My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

Chapter 89 - That Day (5)

Chapter 89 - That Day (5)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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It was our first time, so we were both cautious with each other, which was somewhat regrettable yet immensely satisfying. The moment we had longed for, to become one, had passed. Then, lying side by side in bed, I talked with Heena.


"Why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

"Because I'm just so, so happy."

"About what we did today?"

"That, and also just lying here in bed with you, I love it."

"Does it feel like we're living together?"

"Yes! It was a bit lonely falling asleep alone at home, but now, I don't feel that way at all. I'm happy."

"I'm glad."

"But I think I'll feel even lonelier once you leave..."

"Oh dear."

But I felt the same way. I was so happy at this moment. Since it was our first time, I had agreed to Heena's request not to use a condom, which made me a bit nervous.

"How about I start staying here from next week?"


"Well... it seems fine. I can study here just as well. Though, I guess I should tell my uncle and aunt."


Heena seemed incredibly delighted at my suggestion, hugging me tightly and squirming with joy.

After a lot of excitement, we talked for a long time about how we would live going forward, what we needed to do, including gathering clothes and talking to our families. We also pondered how to move the computer.

Discussing various matters, we were both tired, and at some point, Heena fell asleep first. I held her in my arms and closed my eyes as well.

I hadn't slept well the night before, and the physical exertion today had left me drained. Heena must have been in a similar state, judging by how quickly she fell asleep.

Whether we're living together or not, we decided to sleep on it and think more after waking up.


Raei Translations


When I woke up, exhausted, Heena was still asleep in my arms.

Only her head to shoulders were visible under the blanket, but I could feel our bodies touching each other underneath it.

The morning brought with it a certain physical arousal, but it no longer mattered. Before, I would have been embarrassed, trying not to get caught, but now there was no shame.

Honestly, it would be nonsensical not to feel this way around Heena. Hence, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I had revived several times yesterday.

The thought of wanting her right after waking up did cross my mind, but I decided to hold off for today. It was our first time, and Heena had been in a lot of pain. She said she could endure it, that it was also a joy, but as her boyfriend, I couldn’t help but worry.

Therefore, I simply turned to my side and hugged her tightly, content with just that. Watching Heena sleep peacefully in my arms was mentally satisfying in itself.

I wanted to check what time it was, but my phone was too far away to reach easily. Besides, I was currently serving as Heena's arm pillow.

Come to think of it, my arm was starting to feel numb, almost sensationless. Is that alright?

Anyway, judging by the slight light seeping in at the edge of the curtains, it seemed like morning. We must have fallen asleep before 10 pm last night, so we've slept quite a bit.


While I was thinking this, trying not to move so Heena could sleep comfortably, she stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah...heehee... Yeonie~"

She rubbed her body against me with a cute voice right after opening her eyes. I indulged her for a moment, and after she stopped moving, I grabbed her face and slowly overlapped our lips.

This feeling filling my heart at this moment, yes, this must be happiness.


After a not so intense but very long kiss, with her closing her eyes and leaning into me,

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm still a little... sore."

"Is that so? Then let's just rest for today."

"What about after today?"

"Brace yourself. I won't let you go."

"Kyaa~ Scary!"

We talked like that as we slowly got up. We needed to wash up and take care of the bed sheets. Not that we thought the stains were dirty, but lying there felt a bit damp.

So, just like last night, not wearing a thread between us, we held hands and headed to the bathroom.

However, along the way, noticing my lower half issue,

"Should I do it again?"


-Tap tap

With those words and tapping her lips, my mischievous girlfriend extended our shower time once more.

Somehow, our signal for a kiss seemed to have transformed into a more erotic meaning.


Raei Translations


After washing up together, brushing our teeth side by side with our own toothbrushes and cups, it really felt like we were living together. Only then, after more than a dozen hours, could we finally put on clothes again.

Since the stay was 100% confirmed, I took out the shorts I had packed in my bag, and Heena wore black dolphin shorts and a white tank top.

Of course, the tank top that clung to her and outlined her figure was nice, but I thought the person who invented dolphin shorts deserved a reward.

In a way, they're not much different from hot pants, clearly covering more than underwear, yet why do they look so... enticing?

"What do you want to eat? Should we order something, or I have cereal."

"Um, let's have cereal. Cornflakes?"


She started opening various cabinets around the sink looking for bowls at my response. I watched her and tilted my head in confusion.

"Looking for the bowls?"

"Mom reorganized everything the day before yesterday, so I don't know where the cereal bowls are now~"

Hearing that, I also approached and began looking around with her. Indeed, for someone living alone, Heena sure had a lot of things.

Having eaten cereal together at her family home before, I had a general idea of which bowls we were looking for as I scanned the area.

But honestly, I was less focused on finding the bowls and more on...


"Ah! What are you doing!"

"I didn't mean to."

I had sneakily touched Heena's buttocks. She gave me a startled look but didn't say I shouldn't.

My girlfriend is very forgiving when it comes to touching her buttocks, even if she's strict about other areas.

So, as I continued to knead without letting go, Heena chuckled and spoke up.

"Do you really like my butt that much? You were all over it yesterday."

"Yeah. It's the best."

"Then... between my breasts and my butt, which do you like more?"


Wow, that's a tough one.

It felt like being asked whether I liked mom or dad more as a kid. I might lean towards dad recently because I got a hefty allowance, but still, the sudden question caught me off guard.

The softness of both was comparable. Heena had a surprisingly ample rear and chest, so the feel of each was equally satisfying. The level of allure was also on par.

Man, this is hard.

As I pondered seriously, resting my chin on my hand, Heena had already found the bowls and prepared breakfast with milk.

"It's too hard to choose..."

"Is it really?"

"I like both too much."

"Really, can't help it then~"

With that, Heena grabbed my hand and placed it back on her buttocks.

"From now on, you can touch as much as you want, whether it's my butt or breasts."


"But only mine, got it?"

"Of course."

"Hehe, then that's settled! Let's eat~ Are you hungry?"


Raei Translations


After a light breakfast of cereal, we checked the time, and it wasn't even 10 AM yet. We had slept in quite a bit, but since we went to bed early yesterday, it felt like an early morning.

We didn't do much after eating. We changed the bed sheets and dropped the used ones off at a nearby laundromat.

Then, as if the mere act of being together was the goal, we spent our time glued to each other, watching YouTube videos or simply sitting close.

"Should we go out tomorrow?"

"Mmm~ We promised to stay in until the 15th~"

"But I need to tell them we'll be staying together here."

"Let's go!"

She looked momentarily puzzled but then brightly agreed with my suggestion. Her constant smiling indicated she was looking forward to our days together in this room, though my mind was a bit more complicated.

Everyone must have known this was coming, but the thought of actually having to talk about it made me incredibly nervous. My mom said living like this would lead to cohabitation, but I never imagined we'd decide to cross that line on our very first day.

"I wonder if your dad will say anything...?"

"My dad? He likes you so much! Of course, he'll be okay with it."

"Why do your dad and brother like me so much anyway?"

"Heh, right?"

Somehow it will work out, I guess. After all, getting their permission is almost a given, and I'm just embarrassed to bring it up.

Anyway, continuing from last night, we talked about our plans for the future today as well.

"How do we bring over the computer? Should I ask Heeseong hyung for help? I'm a bit worried since Jeongwoo hyung hardly drives."

"You can ask oppa. Anything else you need?"

"First thing is the internet. That's essential."

"Isn't there a WiFi router under my desk? Can't we use that?"

"Oh, right. Then we just need the cable."

We decided to ask Heeseong hyung for help with the most pressing issue.

"We also need to pack clothes. Should I ask mom for help?"

"I'll go with you! Let's use this opportunity to throw away everything we don't need and only bring what we wear."

"There's going to be a lot to throw away... What's up?"

"Hm? Hug me."

Suddenly, in the middle of our conversation, Heena positioned herself in front of me, sitting with her legs stretched out in the living room, and boldly stated, "Hug me."

There was no reason to refuse, so I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her towards me to hug her. Touching her stomach was off-limits, but it seemed okay to embrace her like this.


But since we were sitting like this, it felt a shame to just hold her, so I moved her hair aside and lightly kissed her neck.

"It tickles~"

"So, you don't like it?"

"I like it!"

"Hmm, should we try for a hickey? The one I tried to give you yesterday didn't show up."

"Really? Do it quickly!"

"Just a moment."

At my words, Heena excitedly gathered her hair forward, presenting her nape to me. Since we were cautious with our actions yesterday, it seemed too gentle to leave a mark. So, this time, a bit stronger.



As I sucked strongly on her neck, a short moan escaped from Heena. After pulling away, a small red mark was left behind. Was this the right way to do it?

"I left a mark, but I'm not sure if it's right."

"Can you take a picture and show me?"

Following her request, I took a photo of the area with my phone and showed it to her. Seeing it, Heena began to laugh softly.

"I like this~ I should use it as my profile picture."

"Wait, please no!"


"I won't say anything about kissing anymore, but let's not do this kind of thing..."


Heena made a disappointed sound, then turned around to face me, and leaned in to press her lips against my neck.


Just like I did, she put pressure on her lips and sucked. It was slightly painful but the softness of Heena's lips made it feel like a net zero.

"Ah! It's there!"

"Really? Wait, what if it shows when we meet uncle tomorrow?"

"So what?"

"It's not 'so what.' When will it fade?"

"If you're worried, let's meet your mother first tomorrow. You can change into a turtleneck when we get there."

"Guess we'll have to do that..."

"Then, can I continue now?"

With that, she resumed showering my neck with kisses. I wondered what to do with this playful, cat-like girlfriend of mine but ended up just hugging her. How could I possibly scold Heena?

And so, our day continued in this manner. Although most of our dates didn't involve spending much money, just being together like this, time flew by especially fast today.

We talked, shared physical affection, and at times, Heena sat on my lap while we played with the phone.

For dinner, I intended to cook stew, but Heena suggested we take it easy just for today and ordered delivery food instead.

And just like that, the day passed, and night came again. After showering, we found ourselves under the same blanket as the night before, lying side by side, looking at each other.



"I'm really happy right now, you know?"

"Me too."


As she smiled sweetly, I gently caressed her cheek. Heena grasped my hand, rubbing it against her face, and whispered.

"After a day has passed..."


"I think I'm okay."


I didn't respond with a clueless "What do you mean?" Instead, I slowly sat up, moved closer to Heena, and our lips met.

Our second night in this house deepened.

Author's Note:

I've realized that if you try, you can achieve anything. 38,000 characters in three days, is this even real? I almost fell asleep standing up while making coffee at the cafe...

The adult-rated chapter that follows was not written just because I wanted to.

I intended to show what their nights would be like after their first night together with some after-talk but trying to express that without adult content felt impossible, so I just went for it... although I did want to write it.

Day and night, Yeonho! Now, only one adult-rated chapter is left!


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