My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

“Pang Tong escaped?” Liu Mang uttered as he looked at the generals kneeling in front of him.

“Yes, Milord! We are incompetent and allowed Pang Tong to escape.” Guan Hai replied with shame and frustration.

“How could that be? Wasn’t Zhou Cang with you?” Liu Mang frowned. Liu Mang had considered Zhang Fei’s injury which was why he dispatched Zhou Cang to go with Guan Hai. The two of them should be more than Zhang Fei could handle.

“This general is incompetent.” Guan Hai did not bother with an explanation and continued to blame himself.

“Milord, do not blame Brother Guan. That Zhang Fei is too strong!” Zhou Cang said to Liu Mang.

“Too strong?” Liu Mang had personally experienced Zhang Fei’s strength. Based on Zhang Fei’s strength, Guan Hai and Zhou Cang should have been enough. Yet, both of them return injured. This can only mean that Zhang Fei had made a breakthrough.

“Guan Hai. Stand up and speak.” Liu Mang ordered. Guan Hai reported to Liu Mang the moment he returned. He did not even bother treating his own wounds. As Guan Hai was one of Liu Mang’s fighting pieces, Liu Mang would not allow Guan Hai to harm himself any further even if he was unsatisfied with Guan Hai.

“Yes.” Guan Hai replied and tried to stand but staggered as though he was drunk.

“Brother Guan, be careful!” Zhou Cang tried to support Guan Hai but he was too slow as he was also injured. In the end, Liu Mang was the one that supported Guan Hai. If Liu Mang had not helped Guan Hai, the man would end up falling down and injuring himself on the stone floor.

“Thank you Milord.” Guan Hai thanked Liu Mang and struggled to stand without aid.

“There is no need to thank me.” When Liu Mang supported Guan Hai, he saw all the severe injuries. All those injuries were caused by the Serpent Spear. Guan Hai had also turned pale from the blood loss.

Liu Mang then had the servants prepare a room and call over the best doctor in Xiangyang for Guan Hai.

“Milord. There is no need. This rough person is unimportant.” Guan Hai protested.

“What do you mean unimportant? If you keep going on like this, you will be dead!” Liu Mang felt hurt looking at Guan Hai’s severely injured body. “What are you servants still standing there for? Go!” Liu Mang shouted. He would really cry if one of his generals die at Jingzhou.

“Yes!” Three servants replied and quickly moved to support Guan Hai as the man was about a hundred kilograms.

“Milord! I…” Guan Hai wanted to say something but was immediately stopped by Liu Mang.

“If you still have things to say, wait until your injuries heal! Your injuries are more important!”

Hearing this, Guan Hai no longer remained stubborn. He understood his own condition the most. The last time he was this badly injured was after he fought Guan Yu. Although he did not die, such good luck would not follow him forever. If he did not get himself treated, he had a high chance of dying. And if he somehow survived, he may become crippled instead.

Once Guan Hai was taken away, Liu Mang turned back to Zhou Cang. “Zhou Cang. Explain to me what happened.” Although Zhou Cang was also quite badly injured, his injuries was not as severe. Zhou Cang’s movements would simply be hindered for half a month.

“Yes.” Zhou Cang nodded and then tried to explain what happened to Liu Mang.

His explanation helped Liu Mang confirm that Zhang Fei has indeed made a breakthrough. Zhang Fei was now on the same level as Huang Zhong and Lu Bu. He has advanced from the Refinement stage to Peak Refinement stage. It was a stage where one needed at least three warriors from Refinement stage to have a chance at killing them. It was like how an entire army was needed to stop Lu Bu.

Liu Mang initially thought this was bullshit, otherwise Lu Bu would not have lost his Sky Piercer and his Red Hare. However, when he saw the Wolf Cavalry, he realized that the Wolf Cavalry was actually holding back Lu Bu. That was why Lu Bu handed over the cavalry to Zhang Liao.

Now Zhang Fei had reached this stage. If Liu Mang wanted to kill Zhang Fei, the cost would be too big.

“This Yan person (yanren) Zhang Fei had truly become a castrate (yanren)” Liu Mang shook his head as he laughed bitterly. Zhang Fei who had been tortured by Huang She ended up becoming a castrate. That was how he made a breakthrough.

Zhang Fei was vigorous and powerful. His overwhelming strength allowed him to wield his Serpent Spear. He was strong enough to send Liu Mang flying. That strength placed him amongst the heroes of the Three Kingdoms era. However, that strength also inhibited Zhang Fei’s progress. This is because Zhang Fei could no longer become stronger physically.

Now that Zhang Fei was castrated, he was less vigorous and more feminine. As a result, his Serpent Spear became more precise. Rather than hacking down his enemies with overwhelming strength, Zhang Fei was now able to fight and kill in a more skillful manner. His strength and precision now helped him make a breakthrough.1

This was why Guan Hai and Zhou Cang were defeated. If Zhou Cang had not been there or if Zhang Fei did not rush back to ensure Pang Tong’s safety, Guan Hai would be dead.

“Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan! You managed to escape again!” Liu Mang thought ruthlessly. Not only did Pang Tong managed to escape. Liu Bei even obtained another general at Peak Refinement stage. Liu Mang’s plan to have Pang Tong killed was already a failure. At their next encounter, Liu Mang would need to pay a hefty fine for Pang Tong’s head.

“Zhou Cang. You should go and rest as well.” Liu Mang said to Zhou Cang and waved him off. He wanted Zhou Cang to get his injuries treated before Zhou Cang got an infection.

“Milord. You do not blame Brother Guan anymore?” Zhou Cang asked again.

“I don’t!” Liu Mang replied. It was not Guan Hai’s fault that Zhang Fei became so much stronger. Even Liu Mang did not expect Zhang Fei to become stronger like this.

Liu Mang then thought of a feminine Zhang Fei and felt disgusted. If such nauseating feeling could kill, Zhang Fei would be the world’s greatest killer.2

“Then I am relieved.” Zhou Cang said and then left. On his way out he passed by Zang Ba without greeting him as the two weren’t very well acquainted with each other.

“Little Lord. Guan Hai and Zhou Cang have returned? Did they kill Pang Tong?” Zang Ba stepped forward and asked Liu Mang. Pang Tong had harmed the Lu Bu’s Army so much that Pang Tong’s death was in their best interest.

“They did come back but Pang Tong escaped.” Liu Mang replied as he shook his head helplessly.

“He escaped?” Zang Ba was not an idiot. He managed to put the pieces together when he noticed Zhou Cang’s injuries.

“Yes. Guan Hai and Zhou Cang are injured. Pang Tong escaped.” Liu Mang replied.

“Did they come across an ambush?”

“No, they came across Zhang Fei.”

“Zhang Fei?” Zang Ba was confused. Zhang Fei should not have been strong enough to injure both Guan Hai and Zhou Cang.

“Zhang Fei made a breakthrough.”

This news shocked Zang Ba due to how many people actually reached Peak Refinement stage. Those that achieve it usually get a nickname with God in it. Lu Bu was the God of War while Huang Zhong was the God of Bows. Zang Ba also felt admiration as he himself could not reach this stage after so many years.

“Alright. Is there something you wanted to tell me?” Liu Mang did not want to talk about Zhang Fei even more.

“Report. Although we could not find Pang Tong, we found his messenger!” Zang Ba reported.

“A messenger?” Liu Mang was confused. Does Pang Tong need to send a messenger at this point in time? If Pang Tong is going to escape back to Yuzhou, why not give his report personally?

“Give me the letter.” Liu Mang said to Zang Ba who immediately handed over the letter to Liu Mang. The seal had not been opened yet.

Liu Mang then read the letter they found.

“Pang Tong wants Liu Bei to attack Fancheng?” Liu Mang read and pondered.

Fancheng was one of Liu Biao’s protective shields. If Liu Bei were to attack it, he would offend Liu Biao regardless of whether he managed to obtain Fancheng.

Fancheng was also quite well defended as Liu Biao as a precaution to Zhang Xiu joining up with Cao Cao to attack Jingzhou. Although plenty of soldiers were stationed elsewhere after Zhang Xiu and Cao Cao had a falling out, there were still enough guards and the walls were strong. While Liu Mang was trying to figure out Pang Tong’s intentions, Zang Ba reminded him about the provisions detained at Fancheng.

“Provisions!” Liu Mang finally understood that Pang Tong had indeed gone mad in desperation. While Liu Mang had obtained news about the provisions at Fancheng, he had thought that it was just the Jingzhou nobles stocking up on provisions to sell at a high price. Now he realized that these provisions all belonged to Pang Tong as Fancheng was close to Nanyang.

Liu Mang laughed at this news. “Haha! It looks like our Imperial Uncle is in even more of a grave situation compared to us when it comes to provisions!”

Liu Mang did not know how Pang Tong obtained Liu Biao’s support but he knew that these provisions were important for Yuzhou. That was probably why Pang Tong was so desperate. Liu Mang thought about Fancheng. Capturing Fancheng would threaten Xiangyang. At the same time, it was also a huge gamble since Fancheng was heavily defended. Liu Bei could lose a lot of troops and also offend Liu Biao.

Although Liu Biao did not have many elite troops, he was extremely wealthy. He would be able to apply swarming tactics or stalling tactics with his superior numbers and resources. At that time, Liu Bei could lose his Nanyang Troops and maybe even his own life. At the very least, he would no longer be able to compete with the other warlords.

However, if Pang Tong won the gamble, Pang Tong would obtain a strategic location and also be able to solve the food crisis at Yuzhou. Liu Biao would be forced to move the capital as the enemy is too close. Liu Biao would lose a lot of money and it would also be difficult to migrate so many people. At that time, Liu Biao was likely to agree to any conditions set by Liu Bei.

“It is a good scheme.” Liu Mang commented as he admired Pang Tong’s courage. He felt regret that Pang Tong worked for Liu Bei instead of himself. What Liu Mang did not know was that Pang Tong initially had a good impression of Liu Mang but went to Liu Bei instead because Zhuge Liang praised him.

“Little Lord. Do we need to warn them?” Zang Ba asked knowing that they were now allies. Informing Liu Biao would foil Pang Tong’s strategy.

“Warn them?” Liu Mang thought for a while and then asked. “Why should we warn them?”

“What are you saying?” Zang Ba could not understand. Shouldn’t they show their spirits as allies?

“We are allies sworn to protect each other in times of crisis but it would only be a crisis after they get attacked!” Liu Mang laughed. There was no way he would warn Liu Biao.

“But if Liu Bei captured Fancheng, his strength would increase!” Zang Ba was still puzzled. He knew that Liu Bei loss a lot of his strength after the last battle but managed to replenish his strength by annexing Zhang Xiu’s troops. They would have attacked Yangzhou again if it was not because of Jia Xu burning their provisions.

That was why it was important to prevent Liu Bei from obtaining Fancheng. Not only would it solve Liu Bei’s problem but Liu Bei could even threaten Liu Biao to provide an endless amount of provisions. Liu Biao would not have a choice but to do as Liu Bei wishes unless he moves his capital.

Liu Mang laughed in disdain. “That is only if Liu Bei has the ability to do it! Rather than warning Liu Biao, we should be helping Liu Bei capture Fancheng!”

Zang Ba could no longer understand what Liu Mang was talking about. Naturally, Liu Mang was not completely gone. He knew that Fancheng was Liu Biao’s weakness but it was also a piece that he could use to move Liu Biao.

To Liu Mang, the current alliance was a fluke as Liu Biao’s heart was not in it. Liu Biao would be very supportive if Liu Mang were to fight against Sun Ce but have the opposite reaction if Liu Mang were to fight against Liu Bei. This is because Liu Biao did not want Liu Mang to grow stronger. What Liu Mang wanted was for Liu Biao to be as committed when going against Liu Bei, as though they were fighting Sun Ce. That was why Liu Bei’s gamble would be an opportunity for Liu Mang

“Little Lord! What if Liu Bei obtains Fancheng and uses it to threaten Liu Biao?”

“Then we will just kick him out!” Liu Mang could allow Fancheng to fall but he could not allow Liu Bei to threaten Liu Biao. What he wanted was for the both of them to be irreconcilable, not to stab Liu Biao in the back.

The reason why Liu Mang had so much faith in this plan is because Liu Bei lacked provisions.

“Little Lord! If Liu Bei obtains Fancheng, he will no longer lack provisions!” Zang Ba reminded. Although there were only thirty thousand troops garrisoned at Fancheng, there were enough provisions to feed hundreds and thousands of soldiers. This is not including Pang Tong’s share. If Liu Bei obtains this provisions, expanding his army would no longer be a problem.

“Liu Bei may be able to take the provisions but that does not mean he can transport the provisions!” Liu Mang replied. While the soldiers that captured Fancheng would not starve, the same could not be said for the soldiers at Yuzhou and Nanyang.

Liu Bei would need to transport the provisions, where Liu Mang could intercept them using his cavalries. If Liu Bei sent a lot of the Xiliang Cavalry to transport the provisions, Liu Mang could use the White Horses to impede their progress and move his other units to recapture Fancheng before attacking the Xiliang Cavalry.

“This…” Zang Ba was amazed. Liu Mang had schemed against Liu Bei so perfectly and even involved Liu Biao as well.

“Reseal this letter and have someone deliver it to Nanyang. Deliver it to out Imperial Uncle!” Liu Mang ordered as he returned the letter to Zang Ba.

“Milord, what if Liu Bei does not believe what is written in the letter?”

“How could he not? His treasured advisor’s seal is there!”

“Understood!” Zang Ba nodded and left.

Now that the letter was being delivered, Liu Mang began his preparations. He needed to mobilize his troops or else they may not be ready by the time Liu Bei captures Fancheng. He thought of using the Wolf Cavalry, White Horses and one more unit. Choosing the last unit was problematic as most of them was unavailable for different reasons. Some, like his own Xiliang Cavalry and the Black Flag Army needed to recuperate after fighting at Linhuai. Others, like his Urban Army was still undergoing training and the Formation Breaker was being used to guard against Sun Ce. In the end, Liu Mang thought of Wei Yan. Liu Mang was not sure if Wei Yan’s unit was entirely prepared but he had no other choice. “I have decided to use you! You better not disappoint me!”


    I would like to advice any FPS players NOT to donate their balls with the intention of making their aim (cough* precision) better.What better way to kill the readers! Am I right?


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