My Evil System

Chapter 42 Upgrade Equipment!

Seems about right. Everything should be balanced.


Looking over at my inventory, the only notable weapons I have were the [Golden Hammer], [Golden Axe], and [Golden Pickaxe].

I looked over the sky and released a big breath.

System, is there some kind of an equipment in the [Evil System Shop] that I could use?

<New ITEMS available in Evil System Shop!>

Huh . . . that was fast. How about some Tokens and Blueprints while you're at it.

<System could only provide items and quests that contained Tokens and Blueprints as rewards>

I know. I just wanted to ask and try my luck.

<However, System will provide Host all needed equipment at his current ATP . . . for the right price, of course>

I opened the [Evil System Shop] and chose from the inventory list.

[Evil System Shop]

❶ Handsome Elixir

This handsome elixir is a mighty potent potion that would bring back your youth and enhance your appearance like that of a God!


If you're not prepared to be stalked, threatened, or possibly killed by the ladies' affection, then do not – in any circumstances – drink this potion!

It is forever . . .


100,000 Evil Points

❷ Handsome Perfume

Do you smell like socks from a fungus-filled foot? No worries! We got you! Avail our Handsome Perfume, and you'd be fresh like mint and blooming flowers in a glacier!

But wait, there's more! Sprinkle this baby all over your body, and you'll never have to worry about sweat and rotten smell again!


This perfume is tested and proven to make the ladies want to cuddle with you and make every man envious of your refreshing scent.

Lasts for 24 hrs.


10,000 Evil Points

❸ Fragment of the Cursed Emperor

A Kingdom on the verge of collapse was saved by a kind King who turned tyrant with the help of a cursed item. For a time, his rule and might gripped every corner of the world with terror and awe.

But powerful heroes slew the Tyrant Emperor and put a stop to his madness. Empire gone, the only remnant of the Emperor was a fragment of his once glorious conquest.


This necklace once wore caused madness if LCK is lower than +70.

STR +10

INT +10


15,000 Evil Points

❹ Evil Toothy Maw

A Jawbone of a foul and evil beast who laid havoc everywhere it went. Its shape fits loosely into a half mask that takes the form of the jaw, covering the lips and nose.

When affixed, this maw became the mouth of the wearer, and sections of sharp teeth and protruding tusks made it a horrifying and intimidating combination.


Once worn, this item is hard to remove!

HP +500

MP +100

LCK –10

Special Skill:


Anyone whose DEF and MDF are lesser than its wearer STR and INT will suffer [FEAR].


25,000 Evil Points

❺ Lunatic Purgatory

The blade of a mass murderer who lived hundreds of years by drinking the blood of his victims.

This blade was strengthened by the countless blood it killed and drank. It transformed into something of a weapon and beast. Two swords combined together through a mouth filled with razor-sharp jaws with three eyes on each hilt. Blood constantly dripped from its maw, and poison coated its double blades.

It's like the head of a dragon from the Purgatory itself.


This blade constantly required blood. Once equipped, the wearer should feed it blood each day. Failure to do so, it would take its owner's blood as compensation.

STR +50

INT +40


50,000 Evil Points

❻ Mantle of Dementia

A cape made from different scales of beasts that Dementia butchered. She was a renowned hunter until she had gone crazy from killing too many beasts.

Some said that a God cursed her as an act of punishment for killing too many of its children and inhabitants of its territory.


It can cause hallucination and craze when LCK is below +50.

DEF +20

MDF +10


30,000 Evil Points

❼ Demented Boots

Dementia wore these boots as she hunted for beasts and preys to add to her list of kills. It's made from different reptiles' hide sewn together to create the perfect boots that could resist wear and tear when she stormed difficult terrain to kill her prey.

However, these boots were often soaked in blood from wild beasts and monsters, creating boots that sometimes led its wearer to dangerous paths.


This Boots reduced its wearer's encounters with beasts and monsters.

AGI +10

LCK -10


10,000 Evil Points

‖ E N D ‖

That's what I'm talking about!

Though the names and description were a little . . . unsettling, my ATP was high to suppress its negative effects . . . I hope.

I bought every piece of equipment in the shop for a total of 130 000 Evil points like the system knew how much Evil Points I had left.

I checked my equipment. The mantle was so light contrary to its appearance of gleaming dark scales. It didn't hinder my movement at all, and it felt like I was not wearing any cape.

The boots were perfect too. Comfy and light.

. . . The problem was . . . I felt the maw mask on my jaw. The big long tusks weren't hindering my vision, but I still wanted to see if I was recognizable amidst the mask.

If it could hide my appearance, the better.

Another thing . . . I check [Lunatic Purgatory] in my hand. I felt it pulsating. Its three pairs of eyes twirling around and around, unsettling, never in one place, searching for something to eat.

Ehehe . . . Ahahahaha!

I swung the sword, feeling its heaviness in each sway.

Not bad.

It was light, but I felt every strike of it. It was bigger than I imagined, about half the size of my height, so I expected it to be heavy.

GrrR . . . the jaws between the two swords were making gurgling sounds, hungry, seeking, needing blood to feast.

Is that so?

There were no beasts nor monsters in sight. The surroundings turned quiet, unlike when it was buzzing with noises a while ago.

Every presence was gone. Every beast that was hiding from the bushes, stalking me the moment I entered the forest . . . they all disappeared.

GrRrR . . .

Calm down.

You'll have your blood soon enough.

Rechecking my stats, I felt confident that I could take that Old Hag and her sons.

But more importantly, I wasn't after them . . . I was after that player . . . Lisa. Specifically her Tokens.

A grin stretched my lips so wide.

It's time for the hunt.

‖ C R O S S ‖

HP: 500 +500

MP: 210 +100

STRG: 150 +60

DEF: 100 +20

MDF: 140 +10

INT: 100 +50

AGL: 100 +10

LCK: 100 -20

ǁ E N D ǁ


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