My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator.

Chapter 55: A Being that Does not Want to be Known

Chapter 55: A Being that Does not Want to be Known

Gadriel and the others enter the Vankriff’s territory in disguises so as not to reveal their arrival to the people in the territory. The head of the group is Gadriel, who comes with a few of his guards, Raph, Turk, and Vogrel. The three of them are Gadriel’s personal attendants who are always by his side. The fourth man is a man named Hume, who is a court healer.

Hume is at the same age as Gadriel and has also turned into an adult this year. Despite his true age, his appearance looks a little bit younger than her peerage. His soft light brown hair and attractive face make him look like a gentle young boy. However, once he opens his mouth, this perception will instantly crumble. When you hear his poisonous tongue, you will begin to doubt your own ears. When you told him that he seems to be at the same age as Gadriel’s younger brother, Rasuel, he will frown spontaneously in disapproval. Perhaps that's because he really hates his childish appearance.

Regardless of his flaws, he possesses some talents. He became a disciple of the imperial court healer at the age of 11, and last year he began to be independent on his own. These accomplishments show how brilliant he is. Since he has been surrounded by adults from a very young age due to his talents, he become very old-fashioned. In addition, he is also a spirit magician who has a contract with a spirit.

Hume: “Your Highness Gadriel, could you please not get too close to me?”

Hume and Gadriel never get along with each other. Although Gadriel feels annoyed at Hume’s words, he still obediently obeys him. The reason why he obeys him is because of the spirit that he has a contract with.

Turk: “Sir Hume! How dare you treat His Highness like that!!”

Hume: “Well, it can’t be helped. After all, my spirit is scared of His Highness.”

Gadriel: “……It’s alright, Turk. That’s true.”

Gadriel was stunned when he knew the truth of the Royal family’s curse. He feels bitter that because of his ancestor’s deeds, the Royal family is hated by the spirits. The fact that the spirits can lose their mind due to the power of the curse is also known by others. Those who come to know about this are the spirit magicians of the imperial court and they immediately hate the Royal family (Note: I’m surprise they don’t start to rebel instead). That’s because the Royal family’s existence can harm the well-being of the spirits of their contracts. On the other hand, the royal family cannot afford to lose the spirit magicians, so they stop themselves from approaching the spirit magicians.

However, with the issue of the Vankriff’s medicine, the Royal family doesn’t have any other option than to approach the spirit magicians. There is a strong opinion among the public that the medicine that is given by the small spirit princess is actually made by the spirits.

Hume: “My spirit has to find out whether the medicine is made by the Vankriff princess of the spirits, right? What if my spirit is too scared to do his work because of High Highness?”

Hume disses Gadriel’s attendant for his lack of understanding of this issue.

An expert is needed to examine Ellen’s medicine. The only candidate with the ability to examine medicine is Hume, the imperial court healer.

Hume: "But, this territory………is crowded with sick citizens.”

Gadriel’s attendants begin to express their disapproval when they hear what Hume has said.

Vogrel: “What is the King thinking… to let His Highness go to this kind of place……”

Gadriel pulls his hood down over his eyes and warns them to lower their voices.

Gadriel: “Vogrel, stop it. I am Gaddis now.”

Vogrel: “Ah… I apologize.”

All of them are wearing hoods that is covering nearly their faces, which makes them really conspicuous.

Hume: “All of you are too conspicuous! Except for sir Gaddis, the rest of you should be fine without wearing any hood, don’t you think?”

The Vogrel and the others are clicking their tongue at Hume who shrugs his shoulder. Meanwhile, Gadriel who has been watching their dispute, can’t help to sigh helplessly.

Hume: “But this is really outrageous.”

Hume suddenly speaks so ambiguously which makes Gadriel and the others to stare at him with a puzzling look.

Hume: “The spirit of the wind blew up the diseases high to the sky to stop it from spreading……”

Hume turns his gaze up to the sky. Gadriel and the rest also follow him staring up at the sky. The sky above them is very clear without any speck of cloud. Anywhere they look at, they cannot find anything at all.

Hume: “My spirit is terrified. It seems that the wind spirit is far superior to mine. Perhaps the rumor is really true…?”

The others are shocked at Hume’s revelation. What he has found has added the credibility that the medicines brought by the princess are made by the spirits.

Hume: “Well, let’s collect more information for the time being.”

Hume quickly walks toward an inn while the others shout at him to wait for them.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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