My Evil System

Chapter 35 Listen Here!

‖ E V I L S Y S T E M

M A I N Q U E S T ‖

❶ Make Amara Goldstein fall in love with you and smash her heart to pieces


+100, 000 EXP

❷ Kill 4 Players

A tournament to enter the Capital city of Rustin is held in the town of Roselake. Players are seizing this chance to enter the safety of the capital and have a much greater life even as just one of the soldiers of the King and acquire many perks.

Kill four players that already have all their ATPs in the twenties.


+40 000 EXP

A-Grade Tokens x 4

‖ E N D ‖

I nodded to myself.

Seems doable.

But there was only one problem . . .

I faced the others. "I'll get those workers for you one way or another. But for now, focus on the fence and hut first."

Daedalus didn't say anymore and went back to his work while I was thinking of summoning Little Piggy. But before I could, the system stopped me.

<Host, what are you doing?>

Summoning that pig to check that Rocky mountain hill if it's livable. Since it could fly, it would be a piece of cake for him.

<I thought you're opting for the easy route, killing some players and stealing their tokens?>

I was.

The problem was . . . My other self would have control by tomorrow before I even reached that town, and he would surely not agree with it.

< . . . oh, right . . . Already forgot that there is another you>

Just to be on the safe side, I'm going to give him an option. But if he did activate [Evil Heart] again, I'm taking that easy route.

<Host is brilliant! You're already planning ahead!>

<The only problem is, little Piggy might not heed your commands>

That's why Athena is still here. I mused and beamed at Athena's way, which she reciprocated with a raised brow.

"I'm going to summon little piggy, my pet, to check that rocky hill to see if it's livable," I said.

"Little Piggy?"

"A God I acquired that could fly," I answered simply, and Athena's poker-faced cracked a little.

Heh. She must not have liked it that I was collecting Gods as minions.

"The only problem is that our relationship level is low, and I need your help convincing it to check that Rocky Hill."

"I thought my lord is going to kill some players to acquire tokens?"

"Let's keep our options open. It's never a bad idea to have many options."


"A warning, though. Little Piggy is hostile, but it can't kill you or me."

Right System?

<Summoned Tokens couldn't be killed. Though they wouldn't stop anyone from killing you if they're not in the guards' profession>


Mind the sarcasm.

I explained to Athena about Little Piggy and the Goddess told me about her plans which I agreed as long as that little pig would obey me.

"Here goes." I summoned Little Piggy and embraced for impact.


A wild gust of air percolated around us before it dispersed and revealed little Piggy's . . . tiny form?

". . ."

What the hell?

I was expecting a giant but what appeared before me was a pig the size of a rabbit with two big teeth protruding from its lower lip up to its little snout. Its wings were the size of butterflies. Its dark skin seemed soft and enticed anyone to touch it, while its once round eyes were far beyond menacing, and the terrifying aura it portrayed was nowhere to be felt.

"What happened? Why are you in this form?"

Little Piggy harrumph and snapped his head to the side. "My godly form is not for the eyes from the likes of you."

". . ." I wanted to pinch its cheek and stretch it until he was making sense.

"Whatever. Your size isn't important anyway. We have more pressing matters," I said, adding, "I want you to go over the Rocky Mountains and check if the top is livable.

"Who cares?" Little Piggy sat on his bum and looked everywhere except me.

I knew he was being difficult, and my patience was running thin.

"Listen here, you pig! If I die, then you die as well."

Little Piggy rolled his eyes. "That's good news. I'd rather be dead than face an entire lifetime of humiliation being turned into a mortal's pet."

A vein popped on my forehead. I have no time for this nonsense, and I would certainly not tolerate insubordination from a minion. I didn't care if it was a God.

Right now, he was nothing but a little pig.

I was about to pinch its chubby cheeks and stretch it wide when Athena stopped me.

"Allow me to negotiate, my lord." Athena stepped forward, and Little Piggy took a step back with a big droplet of sweat on the side of its cheek.

He must have felt Athena's enormous presence even if she didn't have any ATP.

"W-what . . . ?" stuttered little Piggy. "Coercion and torture won't work on me!" he threatened, and I wanted to laugh when it shook from where it stood from Athena's intimidating pair of grey eyes. Its tiny swirly tail was shaking like a twig splashed by the wind back and forth in rapid succession.

"Are you sure you don't want to help, my lord?"

Little Piggy stuck out his tongue. "My lord? Yuck. The words tasted worse than the spoiled mangoes I ate the other day."

For some reason, I wanted to plant mangoes and have their fruit feasted by flies before feeding it into his throat.

Athena ignored Little Piggy's mumblings. "If you will do as my lord commands you, you'll gain numerous perks."

Little Piggy snorted. "Heh. If you think that this great God like myself would succumb to a mere mortal just because of some perks, you're greatly mistaken!"

"But . . . !" Little Piggy interrupted when Athena was about to open her mouth. "Since I am a benevolent God, then let me hear these . . . perks you speak off."

I hid a sinister grin when I knew this negotiation was in the bag.

"For starters. Since you're no longer the God of Euclid Village, you are no longer restricted by a single territory. You can roam free without restrictions. My lord will grant you this privilege, and all you have to do is heed his command upon call."

Little Piggy's face was sceptical. "Really?"

Athena briefly shot me a look, and I nodded my head. "Yes."

"Second," Athena continued, "You'll be my lord's second in command. The general of his minions, and you could do whatever you wanted as long as it wouldn't endanger my lord and his people's lives."

Little Piggy was in a daze. "C-command an army? D-do whatever I want?" The shine in little Piggy's eyes was apparent, and he had difficulty in hiding it now.

"And the last . . ." Athena purposely hung her words and roped little Piggy in the palm of her hands.

"You'll eat all the food that you want."

". . ."

Little Piggy couldn't speak for a moment before he cleared his throat and sneered.

"BAH! What do you think of me? A cheap God that would get easily fooled by your honey coated words?"

He then went closer to Athena and whispered, "All you said is true, right?"

"A goddess's never lie."

"Is that so?" Little Piggy pranced around Athena before staring at me with a smug gaze.

"Since you so insist and beg for my great self to join you . . . and since I'm a kind God, then I'll agree to be your right-hand man."

My face lit up, and I felt like not pinching his chubby cheeks anymore.

"However," chimed Little Piggy, "I'll only obey one of your commands a month and nothing more. You'll let me roam, do whatever I want, and eat whatever I want for the rest of those days."

Once . . . a month? My eyelid twitched.

My gaze briefly shot to Athena, and the slight nod of her head made me took a deep breath.

I guess it was better than nothing, considering I managed to command a God, even if it's just once a month.

"Done then."


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