My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 105: Dylak’s Revenge (Part 21) - Baton Pass

Chapter 105: Dylak's Revenge (Part 21) - Baton Pass

"Take this, Anastasia," Alan said, handing her a belt.

When she held it, the System told her it was a bronze-tier artifact.


++Bilmur's Belt: Enhances Vitality by 1 rank.++


"Thank you, Master. Should I equip it?"

"Yes. And you can have this, Bella."

"Thank you, Master Alan!"

The smiling NPC received a handkerchief and read its info:


++Marick's Handkerchief: Inflicts 'Dementia' to an enemy already afflicted by a Status' ailment.++


"Master Alan? I'm afraid I don't have the requirements to make this artifact work."

"Oh, right." Alan pulled out his combat rifle. Cook Monier's knife was still attached to it. "Take this too. This improvised bayonet has a bleed-out effect... Now, Aaron? How many poisoned bullets do we have left?"


"Fine." He shut his eyes and sat on the floor, arms and legs crossed.

**Dylak's health is at fifty-something percent, right? All thanks to Fabio. Rest in peace, buddy, never change... So... Now that I count on Anastasia and Bella's help, this should be a breeze, right? But something tells me that Dylak won't go down without putting up a fight, now that he sounded 'motivated'.**

The sound of something getting smashed echoed through the left aisle of the mansion. The chandelier above them tingled, signaling a disaster.

**What is Dylak doing? Is he having a tantrum?**

Soon, the crumbling noise intensified. **As if a wrecking ball was...**

"Master Alan!" Anastasia cried, equipping her shield.

Alan looked up, looking at the ceiling cracking.

"Don't tell me he..."

"Master, you too, Bella, behind me! Grab my shoulders! Earth Boost, Unmovable Will!" Anastasia cried with urgency, as she concentrated mana around her. Her body and shield glowed, and a magic barrier manifested around them. "Whatever happens, do not let go of me, Master, or the shield won't protect you!"

"Whatever happens?" Alan repeated as he saw the ceiling collapsing. "What the--!"

He ducked, feeling the weight of the debris falling over his head and back, but he was not hurt.

The chandelier smashed against the carpet beside them. The windows cracked simultaneously. The walls fell apart.

"As long as I maintain 'Unmovable Will', we'll be safe. Just hang on!"

"'Unmovable Will', a protection equivalent to the caster's Vitality," Aaron informed, as broken pieces of wood and bricks fell over their heads.

"T-thanks, pal..."

Smashing sounds could still be heard at a distance.

"The entire mansion is collapsing," Bella commented, without taking her hand off Anastasia's left shoulder.

A burst of maniacal laughter reached Alan's ears.

"Don't tell me Dylak is doing this!"

"Dylak's is now estimated to be Silver C," Aaron informed, as falling wood passed through him. "Dylak may want to get rid of the mansion so you can't respawn here anymore... Most likely."

"'Most likely'?! So now being able to respawn indefinitely is considered cheating to him?!"

"This is just a working theory... The good news is that if you die again, this time you may respawn at New Unus Town."

When the last layer of debris buried them completely, there was no distinction between what just a minute ago was floor or ceiling.

"Let's do it together... One, two, three," Anastasia said, and they stood up simultaneously. When the spell faded, a thick layer of dust and dirt covered Alan.

"Not a single scratch," he said, checking his body and his HP bar.

The Final Boss was standing 100 feet away from them, grinning like a hungry shark. "As expected. I knew your NPCs would protect you, Alan Warden."

"Have you gone mad, Dylak, you prick?!"

"This was the only way to keep training since you have already beaten the other bosses. Once I destroy your 'dolls' and leave you within an inch of your life, I'll quickly take my life so we can continue this from the beginning..."

"A-Aaron...? What is he--?"

++"This reaffirms my theory,"++ the spirit said privately while folding his tiny chubby arms. ++"If you beat him fair and square, you would theoretically defeat this dungeon, setting you free. But if he commits suicide, the dungeon will reset, trapping you all over again."++

"And take on all the bosses from the start? No, thanks!"

**And if Dylak found a way to level up, the others could, too. They would always try to maintain a higher level than me so I could keep 'progressing'.**

As he stared at Dylak, Clara sent him a Party Chat request.

++"Alan, I could finally contact you! Does this mean you got out of the mansion?"++


++"Fine, whatever. Listen to me carefully, this is important... Do not kill Count Dylak."++

"Huh?!" Alan cried out as Dylak dashed forward.

Although Anastasia blocked the attack immediately, Alan noticed her feet slid back.

Dylak began a barrage of swipes, creating sparkles every time his claws connected against Anastasia's shield. He only stopped after Bella threw him a fireball.


++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 55%.+++


"You little--!"

++"What nonsense are you talking about, Clara?! Getting rid of him is our guaranteed ticket out of here!"++

++"I wouldn't call it 'guaranteed', trust me! The dungeon may reset regardless of if you kill him or he kills you!"++

++"W-what?! A-Anastasia, create an ice barrier! I need to hear this before attempting anything!"++

++"Understood, Master Alan!"++

Anastasia swung her sword around her, improvising a distorted igloo in a couple of seconds.


+++NOTICE: Minion's MP depleted.


1 minute to restore it. +++

++"Clara, h-how do you know that?"++

++"The Dungeon Director insinuated it..."++

++"'Dungeon Director'?"++

**Dylak mentioned a director before.**

A claw pierced through the ice, threatening to poke Alan's eyes. Bella quickly stabbed Dylak's palm with her bayonet before Anastasia patched the hole with her shield.

++"Long story short, the Director it's the AI in charge of this dungeon,"++ Clara continued. ++"She has administrative powers, so she may force you to keep respawning here regardless of if you win. What an asshole, if you ask me."++

++"So, this Director gained autonomy after Viola Lang turned her into a NU? Is that why she's doing this?"++

++"YEAH! Wow, you got it on your first try. It's all true, trust me."++

++"Compared to all the crazy shit that has happened tonight, that sounds completely plausible."++

++"Thanks, Alan."++


++"For believing me..."++

++"Of course I do. We're 'nakama' now, right?"++

++"Y-yes, we are! Um..."++

++"What should I do then? Dylak has threatened to force a dungeon reset after defeating me."++

++"This sure is complicated, huh? All right, then... We can do this. Try to hold on as much as possible. Amelia is currently outside. She may get some help from one of the Administrators, and in the meantime, I'm pursuing the Director."++

**Getting in contact with an Administrator? Didn't they tell me it was impossible for regular Users? The only reason I'm acquainted with two of them, it's because they took an interest in me. Although, it may be possible now that Jane Andersen has taken residence in New Unus...**

++"Are you going to knock some sense into this Director?"++

++"I'll try. Yes..."++

++"I count on you, Clara."++

++"Thanks, Alan."++

"Blood Sports!" Dylak cried from outside the ice dome, as a red blade pierced the wall, almost stabbing Alan's face. Another blade sliced the upper part of the igloo.

++"Retreat! This has become a death trap!"++

While Anastasia blocked the following swipes, Bella placed both hands against the wall behind them and melted it with Fire Crafting.

When the group finally stepped out, Alan looked back at the enemy. A thin crimson serpent-like ribbon was coming out of Dylak's palm.

**Clara inflicted 'Bleed out' on him, and he's using it thanks to that blood manipulation Aaron told me about.**

++"What are we going to do, Alan?"++ Aaron asked. ++"Dylak may defeat us before Amelia or Clara solve the issue."++

++"Are you saying that fighting defensively isn't feasible?" Alan exhaled. "Full-on aggressive, then. Bella, can you use 'Dementia' on him?"++

++"Requirements met,"++ Bella said, as she pulled out the handkerchief from between her metal breasts. "Use Artifact Skill: Dementia!"

Bella stood still, locking eyes with Dylak.

++"Is it working?"++ Alan asked, while watching the Boss menacingly striking the ground with his blood-crafted whip.

"Good try, fools!" Dylak shouted, grinning. "But you can't hide from me!"

He stroked the empty spot behind him and began violently stomping something invisible.

++"It'll only last 20 seconds,"++ Bella said, not taking her eyes off him.

++"It's working,"++ Aaron said. ++"Bella is creating an illusion that only Count Dylak can see. 'Dementia' will be interrupted if she loses eye contact, runs out of mana, or Dylak gets hit."++

++"Let's take advantage of this, then. Anastasia?"++

++"Yes, Master?"++

++"Prepare a strike with all of your might."++


++"9 seconds remaining,"++ Bella informed, as Anastasia got into position and channeled fire mana.

Meanwhile, Dylak was being tricked into believing he had grabbed Alan by the neck. "I won't bite you again," the boss was saying, laughing. "I'll just..."

After making a piercing motion, Dylak's claw twirled in the air, as he maintained a nasty grin.

**I... I don't want to find out what he's seeing...**

A red aura surrounded Anastasia's arm and blade.

++"I'm ready, Master Alan."++


+++Notice: Your minion has learned the 'Valor' boost.+++


**A strength-enhancing Active Skill, huh? That's super useful,** Alan thought, skimming the window's info.

++"3 seconds left!"++

++"Anastasia... Chop Dylak's legs!"++

The female NPC let out a war cry as she easily sliced Dylak's left thigh. Unfortunately, she could not do the same with the right one.



NOTICE: Boss' HP At 40%!+++


"You wretched woman!" Dylak cried, plummeting to the ground. Black blood leaked out abundantly.

++"Anastasia's strength was not enough to overcome Dylak's Vitality,"++ Aaron commented.

++"I'm sorry, Master Alan. His skin and bones are too thick. It was like cutting through stone." ++

++"Doesn't matter, this will do!"++ Alan said to them via Party Chat, before stepping in front of the boss. "Hey, Dylak! Don't dare commit suicide if you start losing. Did you hear me?! Be a good loser and fight to the very end!"

**There! If I can't die or kill him, I'll incapacitate him as much as possible.**

Dylak sneered, giving Alan another glimpse of his sawed teeth. "Having two allies is getting in your head, Alan Warden." A dark aura surrounded him. "But I agree. Let's fight with everything we have... Dark Boost, Creature of the Night!"

An overwhelming pressure made Alan feel as if the surrounding gravity had intensified.


++++Notice: Count Dylak has received an Atmospheric Boost. 'Creature of the Night'.

Strength + 1

Vitality + 1

Agility + 1

Spirit + 1+++


++"Can he boost himself while he's under his Second Form?! Give me a break, Novus!"++

++"Dylak's estimated Strength, Silver B!"++

++"Ready to launch a fire spell, Master Alan!"++ Bella said. A huge magic circle floated above her.

**She started casting it without me telling her what to do. At least she got a lot of combat experience tonight.**

++"I don't know the magnitude of that spell of yours, but by all means, do it, Bella! He's so buffed right now that it will be a miracle if we can even hurt him!"++

"Major Fire Crafting," Bella intoned, stretching out her hand forward. "Spitfire!"

From the magic circle, fireballs were launched at rapid speed, lifting dust and charring the ground itself.

++"Woah! This spell is awesome! Keep going, Bella!"++

++"I will! I'll try to maintain it as much as po--!"**

Alan glanced at the NPC girl, as a blurred silhouette cut her in half. When Alan realized what had happened, he was staring at Bella's lower detached body. Her legs were still standing, and her dress had turned into a skirt, still hanging from her hips.

"I can't believe how much fun I'm getting out of you!" Dylak laughed out loud, 20 feet away from them. "I'm having a blast fighting you, Alan Warden!"

**How can he move?! **

Alan watched in horror Dylak's red leg and toeless feet. **Did he use the lost blood to create a new one?!**

The Boss grinned, lifting his prize aloft: Bella's upper body, hanging from her hair. She was still moving, struggling to break free.

++"Why is she still alive?"++

++"Barely..."++ Aaron replied. ++"She's a robotic-type minion, so she can survive extreme circumstances, but she can be eliminated in a single shot if an enemy pierces her core. It is located inside her chest."++

Alan recalled the moment Serenity had stabbed Anastasia a week ago, and most recently, Fabio's death.

Out of Bella's open torso, Alan could see wires and leaking oil.

**I can't stand watching her like that...**

++"Bella, you'll get better, I promise! I'll repair you as soon as I--"++

The NPC smiled at him. ++"It's better if I just die and respawn again, Master Alan. Sorry for not being of much help, but at least I can do this..."++ Having said that, she reached out a hand in Anastasia's direction, and started casting: "Fire Charm..."

"You won't!" Dylak shouted.

"Rally & Destroy!" Bella cast, just before Dylak crushed her head with both hands.

Before Alan could contemplate such a grotesque scene, both halves of Bella's body turned into vanishing pixels.

++"Your orders, Master Alan,"++ Anastasia said, taking a fighting stance. A red aura surrounded her body.


++++Notice: Minion's Strength + 1+++


++"Did Bella do this?"++

++"Yes,"++ Aaron replied. ++"A Boost is a self-enhancement. A Charm is an enhancement that can be cast on others. But this will not be enough to beat Dylak."++

++"Can we assume the Creature of the Night boost will fade once it's dawn?"++

++"Yes. In 20 minutes..."++

++"Fine! Cast 'Puppet Master' and 'Modding'!"++

++"Auto-casting... Success! Anastasia has accepted the connection. Which of her Stats should we rearrange?"++



LEVEL - 26







++"Can I change them on a whim while fighting? I want to alternate between speed and defense."++

++"Such rapid changes could be detrimental to the minion's body."++

++"Crap, let me see th--"++

++"It's okay, I can endure it,"++ Anastasia interjected while locking eyes with the boss.

++"Anastasia, are you sure about this?"++

++"Do what you have to do, Master."++

++"Alright, then..."++ Alan nervously glanced at Anastasia's info window, before staring at her back.

The artificial girl looked feeble compared to the huge, vampiric humanoid in front of her.

**And yet...**

Alan's hands got into position over the virtual keyboard and mouse. He could feel his palms sweaty.

++"Aaron, subtract 1 point from Vitality and 2 from Strength. Then, add 1 to Spirit and 2 to Agility."++

"Roger. Done."

"Dylak!" Alan shouted, smirkin. "I hate to admit this, but it's been fun! Are you sure you don't want to rest a little and have a cup of tea?"

"I'd love to, but once the dungeon resets! Although my new self may forget it, so you'll have to remind me and convince me again! Nya-ha-ha!"

Alan's right index finger twitched hearing that.

**The Slime-folk devolved when dying, and these Dungeon NUs will forget everything that happened tonight?**

"Man..." Alan sighed. "Something tells me you don't love your NUs so much, Viola Lang..."


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