My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 84: SPECIAL - Dylak’s Revenge (Part 1)

Chapter 84: SPECIAL - Dylak's Revenge (Part 1)

Admin Portals: Gates that rip the air and let the Administrators travel The Novus with ease. Exclusive to them. In a virtual world where teleportation does not exist, this method of transportation could be easily compared to 'Staff Only' doors.

Just a moment ago, Viola Lang was waving goodbye to her Slime colony from the entrance of Caeruleum Mountain, and a second after, she was stepping inside a dusty interior, still wearing a grin on her face. "Such an interesting fella," she whispered to herself while closing the portal and looking at her surroundings.

The place smelled humid, and the floor annoyingly creaked at her every step, and yet, she loved it. Ah, how nostalgic!

She twirled, looking at the damaged wallpaper, at the broken furniture, at the blood-stained carpets.

** Back in the day, people whined that we should have nerfed this dungeon's difficulty, and they soon learned that I don't listen to Users' complaints, hu-hu. If a group of five could beat it on the first week, it means that the rest weren't trying hard enough. **

She glanced at the double staircase and at the empty corridors, exhaling. No one came to welcome her. **But it's such a shame that this place looks so lifeless now. Oh, well. This is what happens when progress moves to more important areas. **

After a couple of minutes, climbing up stairs and admiring the decorative paintings, Viola reached the master's chambers on the second floor. For a moment, she wished to be greeted by the place's Main Boss, but found an empty, looted room instead. **This place has seen better days.**

She waved her hand in the air, making her User Interface appear, and with quick finger movements, prompted another bigger system window to pop up above the destroyed bed. On it, read:

++ - Count Dylak's Mansion - ++



- Count Dylak's Mansion -

Status: Offline

Difficulty Level: 'Noob'

Enemy NPCs:

Butler Marick - Lvl 9

Cook Monier - Lvl 9

Count Dylak - Lvl 15

Housekeeper Bilmur - Lvl 12

Housemaid Eliora - Lvl 8

Housemaid Eliza - Lvl 8

Professor Spiegel - Lvl 9


** Look at them! Although I barely remember all about these guys, I know I put my heart on every single one of them, like always. **

If she tapped every one of the NPCs tabs, she could check their Reward Drops and status, but she skipped all the system information and looked for the 'Notifications' tab. **Let's see what this is about. **

Another, smaller system window appeared in front of her, and automatically started a basic Chat.

++Director: Good Morning, Master Viola.++

Reading that, made Viola cringe. **This is pretty old! I can't even recall the last time I programmed one of my creations to call me Master, and This Director doesn't even have a name! Bad Old Viola, bad!**

"You sent a request message... Why? I disconnected you like... Let's see... Here it is, two years ago."

++ Director: I am sorry for the inconvenience, Master Viola, but I need to be back online to continue doing my work. ++

"And that's why it doesn't make sense!" Viola cried, exasperated, while adjusting her glasses. "There's a reason why I disable obsolete dungeons like yours, you know? To save up on resources and prevent them from pestering me. Good bye."

Before Viola could finish typing the 'Delete All Data' command on her User Interface, the chat window popped up again.

++ Director: Master Viola, my job is not done yet. You have programmed me to challenge the Eurola Region low-level Users, and as of 14 days ago, I could not perform my work at all. Please reconsider. ++

"What low-level Users are you talking about?! Any of those Passives from Unus could take down your entire boss' gallery with their eyes closed! I'm extremely busy, so be a nice IA, and shut down alrea--" Viola took silence at the sight of a security camera, showing a lanky eighteen-year-old boy, roaming the dungeon. She checked the recording's date. **Fourteen days ago.** "So that's why you sent me the notification, huh?" Viola's red-painted lips formed a wide grin.

++ Director: Could you please put me back online, Master Viola? As you can see, there are still low-level Users that could visit this dungeon.++

"But of course! After all, these dungeons are like community service," Viola said, cracking her fingers, and making a virtual keyboard appear in front of her. "But I think you need an upgrade. All of you. I'm all about progress, you see? I must maintain this philosophy religiously, even while playing with you."

++ Director: I would appreciate it. Thanks, Master Viola. ++

"First thing first..." Viola started saying, while furiously typing her keyboard. "Call me Goddess."







Watching Clara's astounded face was amusing at first, but once her mouth genuinely dropped, Alan and Amelia felt uncomfortable.

"Did we make the right choice?" Alan whispered.

"Well, we couldn't leave her in the shadows," Amelia replied, sitting next to him on the couch. "If she's going to hang around with us, she needs to know."

Clara's gaze was locked on Ashley, who sipped coffee after explaining the situation. "Do you have any questions, Clara Dominguez?" Ashley asked softly.

"W-well... LIKE A LOT!" the brown-skinned young woman said, leaning back in her armchair.

Her distressed expression prompted her handsome NPC to quickly offer her a bottle. "A beer, Miss Clara?"

"Thanks, Fabio!" She snatched it and gulped it whole. "SO! You're saying you weren't in a coma..." She pointed to Alan, who grimaced. "And she's this ship's AI in disguise..." Clara pointed to the serious-looking Ashley. "I got that bit correct, right? I didn't misunderstand it."

"That is correct, Clara." Ashley nodded.

"Holy guacamole!" Clara cried, standing up. "And I thought you were just a bunch of misfits!"

"Look who's talking," the long-haired redhead, Amelia Laflamme, sneered. "Didn't the last battle tell you we're not regular folk?"

** 'We'? ** Alan thought, squinting, before shaking his head. "Look, Clara, you don't have to be part of this if you don't--"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! And miss all the action you may be part of?!" Clara snapped her fingers, making her Drone Camera materialize out of her inventory. "I was willing to follow you when I thought you were nothing more than an unfortunate, potentially bankable soul!" She jumped over the coffee table and sat on Alan's lap. The Drone Camera pointing at Alan's face. "But now that I know about your secret mission, I'm all in! Just imagine the day when you finally save the world! Hugging your beloved Amelia by her waist, your gazes looking at the horizon, hair blowing through your hair... AND I... recording the exact moment you say: 'It's finally over, my dear...' IT GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS JUST BY IMAGINING IT!"

Alan stood up, making her fall on the wooden floor. "Do you think this whole endeavor will be pretty?! Just look at what happened on Unus!"

"B-b-but!" Clara grabbed him by the helm of his shirt, and with watery eyes whimpered: "We all made it, right? Barely, yes... But we just need to be stronger so it doesn't happen again."

"Alan," Amelia called softly, giving him a sympathetic look. "Just let her be."

**I shouldn't be the negative one here,** Alan thought, pursing his lips, before helping Clara stand up. "Right, you're absolutely right." After exhaling, he grabbed her by the shoulders. "That bright future you described? Sounds awesome! I'll do my best to strive for it." He grinned, making Clara sob.

"Oh, you can be kind of adorable, too, you know? Let's achieve that better future together!" She bear-hugged him, cracking his back bones.

"L-let go! Y-you're k-killing me!"

"Dinner is ready, Master Amelia," the NPC Bella said from the kitchen's entrance, while Anastasia prepared the dining table.

"Well," Amelia chuckled, "now that Clara knows what Phantom Seekers is all about, let's celebrate and officially welcome her to our guild!"

"I'm a Guilder now..." Clara muttered, still holding Alan. "I'm part of Phantom Seekers, right?"

"Yes, you're stuck with us from the moment you started recording me."

"I'm... I'M A GUILDER NOW!" Clara beamed, and turned to her NPC. "Fabio! Bring the drinks! Let's get wasted tonight!"

"All of them, ma'am?"

Clara smirked and adjusted her glasses. "Take out The Colder."

"The Colder..." Alan repeated. "What's that?"

Minutes later, while Amelia and Clara bickered about where they should install the enormous fridge full of alcoholic drinks, a one-eyed, spider-like monster stopped peeking at them from a window and was pulled back up by its string. The Phantom Seekers' house, that could be easily moved anywhere they wanted, was resting at the feet of a cliff. High above, on its edge, was a group illuminated by the moonlight.

A man wearing a suit with purple skin recovered the spy spider and petted it. "He's inside, Master. There's no doubt about it."

"We found him," a tall, pale man wearing a black cape said, forming a grin with his pointy, sharp teeth. "The low-level User, Alan Warden..."


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