My Evil System

Chapter 181 HAVENs Progress . . .

"Alright. Now that we're all here. Let's discuss about the progress of our fief first," I started.

No one responded.

"I'm sorry." Jin brushed his hands over his face. "I can't take this seriously. I mean . . . we're having a meeting over the dining table, and it couldn't even seat all of us!"

"Stop yapping already." Florin sneered. "Be glad that my lord had taken you in!"

"You can't blame me for complaining," defended Jin. "The more I saw our situation here, the more I am convinced that we couldn't hold a candle against the Volmont's Army.

"I mean, look at us!" Jin exclaimed. "We only have like less than ten players here, and half of it couldn't even fight. There's no army to command while the Volmont had like thousands of trained soldiers at their beck and call!"

"Volmont?" Megu looked at me and smiled, which got my skin crawling. "Did you do something, my lord?"

"Do?" Florin chuckled. "More like My Lord is so brave that he declared war on another territory."

"More like foolish," Jin butted in.

"I'm sorry," Amara commented and joined in. "It's because of me."

Florin rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You're not that beautiful . . . Okay, maybe you are, but it isn't enough for my Lord to wage war on another kingdom because of you. Stop fooling yourself."

Agh . . . "Enough." I massaged my temples and addressed Athena at my side. "First things first. Report the progress of HAVEN."

My other self would appear any time now, so I needed to address all these problems first before he could start to mess things up.

"If you will, My Lord," Athena started, "As you have instructed, we have started construction in the floating hills a week ago after you left. All our builders are working nonstop to develop your Town Hall and all the other necessary facilities on top of the mountains. Currently, Daedalus and the others are already done with the Town Hall, fences, gardens, and springs.

"That's just the main Hill. The left floating smaller hills beside the main Hill houses the Vegetable garden, small animal pens, and plantations. On the right side, we have the technology areas where Ulysses's lab is located, as well as the elixirs. In the back of the floating main Hill is where your storages are located. These includes, the Elixir's Storage, Gold Storage, Materials Storage and Item Storage.

"And all of this are connected and could only be access via the main Hill's ladders. So far, they have finished with the place and only working on the remaining final touches. You can move there right now if you will, my Lord."

"Good. Good. But let's leave the sightseeing for tomorrow."

I could already envision that place. That area was a mountain at first glance, but upon closer look, you'll find that it was littered with floating hills that formed the half top of the mountain.

Water constantly fell from the clouds on top of that main Hill that was at least two hectares in area. Those waters fell in every direction down into the smaller hills beside it and below it.

It was where Yuko resided not long ago, and now it was part of my territory. It was already beautiful before, but I bet that it looked like a paradise now.

"Wait. You're building your main hall on top of this floating Hills?" Jin asked.

"That's right," I confirmed. "I thought we've already talked about this before."

"I thought you were kidding."

"I don't joke around with this."

"And what of this place?" Amara chimed in. "This place is already a small village. It's a shame if we abandoned this."

Instead of answering her, I looked over at Athena, and she explained further.

"Like you have suggested, My Lord. This place will become a fortress and a city. The first line of defense in your main territory.

"Also, since we have acquired the dilapidated lands in the north, we could develop it now into agricultural land. With the [Eternal Sand] in full swing, we could now plant any seeds on the soil."

I nodded. "And the downside?"

I wasn't naïve that all of this didn't have any disadvantages.

Athena stared at the others before she steadied her gaze at me. "The downside is the lack of men and workers. If we wanted to develop a big plot of land like that, we needed farmers. And if we wanted to develop this place into a city and fortress, we need workers, merchants, and soldiers."

"And how do we do that?" Jin asked.

"We should start recruiting NPCs, my lord," Athena said seriously. "There are different races out there. And once a single race chooses to migrate into your territory, then you can mass produce soldiers in that race using the [Barracks] that Daedalus constructed.

"But these [Barracks] are only low level at the moment, so it could only house one hundred soldiers per [Barracks]. And once your city accepted other races or NPCs, then all constructions will have the corresponding gil. This is to make sure that everyone works, gets paid and start the economy of your fief rolling."

I folded my hands. "Hmm . . . we can't have Tokens do all the work after all. And their numbers couldn't match the workload too. There are many things to develop, and I guess we really need to recruit NPCs into our lands."

Athena nodded while the others were trying to follow the conversation except Thomas, who just blinked to the side while Angelica played with Florin on the floor.

Lina would rather sleep, and Megu couldn't care less about complicated stuff like this as long as she and Angelica were safe.

The real players who were concerned about this fief were Jin and Amara.

"Another thing, My Lord," Athena added. "If creatures starts to live in your territory, then you'll gain access to Attribute Points."

"Attribute points?" I asked.

"It's not the same as EXP points to increase our ATP, right?" Amara asked.

Athena shook her head. "No. These [Attribute Points], or AP, in short, are used primarily to develop your territory. Since this works like in a game, then your very own territory would have Stats as well, and this AP is used to increase those stats."

"Stat?" Amara questioned. "Like STR, DEF, MDF, and soon?"

"No," Athena replied. "The Stat of a player and the Stat of a territory is very different. A Territory Stat or TS for short have the following components: Population, Economy, Order, Magic, Culture, and Diplomacy."


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