My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589

Chapter 16 - I am Kang Woo-ju

Chapter 16 - I am Kang Woo-ju

Chapter 16: I am Kang Woo-ju

TL: Aniea

On the day of the script reading, Director Kang In-ho and Writer Jung Ha-rin were pacing around the conference room.

As time passed, their strides became faster, as if they were jogging, revealing their anxiety.

“Dong-gyu, is it not time yet?”

“…Director-nim. Please ask at least every five minutes. I think we’re going to get neurosis from this.”

Assistant director Oh Dong-gyu sighed deeply. He had been asked the same question nearly a hundred times within the hour.

There was still more than 30 minutes left until the script reading, yet they were so restless.

“What kind of person is Kang Woo-ju that you act like this? It’s not like it’s our first day shooting with impressive actors. Why are you acting like amateurs?”

“Man, if it was just about dealing with an impressive actor, would we be acting like this? Haven’t you read the script? Kang Joo-heon literally walked out of the script. That good he was.”

“If he acts that well, that’s good for us.”

“That’s the problem! It doesn’t seem like acting! If actor Kim Young-ho’s mood gets ruined and everything falls apart, we’re all screwed!”

Director Kang In-ho passionately argued, causing the assistant director to look dubious. Of course, he had read the script in advance and knew what character Kang Joo-heon was.

‘Isn’t that just your typical sociopath?’

A character who wouldn’t hesitate to do anything if it benefited him or his company. A common villain in chaebol dramas.

Of course, Kang Joo-heon, with Writer Jung Ha-rin’s unique flavor added, appeared much more three-dimensional and attractive than usual.

‘What do they mean it doesn’t seem like acting?’

He had heard rumors that Kang Woo-ju was a parachuted actor, supposedly receiving full support from a major corporation, though he didn’t know the details.

When he first heard this news, he thought it was a disaster. Honestly, he still thinks so.

It’s obvious what happens when a newcomer with no notable qualifications takes on a leading role.

‘…Two consecutive home runs are too much.’

One project had already blown up due to the lead actor’s drug scandal, and now, to have a parachuted actor take the lead in a drama felt like being used as a stopgap.

He had been completely taken in by the promise of working with the Kang In-ho and Jung Ha-rin combo.

‘I’d rather they were actually someone who came out of the script like director said.’

About 4% of the population are said to be sociopaths, often climbing to high positions because they don’t hesitate to sacrifice others for their own benefit. In the broadcasting world, filled with stars, this percentage seems to skyrocket.

‘I’m used to dealing with such people.’

Perhaps dealing with a perfectionist sociopath like Kang Joo-heon is better than someone who can’t act at all.

In the workplace, people often prefer someone who is competent but has a bad personality over someone who is nice but incompetent.

‘One thing’s for sure, he’s definitely rude.’

Considering his response when he sent a message that also served as a notification last time. While other actors responded with lengthy, friendly messages, Kang Woo-ju simply replied:

– Acknowledged.

That terse response was all. Wondering if the message had been cut off, he waited, but no further communication came.

And that’s not all.

Unlike other new actors who arrived an hour early to secure their spots, Kang Woo-ju was nowhere to be seen.

‘…Well, as long as he does his job.’

Oh Dong-gyu had let a lot of things go.

After all, there’s no law defining how to behave in every situation.

If a newcomer actor has the skills to back it up, he didn’t see a reason to complain, although it certainly set a high bar for expectations.


“Director-nim. If you’re that worried, why don’t you call him yourself? We’re already busy with camera setup.”

“That’s a bit…”

Kang In-ho avoided the assistant director’s gaze with a reluctant face, his eyes naturally shifting towards Jung Ha-rin.

At that, she widened her eyes and growled in the most ferocious voice in the world.

“Why are you looking at me?”

“Is it now a sin just to look?”

“Director-nim, it’s a problem because the message ‘Ha-rin, could you try contacting Kang Woo-ju?’ is leaking out of your eyes.”

“Ha-rin, could you try contacting Kang Woo-ju?”

“Ah, come on!”

“Director-nim! A car has entered the parking lot!”

“Who! Who is it!?”

“Uh… That is…”

Under Director Kang In-ho’s gaze, which seemed fierce enough to devour someone, the youngest staff member stuttered.

As everyone’s attention focused on him, the youngest staff member, resigning himself to fate, tightly shut his eyes and shouted.

“It’s Actor Kim Young-ho!”


Director Kang In-ho and Writer Jung Ha-rin simultaneously let out a deep sigh. The staff, who had been watching the two for cues, naturally became tenser.

“What should we do, Director-nim?”

“We do what we always do.”


Kang In-ho rubbed his head irritably as he organized his thoughts. Then, he began to call over the staff one by one, issuing instructions.

“Dong-gyu, check the camera and props again. Jin-ah, go to the waiting room and bring all the newcomers, and tell them Actor Kim Young-ho has arrived.”

“Yes, understood.”

Director Kang In-ho, now exuding charisma that made one question if he was the same person as before, spurred everyone into brisk action.

“Our youngest go out front to make sure Actor Kim Young-ho doesn’t lose his way. You understand what I mean, right?”

“…I understand.”

The youngest nodded with a gloomy face. From now on, he had to buy time so that Actor Kim Young-ho would arrive at the meeting room as late as possible.

“Alright, everyone else, same goes for you. Double-check if there are any impediments to your assigned tasks and report directly to me.”


“While the nominal reason is script reading, this is the first time the actors are meeting us. Don’t show any sloppiness or they’ll eat you alive!”

“Yes, understood!”

The atmosphere was reminiscent of the military.

Thanks to Director Kang In-ho’s nature of being stricter than anyone else on set, despite usually showing a playful demeanor, this was possible.

Writer Jung Ha-rin, not to be outdone, quickly went to the assistant writers to give instructions.

“We’re the same. We don’t know when we’ll have to revise the script, so try to absorb as much of the actors’ performances as possible. It will be a big help in shaping the image.”


The production team moved efficiently, completing all preparations. Meanwhile, the new actors began to fill the empty seats one by one.

The bustling atmosphere gradually settled down. As if on cue, everyone fell silent, filling the conference room with a strange tension.

“Actor Kim Young-ho has arrived on our floor.”

“Bring him in with all due respect.”

Although it might seem overly courteous at a glance, Kim Young-ho was a veteran in the industry with decades of experience.

Over the years, his natural network had grown to resemble a cartel, so getting on his bad side could make life difficult for anyone, actor or director alike.



Knock- Click-!

After a long silence, the sound of a knock came, and the conference room door opened. The youngest staff member who had gone to meet him entered.

Following him, a kind-faced middle-aged man stepped inside. Seeing him, everyone rose from their seats and bowed.

“Senior, hello!”


“Ah, sit down, everyone. I’m not the lead, so there’s no need to make a fuss. Sorry for making you wait with my slow walking.”

“Oh, not at all. It’s still a while until the time we notified you of. Please, have a seat here.”

Director Kang In-ho took over from the youngest and personally guided Actor Kim Young-ho to his seat.

Only after he sat down did those who were watching cautiously start to settle back into their chairs one by one.

Kim Young-ho, who had taken his seat, leisurely surveyed the room, making eye contact with each person one by one. In the midst of this, he noticed that the seat opposite him was empty.

“Director-nim, am I the last one to arrive?”

“Ah, that is… One person has yet to arrive.”

“Hmm. I see.”

Since the staff had prepared seating charts on each table beforehand, there was no one who didn’t know whose seat was empty.

The already awkward topic popped out from Actor Kim Young-ho’s mouth, causing everyone to wear an awkward expression.

“Ha-ha. It seems like everyone is too nervous since it’s all our first time. How about we lighten the mood with some introductions?”


Guessing Kim Young-ho’s intentions, Director Kang In-ho forced a smile.

It was everyone’s first gathering. Therefore, starting with simple introductions before the script reading had become an unspoken rule.

However, starting introductions now, when not everyone had arrived, would be like treating Kang Woo-ju as if he didn’t exist at all.

‘…It’s awkward to suggest waiting.’

Since a senior was trying to ease the newcomers’ nerves, voicing a contrary opinion now would not be wise.

If they decided to wait for Kang Woo-ju instead of proceeding, a heavy silence would dominate the meeting room. That alone would stress the newcomers significantly.

Resentment would naturally concentrate on Kang Woo-ju, the cause of the wait. As if questioning what makes him so special that he still hasn’t arrived.

‘Ah, this is really becoming a headache.’

It wasn’t about defending him, but relationships among actors working together could become quite a hassle if they were bad. It was a situation the director would definitely want to avoid.

‘…About 15 minutes left.’

Glancing at the clock, he saw there were about 15 minutes left until the scheduled time.

Considering Kang Woo-ju’s past behavior, he was not someone who would be late. Betting everything, he decided to stall for as much time as possible.

“Then, let us from the production team introduce ourselves first. I am Kang In-ho, the PD in charge. I’m looking forward to working with all of you…”

Director Kang In-ho’s introduction was so long it reminded one of a school principal’s moral lesson.




As time passed.

All the production team’s introductions were finished.

The promised time was nearing, yet Kang Woo-ju had not arrived in the meeting room. Director Kang In-ho wore a resigned expression.

‘…Now, I don’t even know anymore.’

The minute hand was pointing at 59. The prearranged time was almost upon them.

He had done all he could; the rest was up to Kang Woo-ju. Just as he was half resigned, Actor Kim Young-ho stood up.

“It’s already my turn, it seems. Hello, I am Kim Young-ho…”


Just then, someone knocked on the meeting room door. The previously warm atmosphere instantly froze, and everyone’s gaze turned to one point.

‘Damn, of all times…!’

The worst timing to interrupt Actor Kim Young-ho’s words. Director Kang In-ho hoped the person entering was anyone but Kang Woo-ju.


The door opened, and a man dressed in a suit entered with a confident stride that seemed to kick aside all their expectations.

“And you are…?”

Standing up, Kim Young-ho asked in an unusually deep voice.

The man, without avoiding Kim Young-ho’s gaze, answered without hesitation.

“I am Kang Woo-ju.”

His voice and posture, unshaken despite the collective gaze, made for an impressively memorable entrance. However, what truly surprised everyone, including Director Kang In-ho, was his next action.

“Nice to meet you, Senior Kim Young-ho.”


Kang Woo-ju lightly bowed his head towards Kim Young-ho, leaving Director Kang In-ho and Writer Jung Ha-rin with their mouths agape.

‘Kang Woo-ju…’

‘He bowed his head first!?’

Both sharing the same thought, they had to clench their teeth to keep from screaming.


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