My Ex-Husband Is Proposing Again

Chapter 13 - <p class="MsoNormal">13: Total Defeat of the Mistress i</p>

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Total Defeat of the Mistress i

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Next, Mo Qiu rambled on and on.

She thought shed touched on some major points and that Su Hongxing would at least react in some way.

Unfortunately, the exact opposite was the case. Su Hongxing was just sitting by the pool as if she was in a trance, not hearing a word she said.

Did you hear me?! Mo Qiu roared at Su Hongxing, clearly irate.

With a confused look on her face, Su Hongxing turned to Mo Qiu, Sorry, I was spaced out.

Her innocent look was met with a changing complexion of anger on Mo Qius face, her fists tightening involuntarily.

For the first time, someone was provoking her to the point of wanting to punch them without even trying.

Clearing her throat, Su Hongxing added, Could you repeat that?

This comment seemed to darken Mo Qius face even further expressing her suppressed rage. Acting dumb wont help. 1 hope you wont cry too hard when Qilan abandons you, because its useless! There were a few women who overestimated themselves, and when they were bored by Qilan and unwilling to break up, they chose to threaten suicide. Can you guess what happened?

Usually, Su Hongxing preferred not to think too hard, and at this moment, she didnt even entertain her curiosity, choosing to sit quietly without responding.

Mo Qiu let out a sarcastic chuckle, One of these women who threatened suicide received sleeping pills from Qilan, and another received a razor blade

Miss Mo, when Ye Qilan abandons you, if you decide to threaten suicide, what kind of parting gift do you think hell give you? Su Hongxing suddenly interjected.

Mo Qiu was so taken aback, she found herself at a loss for words.

Seeing Mo Qius face, Su Hongxing added, Didnt you say yourself that Ye Qilan is a heartbreaker, treating women like theyre nothing, changing women faster than he changes his clothes? If thats the case, then arent you sooner or later going to bore him? It seems like you havent considered that possibility. Or perhaps you think your charm enough to keep Ye Qilan entertained for the rest of his life?

Again, Su Hongxings words left Mo Qiu speechless.

She finally realized that she had underestimated Su Hongxing.

This unattractive, overweight woman each of her words seemed to touch a nerve.

Given Ye Qilans background and handsome looks, he could have any woman he wanted. She had managed to stay with him for so long without being dumped only because no other woman could satisfy him better than she could.

She lived in fear every day, worried about waking up the next day to find that Ye Qilan wanted to break up.

Stretching lazily, Su Hongxing spoke with a ghostly smile, You may start imagining, if youre abandoned by Ye Qilan and plan to kill yourself, what kind of interesting gift he might give you.

I wont be, youre the pet he is going to throw away! Mo Qiu screamed at Su Hongxing.

Im just giving you advice. You dont have to get so agitated. Let me put it this way. Even if 1 get thrown away some day, I wouldnt die for a man

Su Hongxings words were cut short, as she noticed a change in the atmosphere.

She turned her head suddenly to find that Ye Qilan had quietly appeared behind them. Did he overhear their conversation?

Mo Qiu also noticed Ye Qilan. She quickly switched to a bright smile, Qilan, when did you come out? Are you coming over to my place tonight?

As she said this, she provocatively glanced at Su Hongxing..


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