My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 137: Hello there, Fellow Guilders! (Part 3)

Chapter 137: Hello there, Fellow Guilders! (Part 3)

They eventually reached the edge of the lake before turning back, waiting for the devilish thing to finally show up.

"Do you think it can shoot us from that far?"

"I don't think so. We're like, what, 200 feet away from the nearest tree?"

"Are you done preparing your secret weapon, Bribepod?" the Medic asked Nicholas, who was fervently holding four stinky bombs that had changed to a reddish color.

"What, this? I finished like a minute ago. But something tells me that thing will dodge them."

Nicholas saw the Medic grimace before turning his gaze to the Druid. "Could you trap that thing with your magic like you did before?"

"You mean like the time I bound the Hopsters, right?" The Druid nodded and placed his hands against the ground. "I'll make some concealed traps all over the place."

"Yes, you do—" Nicholas fell silent after seeing the lone silhouette observing them from a distance. It had the distinctive features of a frog, just like their previous enemies: greenish skin, a big head and mouth, and webbed toes instead of fingers, but this one was slimmer, and its humanoid shape seemed even more intimidating.

Because it reflects cunningness.

"Advanced Green Hopster. So this is what those frogs evolve into, huh?"

"Whatever it is, I'm currently spreading vines throughout the area, so don't let that thing get close to me," the Druid said, eyes on their target.

A second later, the enemy puffed its cheeks and spat, impacting a healer in the chest.

So that's what it's been shooting at us this whole time. No wonder I feel wet in the back.

A gunshot startled the group, and an instant later, the Advanced Hopster dodged to one side. The Medic then clicked her tongue; the barrel of her rifle was fuming. "That thing sure is fast," she muttered. "An experienced warrior would be able to take it down easily. But support units like us?"

That's true, we don't have the combat power or the stats to take such a monster down. That's why we must show our ability to adapt, huh? Is that what you were thinking while designing this test, niece?

Nicholas glanced at the spheres in his arms and snickered. It's okay. I adapted from the moment you girls spread your wings and flew away from me... But I'm not sure if you'll like what I've become.

"What are you guys waiting for?!" the Medic shrieked to the others. "Cast a defensive charm on him!" She pointed at the healer who had been recently shot. "We're not done—!"

A shadow suddenly cast over the aforementioned healer. When he looked up, he had a brief glimpse of a silhouette before getting his head crushed. The killer weapon broke in half, and with its lower half, the silhouette stabbed another participant in the arm.

It took a moment for Nicholas to realize that the Hopster had reached their position in a second and attacked them with one of the borrowed mage staves. Surely from a fallen healer. I noticed that this kind of staff remains on the field when its owner dies. But... this is too much! The way this freaking thing fights is—It reeks of human intelligence! Unless...

In that fraction of a second, Nicholas locked eyes with the Hopster's killer gaze.

I bet someone is controlling the thing! Heck, I'd even bet it's Amelia.

"Get out of my way!" they heard the Medic yell. A second later, she pulled the trigger of a shotgun without caring if the others had time to duck. The Hopster dodged, jumping away to a safe distance.

The injured healer rushed to cast, "M-Mid Earth Charm, Metal Skin!" But only three out of the seven remaining got the buff. "Q-Quick, who used to cast the Ice Charm?! Do it now!"

"He got killed just a moment ago, so... yeah."

"At least heal me, quick!"

The Medic grunted before muttering, "Goddammit. Can't you guys work under pressure? You cry like a bunch of babies." She then turned to the Druid. "Hey, are you slacking off? Why hasn't the monster been restrained by your magic yet?"

"I can't cover every inch of this land with my traps, so I've spaced them out. Unfortunately, it hasn't stepped on one just yet!"

"You," a young male called Nicholas. "Do you think that'll work?" he asked, pointing at the bombs.

Nicholas stared at him. He might be the youngest participant. Just look at that baby face.

"Guaranteed!" Nicholas replied, smirking. "But only if it takes a direct hit."

"And that thing is just playing with us," the young man said before biting his lower lip. "Fuck it. I'll have to use some of my mana or we'll never advance. Cover me, will ya?"

Despite the healer's contemptuous words, as soon as his body was surrounded by a yellow aura, Nicholas knew something good was coming.

"What took you so long!" the Medic yelled, preparing her rifle. "Out of the bunch, you're the one that hasn't done shit, you freaking White Mage! Anyway, we'll need someone else to distract the monster!"

"I'll do it. But after seeing what that thing can do, it can only be for a few seconds," another healer stepped up, removing his robe to reveal a muscular physique. He then took a battle stance, his primary hand formed in a pointed beak-like shape.

A monk, definitely. Heck, I even recognize that stance. It's the Crane Fighting Style.

The Hopster looked at the monk for a couple of seconds, and Nicholas could even swear it seemed amused.

Meanwhile, the White Mage beside Nicholas began reciting the Words of Power, "Greater Time Conjure..."

The Hopster closed the distance between them in a second, at a speed none of them could match, but the monk managed to block the impending attack. Barely.

"T-This thing really packs a punch!"

Everyone heard the sound of his arm breaking, but that did not deter the monk. He grabbed the Hopster's arm to perform a grapple, but the monster applied its own strength, impeding it.

"It's too close to us!" Nicholas warned, and the Medic mobilized.

She took aim, ready to discharge her shotgun at point-blank range, but the Hopster kicked the monk in the stomach and fled. But it's okay! It's what we wanted.

"White Mage!" the Medic yelled, and the young participant obliged.

"Before I Get Late!" he chanted.

The air became dense and almost palpable, as if it had been locked in place, frozen in the space around them. For the next minute, everything within a 320-foot radius slowed down. From the water rippling between their legs to the frog humanoid that was slowly landing away from them. He was falling down as if he was as light as a feather.

But that's just because of the gravity. I bet that once its feet touch the ground, it'll be able to move faster than any of us. But it's okay. Now we can see its movements and act accordingly.

Nicholas turned around slowly, as if every muscle in his body weighed a ton, and began the process of stretching out his hand toward the Medic. She immediately knew what he was about to do and began preparing herself too, pulling out a new weapon from under her military coat. Seeing each other's movements in slow motion was excruciating, but their will to defeat the monster filled them with determination.

Meanwhile, the healer who had been previously stabbed in the arm started channeling mana to heal the monk in case the Hopster charged at them again but soon stopped after witnessing the enemy paralyzed in its place.

Everyone saw it. The Hopster's right knee touched the ground as if it was hurt, but its health bar was still full. Nicholas then noticed a cloud of orange particles floating around it and the new flowers sprouting from the grass. It was time.

The Medic loaded Nicholas' promisingly improved bomb into a grenade launcher, took aim, and shot. The entire group could even see the trajectory of the round ball through the air and the exact moment it impacted, causing a blazing explosion step by step. A mesmerizing display they would not have witnessed otherwise.

The time spell ran out, and the explosion finally roared and sped its momentum.

"Way to go, guys!" the monk cheered, pumping his healthy fist into the air. "What are those, by the way?" he pointed at the flowers.

"I knew that thing was avoiding my traps, so I grew those on top of them. Their paralyzing pollen really caught it off guard."

The other healer sighed. "That thing really got on my nerves, but it's a good thing we got rid of it. Let me heal you."

As the others celebrated, Nicholas watched as the Medic stored the grenade launcher inside her coat instead of making it disappear into thin air.

"All those weapons. How can you use them if they locked our inventory?" he asked quietly.

She stared at him with a bored expression. "None of your business, Bribepod."

He quickly chuckled. "Wrong. It's also none of your business, but I didn't buy my way into this spaceship. I earned it."

The young woman narrowed her eyes and grimaced. "Ugh. So you're even worse, huh? A Nepopod." Her tone was high enough for the others to stare at Nicholas, who offered a half smile.

"Hey, I think it's time we learn each other's names, right? Before we have a dramatic end."

"You all already know my name, but I'll repeat it anyway. I'm Liam," said the Druid.

"I'm Hugo!" said the Monk. "Nice to meet you all. As you can see, I can fight, but not as effectively. I really miss my regular gear."

"I'm Finn," said the White Mage, looking at the Medic bitterly. "I suppose this gal has already spoiled my class."

"My name is Oliver," said the shy young man healing Hugo. "I'm a Cleric, so I wouldn't mind being relegated to healing only..."

The only woman in the group sighed heavily. "I'm Maude, a Field Medic. Sorry, guys, but I might be the winner of this contest. No hard feelings, eh."

The entire group turned to Nicholas, curious about his class. He smiled back and clapped. "Call me Nick. Now, any ideas on how to reach that island?"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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