My German Empire

Chapter 28:

Chapter 28:

Although the rejection was the same as two years ago, this time William II's heart was extremely relieved and his tone was much gentler. "Are you tired? Go back and rest."

Rest? Wilhelm had a bitter smile on his face. There are too many things to worry about. I am afraid that there will be no free time in the next ten years. "I see, grandpa. Also, I need a few transfer orders. I will select a few people from the navy and send them to China to serve in escort missions. I also need to transfer some pilots for sea flight training. "

"Sea flight training? Are you talking about seaplanes?"

Wilhelm shook his head and corrected. "No, grandpa. I'm talking about a real aircraft carrier like the Japanese'Hsh'. It's not the crappy modified ship of the British Empire."

In 1912, the British Navy carried out a large-scale modification on an old cruiser called "Sea God". Engineers and technicians dismantled some artillery and equipment on the warship, laid a platform on the bow of the ship to park seaplanes, and installed a large boom on the ship to carry the aircraft. In this way, the "Sea God" became the world's first seaplane carrier.

However, it was not the prototype of the aircraft carrier we see in modern times, because the aircrafts carried on the ship cannot take off and land directly on the ship. All aircraft had to take off and land on the water, and then people had to raise them from the water to the warship.

The world's first truly all-through deck aircraft carrier was the Japanese aircraft carrier "Hsh", which was designed in early 1919 and started construction in December of that year at the Asano Shipyard in Japan. Launched into service in December 1922.

"aircraft carrier..."

Wilhelm could tell from the flickering eyes of William II that he was not optimistic about this new equipment at all. Old people are still stubborn and unable to accept new things. "Grandpa, to be honest, the British Empire on the opposite side is a century-old navy. Even if we have twice as many battleships as theirs, we can't defeat them. So only if we rely on new weapons and new methods of warfare, there is a chance to defeat them." The Navy is a very complex and systematic project, and it is difficult to form combat power within a few decades. Britain has a long maritime tradition. The navy has developed for hundreds of years and warships have been built for hundreds of years. It is very difficult for Germany to catch up with Britain through a short period of crazy investment.

William II's face was a little embarrassed, and he seemed to recall his bleak failure ten years ago. "So you plan to use an aircraft carrier to defeat the British navy?"

In September 1889, William II, who had only been on the throne for more than a year, was invited by the British to lead a German fleet of naval vessels to attend the grand royal parade.

The vast and magnificent Royal Navy battleships in the Spithead region off the Isle of Wight in southern England dwarfed the selection of the "First German Warship" by William II.

The grand ceremony strongly stimulated Wilhelm II's self-esteem, and the hegemony of the Royal Navy made him enviable. In 1895, the young Wilhelm II publicly declared:'Germany as a world power and 'Germany's future is on the ocean.'

It is a pity that despite Germany's frenzied smashing of resources and capital, the nouveau riche ultimately cannot match the old wealth of the landlords because the British family is too strong. If the First World War broke out a few years later, maybe the German Navy could compete with the United Kingdom, but after the outbreak of the First World War, Germany, which was at the peak of shipbuilding development, hastily entered the battle, and regrettably lost to the Royal Navy, and finally wiped out its wealth and naval power, as a result the German navy did not improve until World War II.

Wilhelm nodded very seriously. "Yes, I think the fighter aircrafts will only fly faster and higher in 10 years, with a heavier ammunition load. By then, the seemingly powerful battleship can only just play the role of an aircraft carrier."

Although William II still couldn't let go of his prejudices, he nodded and waved his hand.

Wilhelm saluted, and was just about to turn around and leave, when William II suddenly asked. "What do you think about the problem of the Jews? Someone recently suggested to me whether we should drive them out to the Soviet Union."

"Which idiot bastard suggested this kind of idea?!!!" Although he understands the antisemitism in Germany(Jews at that time did not regard themselves as a part of the country in which they were born and raised, so they were hated), but he doesn't want to massacre millions of people like Hitler. "Of course we should show them kindness. The whole world now is basically anti-Semitism. If we treat them with a little bit of kindness, even a little bit, those Jews will gather in Germany. And then grandpa, if we take a place in Jerusalem in the Middle East in the future, and give them sovereign rights to establish their own Jewish country, what price would they pay? If I let them leave all their assets in Germany and let them move into their own country in Jerusalem, would they refuse?"

The whole of Europe in the original time and space, and even the United States, was in an antisemitism state, but then Hutler jumped out with arrogance, doing all the dirty work for everyone by himself.

After Wilhelm left, William II heard Brausic again.

" His Majesty the Emperor."

William II asked with a serious face. "Colonel Brausic, what do you think of Wilhelm's trip this time?"

Colonel Brausic hesitated, then spoke. "His Royal Highness Wilhelm seems to be preparing for the next war."

William II nodded. "I know, do you think he will succeed?"

Brausic replied more cautiously. "His Royal Highness Wilhelm gives me a profound feeling. It seems that he has already understood the strength of his opponent."

Just when William II was talking to Colonel Brausic, Wilhelm met several people brought by Annie in the aisle. "His Royal Highness, this is the head of the oil company, Mr. Clara."

Clara hurriedly said. "Salute to you, your royal prince."

"Mr. Clara, time is pressing, let's talk about it here. You immediately send a few oil exploration teams to China to look for oil. Well, just send three." Actually,he just wanted to send one. But in order to deceive others, he decided to send the two more. "To the northern provinces of China."

Clara couldn't help but wonder. "China's Hei Province? With all due respect, Your Royal Highness Wilhelm, as far as I know, several countries have surveyed there, but they have not been able to find oil."

Wilhelm interrupted him coldly. "They can't find it, because their technology is backwards, it doesn't mean we can't find it either. Our German oil detection technology is the most advanced in the world ."

"You go to the western part of Hei Province and the middle of the plain for exploration." Two more places were randomly designated. "You have to complete the preparation within a week and go to China. The mining equipment will also be shipped there." With the current speed of the transport ship, it will take at least a month to get to China.

Then move and assemble the equipment and start the survey. It will take at least three months to discover the oil field. Then they have to build mining facilities and oil plants. The oil there will not reach Germany in less than two years. But even if the oil transportation is in 1930, it will still be a considerable amount of oil by 1940.

Wilhelm mentioned especially . "The drilling depth must be more than 1,200 meters."

"Yes." Clara left in a bewildered manner, and went back to arrange manpower.


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