My Evil System

Chapter 214 Fallen Goblins Camp


When we approached the encampment, we heard a desperate scream mixing with the loud chanting of the word "sacrifice" from the Goblins behind the camp's wooden wall.

In the main entrance, light from a bonfire shone through this three meter wide entrance in the wooden wall surrounding the encampment.

Two fallen goblins and a fallen hound guard the unlocked main gate to the encampment. One of the goblins was gnawing on a leg bone while listening to the others brag about why he was 'the 'mostest' of important' to the clan's shaman.

"Let's see what you've got, newbies." Rodrick grinned. I didn't like the glint in his eyes. "Go and take care of the goblins in there yourself. Make it snappy, okay? You don't want me to fail you, right?"

I chose to stay silent while the others' faces were wrapped in worry and dread. Except for Soarsie. I was sure that she was contemplating to hide in her shadows again than fight the goblins.

"But . . . aren't you going to help us as our mentors?" Gorio squeaked, voice thin like a whisper.

"Haa?!" Edgar was quick to condemn him with his snarky remarks. "They're just goblins, noobs. Don't tell me that you still need babysitting?"

"Fallen goblins," Mikaela corrected.

"Fallen Goblins, wild goblins, huge goblins, small goblins. They're all the same – goblins," Maverick said with a shrug.

Lilian giggled. "Ain't they the baby?" she cooed. "Want me to babysit you? I might think about it for the right price."

Rodrick laughed while his narrowed eyes peered at me. "Like you implied before, Chosen One. They're only goblins so it should be easy for you, right."

I saw how Soarsie rolled her eyes while the others kept their grievances behind sullen faces and clamped lips.

I, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get this done and over with.

I went ahead, and Rodrick and his group whistled.

"That's our chosen one. So brave," Lilian slurred.

"Remember, you only have ten minutes to clear that camp, or I'll fail all of you!" Rodrick said, voice loud enough for the Goblin guards to spot me.

I knew that asshole did it on purpose.

Using [Blink], I appeared right behind the guards and sliced off their necks with my sword while I threw daggers at the remaining ones, who were slow to react. They died without uttering a word, even the hound.

With that out of the way, I casually walked in while the goblins were still busy inside.

A group of fallen goblins were chanting while the fallen goblin shaman named O'gella fed blood to a tied-up goblin to turn it into a fallen creature.

I heard careful steps from my back, and I didn't have to look to know that it was the others.

While the goblins were busy, I looked around the place to know where I would have the higher ground.

Five tents and a shabby-looking hut form a half-circle around a large stone altar carved with crimson patterns.

Four fallen goblins were gathered around the altar and chanted the word "sacrifice" while a fallen goblin shaman was feeding blood to a screaming goblin tied to the altar.

The tied-up goblin screamed and convulsed as it turned into a fallen goblin.

But my eyes fell on the shaman's staff. It would surely fetch a high price. I wager.

I pushed forward to the six barrels and hid my presence, hoping that the others had the brain to hide as well.

When I came close, my nose picked up that familiar smell of liquor. I was sure that the barrel contained brandy. I was sure that these barrels would explode if any of them took fire damage. Maybe I could use this to kill the goblins in one blow?

I had access to spells as well, so I didn't need Mikaela to light it for me. In fact, as of now, I have fire, water, earth, and air at my command.

As the others approached my location, I looked over the tents. These tents fashioned from animal skin contained rough cots and have a foul smell. Besides dirty beds, peeled bones, and rotting food leftovers, the tents held nothing of value.

There was one tent that was eye-catching, though. It was ornamented with bones and feathers smeared with blood hung from the ceiling, and carved bones were strewn out on a bear -skin on the floor. I think it was the Shamans Hut.

My eyes took in next the back entrance. A 1.5 meters wooden door marks an entrance through the encampment's wall. A lone fallen goblin guards the back door to the camp, which was barred from the inside.

When I felt the presence of the others close by, my eyes were already in this barred cage that held a bloodied human male lying in the fetal position.

I was sure that the prisoner was the aging human Erthan. Desperate to get out, he was shouting for help in a weak croaking voice. The cage was locked, but Gorio would be able to open it.

"What's the plan?" Felix huffed by my side. Mikaela, Gina, and Soarsie were gaining on them on tiptoes.

"Kill the goblins," I said.

"Good plan." Felix grinned. "So what's the REAL plan?"

I took a large breath. "Used these barrels as bombs and blew them up in one blast."

"Then we better hop to it. It's almost ten minutes," Mikaela said as soon as she arrived to our location, the end of her staff glowing with fire.

"Easy. You might accidentally blow us up with that," said Soarsie just behind her.

Mikaela gave her a look. "You're still here? I thought that you would hide in your shadows and wait for us to clear these goblins."

Soarsie shot her the sweetest smile. "I could do that too."

Mikaela glared at her while Gina came in between the two.

"Uhm . . . L-let's not fight . . . w-we should work together."

I drowned the women's voices and focused on the task at hand. A distinct sound, however, made me pull my attention from the Goblins to over my shoulder.

Slumped on the ground with his stomach flat on the dirt, Gorio stared at us in surprise before his face twisted in horror when the sound of his fall alerted the goblins.

Mikaela clicked her tongue in annoyance. "He is a thief, for heaven's sake! How can he fall on the ground like an oaf?"

This was why I hated groups. They weighed you down.

I quickly rose to my feet and threw a barrel onto the horde of goblins. I didn't wait for Mikaela and lit it on fire myself.


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