake, the corners of Secretary Yoon’s mouth reached her ears.

“You’re reacting too strongly.”

“I’m just not fully awake yet.”

“My, my.”


Realizing whatever she said would disadvantage her, Kim Eun-ha clammed up. Watching her, Secretary Yoon slowly opened her mouth.

“It’s really fortunate, though.”

“What are you going to say now?”

“It’s just that I was the one who originally planned this project. Even as I speak, I was unsure if it was the right plan…”

Secretary Yoon paused for a moment.

She calmly settled the inexplicable emotions bubbling inside her before continuing slowly.

“I’m really glad you’ve found your match, CEO. Finally, for someone who was practically a Mossol! I’m truly moved to tears.” (TL: Mossol is a korean slang for a person who has never had a romantic partner)

“I told you that’s not it! Once you start entertaining the idea, there’s no end to it. And I’m not a Mossol either! You have no idea how many men have tried to woo me…”

“Yes, then I’ll go back to work now.”

With that, Secretary Yoon quickly reverted to a professional demeanor as if she had said all she needed to.

Kim Eun-ha looked at her incredulously, but Secretary Yoon was notoriously thick-skinned.

“Then, CEO~nim, fighting!”



Secretary Yoon quickly escaped and closed the door behind her. Kim Eun-ha watched the empty space she left behind and chuckled in resignation.

“….It’s really not like that.”

She sipped the remaining coffee and sank deep into the sofa, pondering over the proposal Secretary Yoon had given her repeatedly.

* * *

Meanwhile, Kang Woo-ju, who had dropped Kim Eun-ha off at the department store, was also on his way to work.

He was headed to a pre-release poster shoot, the first gateway to officially announcing the drama <Peaceful Chaebol Life> to the public.

‘The timing is a bit awkward.’

Matching the exact time was challenging. It wasn’t like he could teleport; how could he perfectly time his arrival to meet the appointment exactly?

Previously, he had used pedestrian routes and public transport to sneak into the broadcasting station and then entered the meeting place at the precise time.

But now, that method was no longer possible. Especially because just standing at a bus stop would create a scene…

– Isn’t that guy the famous cafe man?

– Oh my, yeah. That’s him!?

– Is he trying to catch a bus?

– No way, surely not.

This sort of atmosphere was precisely why. The subway, crowded with people, was even worse.

Although the car and card Kim Eun-ha had given were meant to be used sparingly, circumstances forced his hand. Moreover…

– Let me just ask him for his number real quick!

– Seriously, didn’t you see the video on SNS yesterday? Even 300,000 followers didn’t get it. His aura is seriously chilling even when he just looks on.

– That’s why I’m doing it.

– …Then I’m coming too!

This strange trend started at the reading cafe he frequented. Asking for his number and getting rejected had become some kind of meme.

Whether he changed cafes…

Stood at bus stops or train stations…

Or even went to the supermarket near his home…

People would come up in groups to ask for his number and enjoy being rejected. He got tired of answering, so if he just stared quietly, they liked it even more

‘…I really don’t get why they like it.’

It started as a part of the daily acting concept due to his contract with Kim Eun-ha, but even he couldn’t understand why people were fond of such a character.

If he were doing something like taking care of them like a tsundere might, then maybe. But he was just outright ignoring them, which was supposedly appealing.

‘The world really is hard to figure out.’

Because of this, he ended up using the car Kim Eun-ha had provided even for short distances. The difficulty of precisely timing his entries had also significantly increased.

If anything happened en route that caused him to be late, then the concept, whatever it was, would be blown.

‘Time to go.’

I parked the car in the parking lot and walked towards the shooting location at a carefully moderated pace, neither too slow nor too fast.

Upon entering the studio I had been told about, writer Jung Ha-rin recognized me from a distance and started running towards me.

“Actor Kang Woo-ju!”

Seeing her cheerful expression, it seemed I had luckily arrived just on time.

I sighed with relief inwardly, but outwardly, I continued to walk confidently.

This was it, the long-awaited moment.

My life’s first official shoot.


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