My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 118: VOLUME’S 2 - 1 - CATCHING UP

Chapter 118: VOLUME'S 2 -1 - CATCHING UP

Twenty-four hours after being critically shot by Alan Warden and burned to ashes by one of Viola Lang's Advanced Slimes, the Resurrection Checkpoint brought the long-haired girl back to Barcenova, where her companion was already waiting for her, leaning against the tall stone column, arms crossed.

The resurrected girl smiled at her companion and began speaking in a soothing tone. "Oh, did I make you wait? Sorry for that, but as you saw, that annoying pyromancer was way tougher than expected. That bitch. Oh! And you won't believe who came here too, chasing after us!"

Scarlett, the tall woman with explosive curly hair and eyes as piercing as those of a predator, snarled, showing her canines. "Two defeats, B. I got two consecutive defeats in less than ten days. And for what?"

The girl chuckled while tucking strands of silver hair behind her ear. "Come on, my dear. Losing against Astrid Bradford was a given. That one doesn't count. As for the bitch in red... You know quite well that this is just part of our job. 'Eventualities can and will always'--"

Scarlett shut her partner with a grunt. "Don't finish that damn sentence!" she barked before looking away. "You know what? Don't count on me for whatever stupid thing Gamma tries next. Tell her I said that. Verbatim."

With that said, the woman wearing a yellow jacket that accentuated her muscular physique put on a mask that changed her appearance in a matter of seconds. She got 12 inches shorter, and her bulky frame turned gradually lanky. Her abundant hair like that of a lion's mane diminished into a messy curly bob and adopted a darker hue.

The other slender girl, with hair and skin as pale as the moon above and a delicate gothic dress as black as the night surrounding them, waited until the transformation finished before asking, "Are you going somewhere?"

Scarlett glared in response. "Don't follow me. You'll fucking regret it if I find out you sent a shadow after me. I just... Whatever. Let's meet up for lunch later. Okay? Like... later, later..."

And with those words, the woman who had challenged Astrid Bradford to a deathmatch at Londorus and had fought Amelia Laflamme viciously in Unus Town, let the shadows cast by Barcenova City engulf her completely.

Serenity let out a soft sigh as she looked up. The pillar of stone in front of her displayed the statue of a real historical figure from the Old Earth. In The Novus, a virtual world where its cities were nothing more than parodies or artistic renditions of their real-life counterparts from the Golden Age, why was that replica so important that it had remained unchanged by the developers?

The man of his time, standing atop the pillar and firmly extending one arm outward, pointing at the sea, seemed indifferent to everything surrounding him. He did not care if the city around him was nothing more than a charade, a futuristic mirror of the one that used to hold it in real life. His resolve looked unwavering, staring into the horizon for all eternity, sure of finding the horizon's end at any moment.

Serenity walked toward it. The sound of her heeled boots resonated through that lonely plaza. She then caressed the rough pillar while her eyes focused beyond it.

"We did our part indeed, my love. I'm not as short-sighted as Delta, so I couldn't care less if we got our asses dragged through the mud. As long as we could instill a little fire in you, Little Mouse, you can shoot me, burn me, or asphyxiate me as much as you want!" She giggled, her pale cheeks turning red. "And just like the real Columbus, I'm dying to see what you'll find in this dark but vast sea. Tee-hee! The possibilities are endless!"







Six digital months later.


Tired of waiting, Marco Souza decided to order a spinach and feta croissant and sparkling water with lime.

It's been an hour now... So even with a mount, an interactive map, and the aid of a tracking system, it's impossible for this thing to get on time?

He checked his Social tab for the fourth time, his impatience growing. No new messages besides the ones he had to respond to, which inquired about his previous 20-hour absence. It was unlike him to be that anxious, but considering where he really was and what he would have to ask his boss later that day...

I'd rather quit this guild than having to come up with more excuses...

A male NPC brought his order with a smile, and as the croissant and drink were being served, a young woman approached the table. "Sorry for being late," she said quietly, trying to sound casual, but Marco could discern the pretense in her voice.

When he looked up, he found what he could only describe as the 'perfect incognito': An eighteen-year-old, just like 70% of the ship's population.

With an average height of... Let's see... 5 feet and 4 inches tall? Yes, that sounds about right. Weighing... 100--No... 110 lbs. No facial modifications, no apparent body customization... Those can be quite expensive for regular users, which means she might have been a Passive--if her level 35 was not proof enough. And then we have this...

Watching the girl's pink, medium-length hair and Miss Cosmica's logo on her rose-gold jacket mortified him. It was a distinctive look and clothing line he could recognize even from a mile away, thanks to his current Guild Master... So... A Plain Jane and a Miss Cosmica devotee, just like the thousands of others, and nothing more.

The NPC beside them corrected his posture and addressed the girl in a polite tone. "Good afternoon, miss. Are you joining this table? If so, would you like to check the menu?"

The girl's expression went blank, and her posture became unnaturally rigid, making Marco exhale. You have to be kidding me...

He snapped his fingers at the NPC. "Bring the same to my friend here." Then, Marco waited until the servant was out of sight before frowning at the girl. "What are you doing there? Sit."

The young woman did as she was told in an almost robotic manner. As if she was processing every muscle movement before doing it.

Once their gazes were at the same level, she began softly, "Thanks for inviting me, Marco. I heard I can order macchiato here with any latte art I want."

"It's true. What would you like to see in your drink?"

"The Aquila constellation..." she answered quickly, making Marco exhale deeply.

"Good," he said under his breath.

"As I was saying, sorry for being late--"

"Give me a second," he cut her off. Marco's body then radiated a dark aura as he quietly cast, "Dark Conjure, Silent as a Grave."

The girl in front of him did not know what happened, but could feel it—a strange, tingly sensation on her skin for a couple of seconds before the world around her became muted. She could no longer hear the noise from the city nor the sound of coffee mugs and spoons nearby.

"There," he sighed. "That was a spell. No one will hear us talking unless I allow it. What were you saying?"

"That sounds quite handy. Thanks, Marco. As I was saying, sorry I couldn't come in time. This User's body was at a music event. A very crowded place. I also had to come up with an excuse to get rid of this person's friends..."

Marco studied the girl's expression while taking a short sip. No emotion in her voice or eyes... So, you've just usurped someone's life without remorse, huh?

But, if what the original said is true, this User already knew what could happen to her at any moment... He snickered, staring at his food absently. Giving away your entire life with a simple contract just to enjoy some years of comfort here...

Marco stared at this girl's eyes. He knew that the one looking back at him was no human, but for a brief moment, by staring just at her silhouette, he had the tiniest glimpse of who this young woman was, once.

I can't really judge you, whoever you were. Anything to escape the hell Earth has turned to, right? I... understand...

"We'll get going once I finish my meal," he said as the NPC waiter brought the girl's order and offered a 'bon appétit' that they could not hear. "And I suggest you eat too. You'll have to take care of that body from now on."

The girl examined the croissant as if she did not know what to do with it, and it was even more apparent when she observed the way Marco consumed it.

"All right," she whispered.

"Provide me with this User's name."

"Barbara Main."

Marco opened his User Interface, and after tapping on it, he shook his head slightly. "No. Check again. I can't send you a Friend Request."

"That's the name on her Status screen, and it coincides with her passenger's profile... Maybe she's currently using a pseudonym."

"It wouldn't send me a 'Failed to Deliver' message if that was the case, but, you know what? Forget it. It may have something to do with us logging off for a couple of hours. My Social Media tab was acting strangely for a bit before it got reinstated automatically. Maybe it's affecting you too. Let's wait a couple of hours and try again."

After studying Marco's actions for a bit, Barbara started eating as well, mimicking him step by step. Marco then noticed that she did not seem to know what to do with her mouth full.


As he sighed for the third time—Fourth? This whole situation is exasperating—Marco looked through the window, observing the bustling city of Fleurella. A giant Miss Cosmica advertisement could be seen in the distance, promising a collaboration with another surprise idol.

A world full of pleasures we've inherited from our depressed parents.

Marco looked down at his plate. The delicious, buttery pastry waiting to be eaten was nothing more than an illusion, and yet, he was thankful for it. For existing.

And now, just like that fool, I'm part of a damn quest to save this temporary peace.

"It's ironic, isn't it, 'Barbara'?" Marco asked, smirking. "That you had to use the enemy's exploit to chase after them. You're supposed to follow the rules, Captain, not become a pirate like them." He snickered. His golden eyes glimmered with malice. "Or better said, isn't it ironic that the enemy is abusing the backdoor that your creators put in place from the very beginning, and is now backfiring on us?"

After finally swallowing, the entity controlling Barbara's body locked eyes with him. "Could you share with me what's on your mind, detective?"

"The Singular knew where to escape as soon as its plan went south, as if the person that brought it here had filled it in with such information." He took a pause to sip. The people around them kept on with their lives, oblivious to the fact that the nearby conversation could cause worldwide chaos. "Come on, Barbara," he continued with a soothing voice. "Now that we're both here and have all the time in the world, be honest with me. You had a list of suspects from the very beginning, didn't you? That'd help."

"Neural Simulation Supervisor, Abigail Shields. Cryogenic Systems Architect, Bradley Mitchell. And Biogenic Enhancement Engineer, Cody Harrison... The main people responsible for creating the Cryo Chamber, and its connection with the Novus Mainframe..." Barbara released the information as if it was deeply carved in her memory, a blank expression on her face. "These three scientists stayed on Earth."

"People who worked for them, then."


Marco chuckled. "I thought you wouldn't hold information from me, 'Barb'."

"I'm not..." she responded, trying her best to sound apologetic, but he knew it was only an act. "Your job is to help me find the five Singular hosts," Barbara continued. "Not inquire about the people who brought it here."

"Captain! Given your lack of interest, it sounds as if you already know who the traitors are and have already dealt with them!"

Barbara remained silent for a moment. An eerie silence. Her eyes and face looked somber, detached, cold. As if her inhuman nature was peeking its head out.

"They will no longer be a threat to humanity. Trust me."


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