My Evil System

Chapter 170 The Beast Of War . . .

"How do we do this?" I asked.

"Give me your hand."

I did, and a claw extended from Balaur's finger and made a swift cut on my palm. He did the same to his and sealed the deal with a shake.

Without words or any chanting and strenuous steps, our agreement was sealed with a symbol of a dragon on the back of my palm before it disappeared like it sunk into my flesh.

"You better uphold your end of the bargain, boy, or I will tear you myself," he spat as dark metallic clouds of dust enveloped him.

I smiled.  "The name's Cross."

And don't worry, I really plan to find this island. How else am I going to have a legion of dragons in my command if I don't?

<That's the spirit, Host! Dragons are powerful creatures and could easily dominate an entire kingdom if you have them by your side>

"Stand back if you don't want to be flung a hundred meters."

"I will come with you," I said when I knew what he was about to do.

I then quickly leaped to the side when the metallic specks of dust came in wild torrents that it was no longer possible to see anything.

The next thing I knew, there was a bright light and a loud roar of a beast, very different from the cry of the Grendelkin. And when I opened my eyes, I was fifty meters above the ground with the wind splashing on my face.

I was sitting on the back of a large dragon the size of a twenty-story building with gleaming dark metallic scales.

ǁ B A L A U R ‖


Gargantuan Dragon

Lawful Evil


Balaur was a fearsome dragon with forged adamantine scales wreathed in smoky flames and flecked with the blood of his fallen armies. Scarred from countless battles and trained in fearsome tactics, Balaur's burned through his enemies and smashed through fortifications; his roar spurs on a legion of bloodthirsty soldiers that think him their tool.

This dragon is no mere beast.

He is Balaur, a beast of war!

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP:  100 000

MP:  10 000

STRG:  2 000

DEF:  1 000

MDF:  400

INT:  1 000

AGL:  500

LCK:  200

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖


‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖


‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Charmed

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖


ǁ S K I L L S

&  S P E L L S ǁ

Passive Skill:

❶ Adamantine Armor

Balaur wears a suit of adamantine Armor that provides resistance to damage from any attack and grants an advantage against spells.

The Armor can repel 15% of damage and is immune to fire, poison, and psychic damage.

While wearing this Armor, Balaur's flying speed is reduced to 20 meters, and he must end his movement on a solid surface, or he will fall.

❷ Legendary Resistance (3/day)

Balaur could resist physical and magical attacks three times a day.

❸ Pounce

If Balaur moves on its target and hits it with a claw attack, the target takes an extra 10% damage and a knockback as extra effect. Upon successful knockback action, Balaur can make a bite attack against it as a bonus action.

❹ Siege Monsters

Balaur deals double damage to objects and structures.

Active Skill:

❶ Multiattack LV.5

–– Balaur can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.

–– Cost –500 MP

–– 5 min. cooldown

❷ Bite LV.7

–– Balaur can bite a single creature, dealing piercing damage and a critical hit

–– Cost –700 MP

–– Cooldown 4 sec

❸ Claw LV. 5

–– a weapon attack that deals physical slashing damage to enemies

–– Cost –500 MP

–– Cooldown 10 sec

❹ Tail LV. 4

–– an AoE attack that deals bludgeoning damage to enemies

–– Cost –400 MP

–– Cooldown 8 sec

❺ Battle Roar LV. 6

–– a moral boasting roar that increased allied forces' damage output up to 6%

–– Cost –600 MP

–– Cooldown 3 min.

❻ Frightful Prescience LV. 5

–– all creatures around a 50-meter radius of Balaur are frightened for 30 seconds if their DEF and MDF are lower than Balaur's STR and INT respectively.

–– Cost –500 MP

–– Cooldown 5 min.

ǁ L A I R

A C T I O N S ǁ

If Balaur happened to integrate himself into a territory, he would gain the following lair actions; however, he can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.

● Balaur chooses one siege weapon he can see within a hundred-meter radius. That siege weapon can make an attack against an object as a reaction. If this attack hits, it deals an additional 20% damage.

ǁ R E G I O N A L

E F F E C T S ǁ

If Balaur happened to integrate himself into a territory, he would gain the following regional effects in the territory, providing he is in his Draconic form.

● All fires within a hundred-meter radius from his lair burned brighter and hotter than usual and gave off a thick, black smoke that had a vaguely metallic scent.

● Unallied creatures within 1 mile of the lair feel a lingering unease. Birds remain silent, horses spook, and most of the common folk suffer from nights of poor sleep.

‖ E N D ‖

Impressive stat. I thought.

Balaur was more powerful than the Grendelkin, so he might not need the [Rage Potion] I had prepared before hands.

However, I had other plans for it.

Balaur soared through the sky and breathed devastating fire as he landed on the ground, scorching hundreds of goblins in the area.

I leaped off from its back and equipped Lucy. It growled in my hand when it had an inkling of what I was about to do.

I want to test that meter thing.

It growled in protest, for it didn't like the taste of Goblin's blood.

Blood is blood, I told it.

I then snatched the [Rage Potion] in my inventory and showed it to Balaur.

"What is it?" he asked, briefly glancing at me with his slit eyes.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)


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