My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 126: Holding unto secrets (Part 3)

Chapter 126: Holding unto secrets (Part 3)

When Alan led Oscar to his workshop, Amelia Laflamme also rose from her seat and walked all the way to the home's back door. Marissa, who followed her with her gaze, took a moment to exhale deeply, gulp the rest of her wine, and stand up.

"Good luck," Brenda whispered to her.

Crossing that hallway turned out to be a taxing task. Marissa's knees were shaking, and her feet seemed to weigh a hundred pounds. Her heart even threatened to escape her chest, pounding like crazy.

Why was she so afraid? This was her sister, and it was not as if they had a big fight or anything, right? But... They had stopped talking for half a year.

If it was not a big deal, why did Amelia stop responding to her PMs?

Outside, the moonlight illuminated a garden of red roses carefully arranged to form a skull. Was that the Phantom Seekers emblem?

To her left, Amelia was sitting on a bench, arms and legs crossed. There was a free spot to sit by her side.

Marissa slowly took a seat. Her hands were already sweaty. "Can we finally talk about this?" she asked, her tone sounding like a plea.

"About what?"

"About hiding from you my secret job."

"What job?" Amelia snickered loudly, gaze pointing forward. "Wait, are you talking about your secret 'idol escapades'? Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know you considered performing in concerts for the biggest star in all of Novus a 'job'! Stupid me."

"Come on, Red, give me a break! If I'd told you I'm Miss Cosmica's backup dancer, you'd have constantly asked me to meet HER!"

"And that would've only created problems for your boss, am I right?"

"You'd have hated me if I had told you the truth, anyway! Especially considering who SHE is!"

"Was keeping it a secret until it blew up in your face a better alternative then?!"

"What I'm saying is that regardless of how I had handled it, you were always going to react like this!"

"Why do something that'd make you feel guilty then?! Fully knowing I loathe that--!"

Marissa stood up, red-faced. "Because this doesn't have to do with you! If you haven't realized, I'M NOT YOU, so I don't share that HATE-BONER you have for HER! Because I found something else besides fighting in this fake-ass world! I learned how to dance, sing, and perform because I wanted to do it, and Astrid gave me the chance!"

"Fine, I get it. You don't have to yell..." Amelia said in a low voice, prompting Marissa to nod and return to the bench.


Amelia chuckled. "'Hate-Boner'? Seriously?"

"Sorry. That's something Helen always says, and I was carried away."

"I liked your performances, you know..."

"Do you really mean it?"

"Of course I do. I used to be her biggest fan, remember? That included you, 'Nebuline'."

"Wait, why are you talking in the past tense?"

"Because since the very moment I learned the truth, I can't endure watching or listening to her ever again, so I'll just assume you're still doing a good job--But that doesn't matter! Do whatever makes you happy."

"Are we good now, then?"

"Of course we are. I forgave you months ago, but I didn't know how to speak to you. This little bickering was just me venting out."

"Got it..." Marissa nodded, pursing her lips. "Um. So, if we're good, can I ask you something?"

"Being in this guild is my choice, Marissa. Nothing too profound about it."

"Sis, just be honest with me... Are you guys dating?"





When Alan and Oscar returned to the living room, they found Brenda Hannes and Clara Domínguez singing the latest Miss Cosmica's song on karaoke. Brenda was even dancing along and genuinely smiling, something Alan did not expect at all.

Amelia and Marissa returned too and also watched the show. "She's a good girl, Alan," Marissa said in his ear due to the loudness filling the room. "Sorry if she was acting a little rude earlier on."

"I already knew that, or you wouldn't have brought her with you, am I right?" He paused and pointed at Amelia with his gaze. "Have you worked on your differences?"

Marissa only smiled at him while Fabio stepped up carrying a tray and offered them drinks.

"Hey, Clara!" Alan called out when the song was finished. "Is the post ready yet?"

"Of course, Guild Master! I already published it. I'll let you know as soon as the first solicitors contact me."

"Could you fill me in, Alan?" Amelia inquired, crossing her arms and arching one eyebrow. Marissa knew what all that combined meant.

"I took your advice!" Alan replied, half-smiling. "I asked Clara to post that we're in need of a healer. I just hope that someone is willing to join us."

"Oh!" Amelia pouted her lips and started curling one strand of red hair with her index finger. "I advised you about it a while ago, didn't I? Good!" Amelia grinned awkwardly and took a long sip of her bottle.

Seeing her big sister's reaction prompted Marissa to squint at her. "...Seriously?" She then blinked, now realizing what she had just heard. "Wait. Alan? Are you looking for a healer?"

"That's right! We've been doing well until just recently. Boss Battles are becoming more complex the more we advance and..." He suddenly chuckled. "What am I saying? Talking about things you've already gone through a long time ago!"

"But I'm a little puzzled here," Marissa began, narrowing her eyes at him. "What about uncle Nicholas? Or is there a specific reason you're not considering him for the job?"

Amelia spat out her drink and started coughing.

Alan frowned. "I'm sorry, who?"

"MY uncle Nicholas!" Marissa shouted. "Nicholas Laflamme? That happens t! He logged into The Novus too. Has she never told you about him?!"

"N-No... Amelia never mentioned an 'uncle healer'."

Marissa shook her head and turned to Amelia, shrieking, "What the fuck, sis?!"

When Amelia recovered her breath and looked around, she found that every single person there--real and digital--was staring at her.

"Does, 'sorry, I'm a very ditzy girl,' work as an excuse?" she asked aloud, giggling nervously.


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