My German Empire

Chapter 2: Dr. Einstein

Chapter 2: Dr. Einstein

Wilhelm originally wanted to humbly appoint talents, but he didn't expect that the lecture went on for two hours.

As a result, since he didn't want to give up halfway, waiting for Dr. Einstein, his back was sore.

Seeing the students exiting the lecture theatre in an orderly manner and each person preparing for the next class, Wilhelm couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He moved his stiff limbs and walked into the classroom.

Dr. Einstein, who was sorting out the lesson plans on the podium, noticed the two people who came by and asked. "Is there anything wrong with you two?"

Wilhelm gave a standard nobleman's courtesy. "Hello, Dr. Einstein, I am Wilhelm Hohenzollern. I am here to visit you."

"Hohenzollern?" Dr. Einstein didn't seem to react at all, he murmured twice before suddenly reacting. "His Royal Highness!"

Wilhelm looked around subconsciously and nodded after making sure that there was no one else. "Exactly."

Dr. Einstein asked slightly cramped. "I don't know what your highness wants from me?"

Although Einstein opposed the monarchy, in the past ten years, he saw clearly the incompetence of the government and the incompetence of the common people, this made a little change in his concept. The German people are still living in dire straits, far worse than during the reign of William II. And recently there are rumors everywhere that if Germany restores the emperor system, the situation may be much better. Einstein was not disgusted with such rumors. He thought that if William II could completely abandon his crazy ambition to conquer the world and concentrate on governing Germany, the situation in Germany might really improve a lot.

Therefore, he was not hostile to Wilhelm's visit, he was just curious about his purpose.

Wilhelm saw the time, it was still early to have lunch, and it was not good to invite him to have a conversation while eating, so he simply spoke. "Doctor, I have studied the mass energy formula E=mc2 you proposed. From that formula, it can be calculated that we can directly convert part of the mass of matter into huge energy that can be directly used by humans."

Einstein seemed to be stimulated by the phrase "huge energy", frowned invisibly, and asked cautiously. "Then how does His Royal Highness want to use this energy?"

Hmph, if I said to make mushroom bombs to grow mushrooms in other countries, you would definitely jump up and oppose it? "I think this kind of energy will replace coal and oil and become a new energy source. It is not difficult to see that the heat released by this reaction is much higher than the energy released by burning fossil fuels (a difference of about a million times)." For example , A nuclear power plant consumes 80 tons of nuclear fuel every year, so only 2 standard containers can be carried. If it is changed to coal, it will need 5.15 million tons, and it will be enough to transport 705 vehicles with a 20-ton truck every day. If natural gas is used, 1.43 million tons are needed, which is equivalent to burning 200,000 barrels of household gas every day.

Wilhelm stated the purpose of his trip. "I want to establish a super energy research department and hire you as the person in charge."

Einstein neither agreed nor refused, but gave an ambiguous answer. "Will your Royal Highness Wilhelm allow me to consider for a few days?"

Consider your sister. Wilhelm didn't want to grind around with him, so he simply pointed out. "The doctor is worried about this energy being used in weapons?"

"..." Although Einstein has no concept of nuclear weapons, genius is not for nothing. He could completely imagine that if this energy was used in military weapons, it would definitely be a world-destroying super weapon comparable to Pandora's Box. Once such weapons appear, they may pose a huge threat to human survival.

If the future technology develops to the extent that a rifle bullet has the power of a cannonball, and an aerial bomb is enough to destroy a city, then the demise of mankind will not be alarmist.

"Doctor, do you know why there are constant wars in human society?" Wilhelm did not wait for Einstein to speak, and said first. "I think the war is based on the geographical environment, that is, it is caused by the fight for a certain living space and natural resources. But if one day we suddenly have inexhaustible land, inexhaustible minerals, and inexhaustible energy. , Then do we still need to go to war?"

Dr. Einstein shook his head somewhat puzzled. "But Your Highness, our earth is so big and energy is limited, but our population keeps growing."

Wilhelm couldn't help snapping his fingers. "You are right when you say that the population will continue to grow. You know that the world population has exceeded 1 billion and by 1830 it will reach the 2 billion mark. With the advancement of medicine, the birth rate will increase. , The death rate will drop. We can boldly predict that the world population will exceed 3 billion in 30 years and 6 billion in 50 years. How many people do you think our planet can bear?"

"..." Einstein never considered this issue.

Einstein seriously calculated it. Halfway through the calculation, he found another problem. "His Royal Highness Wilhelm, I don't think the number of people on the earth is a problem. The biggest problem is the scale and nature of the consumption of resources." The population may really continue to grow, but the earth will not become larger. All kinds of resources-food, water, and energy are limited. The number of people depends on their support. Once these resources are exhausted, the end of mankind will come.

Wilhem nodded. "Yes, so we need to find endless resources so that humans can continue to multiply and survive."

Wilhelm repeatedly emphasized the inexhaustible resources, and Einstein couldn't help but wonder. "Where are the endless resources you are talking about? Under the sea or underground?"

"You can see by just raising your head." Jannick smiled slightly and raised his fingers to the sky. "The endless resources I'm talking about are the starry sky above us. The universe will be the last frontier of mankind. Only by stepping into the universe can we avoid the fate of extinction."

Seeing Einstein's shocked expression, Wilhelm couldn't help but feel refreshed. "Humans have to leave the earth if they want to explore the universe. This is just the first step. The second is to land on the moon, then Mars, and then the entire solar system. In the future, our steps will eventually move beyond the solar system. Set foot on the sea of stars. And the super energy in your formula may be the driving force for us humans to explore the universe."

Wilhelm gradually became a little impatient and said with a dry tongue. "If Dr. Einstein wants to insist on your narrow and pedantic worldview, then I have nothing to say. But I have something to say to you. You and I are just a dust in the universe. If you want to be alone It would be a big mistake to think that you can change the course of history. It's like no one can change the direction of a big river. Perhaps some accidental factor may change the direction of the river, but in the end it will eventually return to its place. The direction to go. This is the law of nature, the inevitability of history! People who cannot keep up with the trend of history can only called pedantic!!"

After leaving these words, Wilhelm bowed to the stunned Dr. Einstein and turned to leave.


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