My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I'm the Weakest!

Chapter 103: Dylak’s Revenge (Part 19) Stupid Lookalike

Chapter 103: Dylak's Revenge (Part 19) Stupid Lookalike

"Minor Electric Crafting, Zap!" Alan commanded, and Fabio sent forward an electrical discharge out of his hand. Dylak received the entirety of the spell, yet continued advancing.

++"Notice:"++ Aaron started saying, ++"Since the Zap spell is already channeled, you can continue casting it repeatedly, as long as Fabio has mana."++

++"Thanks, pal."++

"Zap!" repeated Fabio, casting another attack. Dylak also absorbed it, but this time it looked annoyed.

++"Don't stop, Fabio!"++

"Zap! Zap! Zap!" Fabio cast, using his left hand too.

The indiscriminate effort to hurt Count Dylak burned part of his pale skin and the paper wall around him.

++++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 93%.++++

The Boss gritted his teeth while transforming his black fingernails into claws. "Enough!" he cried, making a wide swipe with his right hand.

Alan commanded Fabio to crouch, as the slicing attack cut the walls with ease.

++"What the hell was that?!"++

Even the closet Alan was hiding in had been sliced. Alan looked up, looking at the light coming from a horizontal cut in the wall.

++"That slicing attack has a 30-feet reach,"++ Aaron informed. ++"That categorizes Dylak's Vitality to at least Silver E rank."++

Alan glanced at Fabio's info. Vitality Bronze A...

++"Hardcore mode, then, huh?"++

While still crouching, Alan made Fabio cast: "Minor Electric Crafting, Zap Mine."

It only took that brief moment for Dylak to close the distance and kick Fabio in the chin. The NPC was sent flying 20 feet away.


WARNING: Minion's health at 63%++++

**Yes... I could have dodged it, but...**

"You're done for!" Dylak shouted, dashing forward, but the electric trap paralyzed him in his place.

++"Fabio, begin channeling, Volt Punch!"++

"Electric Style," Fabio was casting, while standing up. His right fist began glowing intensely as he got closer.

++"What's the minimum charging time for this to be effective?"++

++"It has already surpassed the minimum amount, Guild Master."++

++"Continue, then. Let's hit him until the very last second!"++

Holding his position, Fabio took a fighting stance, while both NPC and Puppeteer watched Dylak gradually regaining control of his body.

"You fool! I know what is going on now! You're controlling this minion, don't you, Alan Warden?!"

"I know this fighting method bothers you," Fabio began saying, smirking, "but bad habits never die. Volt Punch!"

Fabio's fist connected against Dylak's stomach, and the equivalent power of 20 Zap spells illuminated the entirety of that floor. Even the place Alan was hiding in trembled.

++++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 72%.++++

"At least is something," Alan said, pressing the key that would make Fabio retreat, but nothing happened.

Dylak had grabbed the NPC by the shoulders while opening his jaw wide. Alan could see through his minion's eyes a row of knife-like teeth.

"Give me your life!" Dylak bit Fabio in the neck and began making sucking noises, but after a couple of seconds, the boss frowned. "What is this?"

"I suppose that you're not used to fighting other NPCs, right?" Fabio said, grabbing Dylak's forearms. "You can't suck blood from a minion classified as a robot."

++"Fabio, use Electric Crafting! Don't channel it!"++


Through his hands, Fabio released an unrefined, out-of-control electric discharge, making Dylak contort in pain. Both adversaries got locked, unable to move.

++"This is draining Fabio's mana pool at rapid speed, Alan,"++ Aaron informed.

++"Doesn't matter! We must damage him as much as possible!"++

++++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 59%.++++

While wailing, Dylak's body grew and gained muscle mass. His skin turned purple, and his eyes glowed crimson.

+++++WARNING: Count Dylak is entering his Second Phase.++++

++"Does he have that?! Of course he has!"++

+++++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 64%.++++

++"Wait, hold on! Is he healing himself?!"++

++"No, Alan. His HP pool is increasing!"++

"I'm going to find you, Alan Warden!" Dylak shouted in a deeper tone of voice. He lifted Fabio off the ground and crashed him against the ceiling, leaving him there, hanging up from his neck. "Stop these cheap tactics, User! You need to train alone!"

From inside the closet, Alan could hear the boss taking down walls and doors.

++"Alan, we have to get out of here,"++ Aaron said.

++"How?! I can't make a hole through the floor like him!"++

There was a moment of silence that lasted a few seconds until Dylak tore down the door's closet as if it was made of cardboard. "Found you... You reek of blood."

Although Alan was sure that the dungeon would revive him, he could not get rid of his fear.

**This is going to hurt...**

Dylak stretched out his claw, ready to grab Alan by the head and feed from him, but something pushed the boss aside.

From Alan's perspective, he could only distinguish a trail of lightning saving him.


Alan glanced at the NPC's status.

**He's holding at the last 15% of his HP!**

++"Let's go, Alan. His Combat Battery passive skill is active. It'll be better if you let him fight automatically."++

Alan stepped out of the closet, looking at the NPC dodging and moving at triple his normal speed, while maintaining a boxing stance.

++"I can't go yet. If we get too far away, Fabio won't receive your Extended Warranty boost aura..."++

"Okay, then."

Alan prepared his gun, but the two NPCs in front of him fought at tremendous speed.

**I may end up hitting Fabio.**

He held his breath, and cast: "Sharpshooter-Class Active Skill, Steady Shot."

The skill allowed him to follow their movements with more ease, but still, Fabio did not seem to be limited by the 'slow motion'.

++++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 46%.++++

**Fabio is dodging, and then punching two or three times in a row, rinse and repeat. Dylak hasn't been able to hit him once, but once he does, it will be game over.**

Alan positioned the pistol's cannon and targeted Dylak's head. **Here we go.**

The world around Alan returned to normal as soon as he fired. The shot was secured. Dylak would not be able to dodge.

"Come on!"

A clinking sound echoed through the room, leaving Alan speechless. The bullet had ricocheted off Dylak's forehead. His grin looked like that of a fiend.

**Oh, right... I'm still the weakest User in all The Novus...**

"Do you mind if I change the scenery, boys?!" Dylak shouted, hitting the ground with both fists, making the entire floor tremble and crack.

"Are you kidding me?!" Alan cried.

++"Dylak's Vitality it's now estimated to be Silver D, Alan,"++ Aaron informed. ++"He is able to destroy the entire mansion with his bare hands."++

"Oh, great, just great!"

The floor collapsed, making them fall to the mansion's ground level. The excess of dust made Alan cough as he tried to stand up. Squinting, he looked at a picture hanging above a chimney depicting Count Dylak beside a little girl. Who the hell is that brat?

In front of him, a glowing, sparking silhouette constantly moved around the boss.

**Fabio is still fighting. His HP is at his last 10%.**

++++NOTICE: Boss' HP at 37%.++++

Watching the NPC fight with everything he got made Alan's hands shake. "Come on, Fabio! You can do it!"

++"I'll do my best, Guild Master,"++ the NPC replied through Party Chat, as he threw a tireless barrage of punches.

**Death by a thousand cuts, come on!**

One of Count Dylak's knees faltered. He coughed blood, before suddenly grinning, locking eyes with Alan.

**That's creepy...**

Dylak spat blood in Alan's direction, despite being 25 feet apart. **What is that sound?**

The next thing Alan saw was the chest of a man, and a red needle impaling him.

"W-what?" Alan asked, watching Fabio's face. "D-did you protect me from that?"

++"Count Dylak used the Blood Sports skill. It allows him to transform blood into solid objects,"++ Aaron informed.

"I can see that!" Alan cried. "You stupid Marco lookalike... I can revive indefinitely inside this dungeon."

Fabio smirked. "I'm sorry, Guild Master, but my duty is to protect my allies..."

After Fabio's body turned into vanishing pixels, only Count Dylak remained, standing in front of Alan.

"My apologies Alan Warden, it seems that my previous assessment of you was incorrect," he said, turning his voice as soft as he could. "That brave NPC wouldn't have been able to cause me so much damage on his own. This accomplishment is as yours as his. This kind of teamwork it's the same I have with my dungeon's Director. Without her help, I would've never reached this higher power level."

"Glad that I helped you see another perspective... And... Did you say 'director'?"

"I won't criticize you again if you try fighting me using another NPC," Dylak said, grabbing Alan by the neck. "As a matter of fact, I'm looking forward to our rematch."

"D-don't w-worry..." Alan smirked, as he felt Dylak's grip getting tighter. "I-I'll be b-back..."

Dylak bit Alan's neck and sucked his blood.

+++++NOTICE: Due to Count Dylak's 'Vampiric Bite',

he has healed 20% HP.

Boss' HP currently at 57%.+++++


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