My German Empire

Chapter 9: Borrowing Money II

Chapter 9: Borrowing Money II

In fact, the reason why the German generals were puzzled was that they only mechanically calculated the troops in the Soviet army's organization sequence, and knew nothing about the existence of the Soviet "stealth troops". The Soviet army secretly adopted the "stealth force" system as early as the early 1930s. It is efficient, reliable, and almost uses no material resources. This system can turn one division into two divisions overnight, and it enables the Soviet General Staff to double the number of divisions in a very short time.

The formation of troops during World War II mainly depends on personnel and equipment, of which the formation of command institutions is the most critical.

Take an ordinary Soviet infantry division as an example. Usually this division has two deputy commanders, one performs daily duties, and the other, in addition to participating in normal training and combat readiness work, has a secret title-"commander of the invisible force"; the division deputy chief of staff rank is also two, of which One also has a secret title, that is, "the chief of staff of the invisible unit"; and so on, this is true for each regiment, battalion, company, and even small shifts. It can be seen that each division has another complete command organization as a backup.

When the war broke out and the infantry division received the order to go to the front line immediately, the division brought only one deputy commander, that is, the deputy commander who performed daily duties, while the other "invisible unit commander" remained on standby. Similarly, from regiment to platoon, the entire division-level backup command organization has also been retained. Their secret titles are now public, and the "stealth troops" have finally surfaced. This newly formed division can be supplemented by 18,000 reserve soldiers within 24 hours.

Of course, this newly established division is definitely not as good as the one that just went to the front in terms of combat effectiveness, but it is a division after all. This new division commander is still a well-trained and experienced officer, and has been working on the front line of the army for many years, acting as a replacement for a real combat division commander. Those officers serving as regiment commanders, battalion commanders, and company commanders are also active combat officers, not reserve personnel. These officers usually deal with active-duty soldiers and new weapons and equipment, have participated in rigorous military training and exercises, have excellent personal military skills, and have extensive management experience. In addition, all officers of this newly formed division, from the division commander to the company commander, have worked with each other for many years and are very familiar with each other, ensuring the efficiency of operations under the new command structure.

The personnel problem has been solved. Where did the newly formed division's weapons and equipment come from?

In fact, this question is very simple. These "stealth troops" use old-fashioned weapons. For example, when the Soviet artillery began to modify self-propelled artillery, the old towed artillery that was replaced would certainly not be melted down as scrap steel. They would be sealed up for use by "stealth troops." These "stealth units" are all units that use old-fashioned equipment. They do not have sophisticated weapons and equipment, and their maintenance costs are extremely low. However, at critical moments, they can reinforce those divisions equipped with new weapons in an astonishing amount. It can be said that it was this system that saved the Soviet Union and kept it as a continuous source of force during World War II.

William II nodded frequently and asked in disbelief. "You came up with this?" He could not believe that his grandson who is not educated in military matters and has no skill would come up with such a fantastic idea.

"Of course." Wilhelm naturally wouldn't admit that this idea was also plagiarized and asked. "Grandpa, you see that everything I do is for Germany. Just tell me, how much money can you give?"

William II spoke after reading the contents of the document carefully. "Up to two hundred million."

Looking at the serious expression of William II, Wilhelm understood that it was impossible for him to increase the amount. "Well, 200 million it is then. Grandpa, I plan to visit the Soviet Union informally in a few days. You ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform them."

"Why?" Wilhelm had never shown interest in going abroad before, and even rarely showed up in public. Now he suddenly offered to visit other countries, which really surprised William II.


Of course it is for the future!

Although the Soviets and Germany in the original time and space signed the "mutual non-aggression treaty",Hitler tore up the agreement , mobilizing a large number of troops and tanks and aircraft to the Soviet Union.

In the first six months, the Germans occupied a large area of land, killed and injured a million, and captured more than 2 million people. At that time, only the Soviet Union had so many people.

Although the two countries had gone through war, until Germany implemented "Operation Barbarossa", the relationship between the two countries was good and they could cooperate with each other. Before the invasion of Poland, certain Stalin and certain Hitler also wished each other birthdays.

Now both the Soviet Union and Germany feel isolated by the mainstream world. Germany needs a huge supply of raw materials and new military technology test sites; and the Soviets need a technology provider and military collaborator.

After all, the Soviet Union is still relatively poor and its industrial base is quite poor. They must be in urgent need of outside support.

Wilhelm is very sure that there is no need to spend much time, and the two countries will hit it off. The Soviet Union provided Germany with a large amount of food, oil, metal and other materials. Germany provided a large amount of technical equipment and established a tactical base in the Soviet Union, secretly training its own air force and armored forces, everything is the same as the original time and space! !

Moreover, the Soviet industry was too backward. Even if the technology and equipment eliminated in Germany were handed over to the Soviet Union, for the Soviets it seemed to be quite advanced.

The most important thing is that the flow of various technical personnel also facilitates the placement of more agents in the Soviet Union, laying a good foundation for the future!

After listening to Wilhelm's plan, William II could not help but nod his head. "Thanks for your hard work, boy."

Wilhelm shrugged and said nothing. "What's this bitterness, who made me be born in the emperor's house?" In my heart, I was fortunate that I passed through to the emperor's house! Otherwise, if you pass through and become some unknown pawn. Maybe in one of the battles he would have been killed by a bullet.

"Grandpa, I think I can send a special envoy to the United Kingdom to talk about amending the treaty. Let's talk more about the threat from France. Those people will certainly not want to see a strong France. Battleships, battle cruisers, they will not let us build but we don't have a problem, it's okay to first build a few destroyers. And we guarantee that the caliber of destroyer naval guns will never exceed 90 mm. This caliber is tickling battleships and is not a threat at all."

Because the Versailles treaty stipulates that the construction of the replacement ship of the German Navy's battleship must not start 20 years after the target ship was launched, all warships that started after 1913 must be dismantled regardless of whether they were in service or not. At present, the German Navy has only 8 remaining high seas fleets. Old former dreadnoughts, 8 old-fashioned small cruisers in dilapidated conditions.(Versailles treaty signed after WW 1)

Britain has been pursuing a balanced continental policy, and in accordance with the historical process of the original time and space, even if the British do not agree to his proposal on the surface, they are likely to turn a blind eye.


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