My Girlfriend’s Fortune: 3,141,592,653,589

Chapter 11 - The Eye of the Storm

Chapter 11 - The Eye of the Storm

Chapter 11: The Eye of the Storm

TL: Aniea

“Would you like to go to a hotel with me?”


The moment I uttered those words, a heavy silence descended around us. It was so heavy that, despite having something to say next, my lips refused to part rashly.

“…What did you say?”

“Kim Eun-ha ssi, please calm down and just listen.”

“Did I hear you correctly? Hotel? H-O-T-E-L?!”

Kim Eun-ha’s voice was colder than ever before. In contrast, her face turned red hot.

Expressions of confusion, distrust, and embarrassment all surfaced. This was the first time I realized how expressive Kim Eun-ha’s face could be.



Kim Eun-ha, having lost her composure, charged at me. Unlike before, I was closely watching her and managed to dodge her attack with relative ease.


Kim Eun-ha’s head turned towards me, creaking like a doll’s. The bizarre scene left me speechless as if I were watching a horror movie.


“Kim Eun-ha ssi. Please, just calm… Ack!”

Whoosh! Whisk!

Dodging every attack seemed to only fuel her further. The speed of her punches began to increase even more.

Fearing that one of us might really get hurt, I had no choice but to grab her wrist.

“What now?”

True to her training in martial arts, Kim Eun-ha immediately swung her other hand towards me. But I’m not one to be beaten easily.

I successfully caught her other wrist before she could lash out further and cried out in a desperate voice.



Kim Eun-ha froze.

Unable to attack, the moment I shouted something incomprehensible, it was as if she short-circuited.

I immediately raised both hands to show my surrender and stepped back from Kim Eun-ha. Then, she looked at me with a somewhat dazed expression.

“The whole point of our date today was to use the paparazzi to our advantage, to flaunt our relationship, right? So, what better signal than booking a room together? I swear to heaven I had no other intentions! It was half-joking, half-serious!”

As I rapidly poured out everything I had to say, Kim Eun-ha glared at me with half-closed eyes.


The can in her hand crumpled and uncrumpled, screaming in the process. I swallowed dryly, awaiting her verdict.



As if time had stopped, we stood awkwardly facing each other for a while. Then, very slowly, she relaxed her fist.

“Have you calmed dow… Ack!”

Thinking she had calmed down a bit, I approached her, but Kim Eun-ha threw the can at me. Since I hadn’t let my guard down, I narrowly dodged it.

“…You’re really hateful.”

“I went too far with my joke. I’m sorry.”

I bowed deeply, offering a sincere apology. After a long moment of pouting, Kim Eun-ha finally accepted my apology.

“Just like that?”

“I’ll transfer my wish coupon to you.”

“I’ll take it. And one more.”

“Hey, that’s too greedy.”


“Why is the number increasing?”





As soon as the deal was struck, Kim Eun-ha smiled brightly. That’s when I realized she had been exaggerating her actions on purpose.

She’s terrifying.

I was completely fooled.

“From where was it an act?”

“Obviously, from the beginning.”

“But your ears turned red.”

“…I’ll use one wish coupon now.”

“…use it?”


Kim Eun-ha gave an evil smile and shook her head from side to side. She cracked her knuckles and started walking towards me.

“Stay still.”

“Can’t we find a more civilized use?”

“Shut your mouth too.”



That sound definitely did not come from my mouth. It was the sound of power flowing from the tips of her toes, through her calves and waist, perfectly transferring to the end of her fist.


I soared into the air like an extra in a martial arts movie, only to lose strength in my legs and collapse onto the ground.

Kim Eun-ha approached me as I sat there. She squatted in front of me, locking eyes as she spoke.

“You’re quite good at stunt acting. I almost mistook it for real for a moment.”

“…Was it a bit too fast?”



Kim Eun-ha headbutted me right then. This was something I hadn’t anticipated, leaving me no time to dodge.

The pain made my head swim.

I closed my eyes tightly.




Unfortunately, my grand(?) plan to head to the hotel was thwarted. Kim Eun-ha issued a cold warning.

“Do you think you can handle my grandfather?”

“What do you mean…?”

“As it turns out, I’m a granddaughter quite cherished by my grandfather. He wouldn’t sit idly by if he found out I went to a hotel with a man.”

“You’d take my side then, right?”

“Of course. You’re my husband.”


The timing to interrupt her was a bit awkward. It was confusing whether she meant ‘husband’ or ‘on the other side,’ so I boldly changed the plan.

I didn’t particularly wish for a long life, but having barely passed an audition I longed for, I thought I should at least try shooting.

“Shall we go watch a movie then?”

“A movie?”

“It’s the standard for an ordinary date, isn’t it? Watching a movie, eating, and going to a café. Though I’ve heard the trend has changed a bit due to the soaring ticket prices…”

That wouldn’t be a problem for Kim Eun-ha. If anything, she could probably rent out an entire cinema.

Hearing my suggestion, Kim Eun-ha chewed on her lip as if pondering, then slowly replied.



“I don’t really like cinemas.”

Well, can’t help it then.

After all, previously, she didn’t even understand a famous line known to every Korean. It was a sufficiently understandable statement.

Naturally, I had no intention of forcing her to do something she disliked, so I decided to think a bit more.

“How about a play…?”

“Same as movies.”

“Then, golf?”

“Do you know how to play?”

“Right. I can’t play golf.”


Finding common ground was more difficult than expected due to our vastly different backgrounds.

Of course, narrowing down options like we did with the shooting earlier could be an interesting experience, but the problem was the excessive physical energy already spent.

At the same time, I was concerned about maintaining my persona. Although it was just the two of us now, acting this way in an open place could turn all our previous efforts to dust.

“Ah, do you like reading?”

“I do read quite a bit.”

“How about we go to a book café together?”

“A book café?”

Kim Eun-ha tilted her head in confusion. I quickly pulled out my phone and showed her pictures related to it.

A place designed for reading, surrounded by books just like a library.

This place would allow me to maintain my persona while freely showcasing my time with Kim Eun-ha.

“Hmm, this could indeed provide a beneficial time for both of us. We get to date and secure time for reading.”

“It’s also a location easily accessible to paparazzi. I think it’s a good place to naturally promote our relationship.”

“Great idea. It’s approved.”

“It’s an honor, milady.”


A breathless blow caught me off guard, leaving me gasping for air. Kim Eun-ha had already gotten used to my evasive maneuvers, giving me no chance to dodge this time.

* * *

“What’s with those people?”

“The atmosphere is insane, right?”

“Wow, are those two doing a photoshoot or something?”

In a book café in downtown Seoul.

People quietly reading started to whisper among themselves. The cause was the entrance of Kim Eun-ha and Kang Woo-ju, a couple, ten minutes ago.

After ordering some simple drinks, they immediately sat down and began reading, monopolizing all the attention around them with just that.

“Why is it so noisy?”

“Hey, look over there.”

“Wow. Amazing…”

As the surroundings became noisy, those who had been burying their heads in their books lifted their heads with furrowed brows, but it didn’t take long for their expressions to soften.

Being people who considered themselves cultured, none of them blatantly stared at the two or raised their voices excessively.

However, it was a clear fact that everyone inside the café was focusing on them.

“Are they celebrities?”

“Does anyone know who they are?”

“No, I’ve never seen them before.”

“Right. With looks like that, they’d be hard to forget.”

Curiosity about the two increased naturally, but not many knew their true identities. As unresolved curiosity accumulated.

“Could that be a script they have?”

“It looks like it. It says TvM on the cover.”

“Right! I searched it, and there’s an article about a new work being introduced next quarter by writer Jung Ha-rin and director Kang In-ho. The title is ‘Peaceful Chaebol Life.’ That must be it.”

People, driven by curiosity, started searching the title peeking out from Kang Woo-ju’s hand, finding answers for themselves.

“Ah, that series. I watched all of ‘Wise Doctor Life’ up to season 2. Huh! Then, are they filming a drama right now?”

“Eh, there are no cameras around. Maybe it’s for drama promotion? This duo is famous for casting new actors.”

“Right. But really, the atmosphere is crazy. At first, my eyes were on the actress, but now, I find myself drawn to the actor for some reason.”

“Right? Those eyes are no joke. I wouldn’t be able to speak properly if I were in front of him. And look at those veins on the back of his hand.”

“…Just looking at them is healing.”

“…So sexy.”

Quiet praises for the two poured out. Meanwhile, they remained completely absorbed in their books, not even glancing around.

This indifference only drew people in more, and eventually, there were more people watching Kang Woo-ju and Kim Eun-ha than reading their own books.


Meanwhile, a step back, there were people swallowing their saliva as they watched everyone.

Using tiny cameras equipped on items like glasses or pens, they were busy taking photos of the Kang Woo-ju couple.


The photos taken were immediately attached to messages and sent somewhere.

– Omega, in contact with X.

– No peculiarities so far.

– Will maintain confidential observation.

Unlike the noisy surroundings, in the eye of the storm it was utterly silent where Kang Woo-ju and Kim Eun-ha simply continued turning the pages of their books.


TL: Hi, I have been on break for quite a while now due to my exams. But I am back now so expect regular releases. Thanks


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