My Evil System

Chapter 140 An Undead Ghoul . . .

Ending my business in the infirmary, I stretched my neck and unequipped Lucy before stretching my arms next.

The time was nine in the evening. Two hours had passed since I left Thomas back in the dorms. I couldn't proceed with my plans if he wasn't awake.

Going out of the infirmary, I went back to the Dorms. There were some of the usual players who spotted me and asked for gil like I was a walking bank or something.

I equipped Lucy, and the blood-hungry sword released shock waves that blasted the weak players into smithereens. And with speed and precision, my shot swooped and delivered lethal retribution to the others who managed to survive.

Lucy was vibrating in delight. It must be sated from all the blood it consumed. Though it pulsated, letting me know that it still wanted more.

And I obliged its whish. I didn't have to exert any effort, though. The insects were constantly buzzing around me.

If I left them alone, then they would suck the blood out of me. It was time to swat them into a paste.

My lips stretched into a grin, and the double moon hanging in the sky intensified the bloody night as the carnage continued until I reached my room.

Inside, I thought I would finally have a quick rest, but I felt an ominous aura suffocating me instead. It was dark, and I felt a presence so foul I could almost taste it.

Pulling the reserve lamp from my inventory, I switched it on, and the place was brightly lit, revealing Thomas by the window.

However, instead of the innocent boy I used to know. The kid standing by the window didn't have any trace of innocence. There was no emotion on his placid face. Only thirst and hunger in his bloodshot eyes.

His skin was deadly pale, almost greyish, peeling off from his flesh. His exposed bone sticking out from his limb was broken. He seemed to want to break out from the window but hurt his arms instead.

His face hollowed, eyes sunken, and what remained of his hair was falling off his head.

"GgrrRrr (My Lord) . . ."

A gurgling sound rasped from Thomas's opened mouth. Like it was his first time speaking. His teeth were falling off, and his gums were rotting.

And oddly enough . . . I could understand his makeshift words.

". . ." Did Thomas . . . turned into a Zombie?

I used [Evil Eyes]

‖ T H O M A S ‖

Location: Castle Rock

Age: 14

Class: Ghoul (Voracious Eater)


❶ a player who was brought into this world a month ago.

❷ An innocent and nice kid that died and turned into a ghoul. An undead that can't be killed as long as its master is alive.

As a voracious eater, he needs to feed on flesh and blood every day, or his flesh will rot.

❸ Number of Tokens: 0

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP:  ꝏ

MP:  100

STRG:  10

DEF:  5

MDF:  2

INT:  10 +2

AGL:  30 +2

LCK:  14 +2

‖ S K I L L ‖

Passive Skill:

❶ Undead Body

As long as your Lord is alive, you have eternal life.

❷ Undying Loyalty

You're forever loyal and obedient to your Lord until death.

❸ Voracious Eater

You need to eat flesh every day, or you will rot.

The ATP of the body you eat will become your ATP. Only the highest ATP applied.

❹ Rotting Flesh

Your body is poison. With your claws, saliva, secretions, and breath, you can poison your enemies.

❺ Heightened Senses

Turning into a ghoul, you acquired thermal vision, a bestial nose, and sensitive ears.

Active Skill:

❶ Bad Breath (LV. 1)

–– a foul-smelling breath that would poison your enemy

​ –– singe enemy target

–– Cost – 10MP

–– 1-minute cooldown

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ Fire

❷ Divine

‖ E N D ‖


But that wasn't important. Thomas turning into an undead with eternal life and could even absorb the highest ATP of the flesh he ate was . . . unexpected.

<Oh~ What a rare find, Host! With the right nurture, Thomas could be your strongest minion yet!>

"GgrRrghhH . . . (My Lord. I'm hungry)." As soon as Thomas let out a low growl, his arm fell off, and he just casually picked it up.

It looked like his sanity was gone, as well as his brain. I don't think he could think like a normal human being right now.

<Thomas could still evolve, Host. Once he did, he would develop new skills, and even his logical thinking might return>

That would be ideal. I didn't want a brainless undead attacking whoever he saw.

"GrRrRrrRhhH . . . (My Lord . . . I'm hungry)," he repeated.

A grin stretched my lips. "Is that so? We'll . . . I have the perfect food for you."


It was about ten in the evening, the perfect time to commit murder.

The darkness covered everything, with the only light coming from the moon casting a silver glow on Castle Rock Town.

Some players were already in bed, sleeping. Others were still roaming around, doing whatever they were doing under the comfort of darkness.

The same could be said about Edie, Ben, and Jo. The trio was doing an orgy in the Arena of all places.

I guess it was the only area that was big enough to accommodate their numbers.

Closing [Evil Eyes], we made our way towards the coliseum.

"GggRrrgGhHh . . . (My Lord, I'm hungry)."

"Yes. Yes. I know. Just wait a little longer. You'll have plenty of bodies to feed."

"GggRrrgGhHh . . . (My Lord, I'm hungry)."

Augh . . . He's like a broken record on repeats.

I think Thomas would be like that until he got his food.

I briefly glanced at him.

Thomas was dragging his arm, and now his ankle was broken from just walking twenty meters.

If this kept up, he would fall apart.

He didn't become my minion for some reason.

<He is still a player, Host. Even though he's dead~>

It would be a lot easier if he did. I could just keep him in the Minion tab and summon him whenever I want, just like Minion 0.

"Hang in there, Thomas. We're here in the coliseum now."

Thomas replied with the same 'I'm hungry' growl.

Honestly, he was like a baby asking for food.

Eventually, we arrived in the Arena and found our targets sprawling on the elevated platform. Their naked bodies lewdly intertwined with some girls.

That stone floor was definitely hard. It was uncomfortable just watching them. But the people on that platform didn't seem to mind the hard surface.

Too lost in their lust, they didn't even notice us approaching.

"GrGrrRghgh . . . (Fooooodddd)."

I had put [Evil Accessory of Doom] on Thomas, and ironically it appeared as a cuff on his neck. I didn't want to sleep with a ghoul without a brain right next to me.

It was better to be safe than sorry.

I pulled the rope I attached to his cuff when Thomas was about to storm in Edie's way.

Thomas growled, and his face warped like a rabid dog who didn't eat for weeks. His saliva hung thick on his mouth, and his bloodshot eyes couldn't see anything but those players.

How was it that he seemed frail and weak and falling apart but was so strong right now like a hound who had spot a rabbit?

When we were near enough, it was only when Edie and the others noticed the growling sounds. However, they still pounded hard their respective partners even when they saw that they had an audience.

"Hello," I greeted.

"What the–!"

Before they had the chance to react, I opened the [Decanter of Endless Darkness], and dark smog enveloped the entire area that not even the bright glow of the moon could illuminate.

No candles could work inside this smog. No light from the lamp could drive away the darkness.

However, Thomas could definitely sense them with his passive ability [Heightened Senses].

"W-what is this?!"

"What's going on?!"

"Oow! Stop moving!"

"You're stepping on my foot!"

"Don't attack! You might hit me!"

My smile widened, and I released Thomas in their direction.

Even though you don't remember anymore, I'll give you the honor of avenging your death.

So don't hold back, Thomas.

Eat them to your heart's content.

"Agh! Something bit me!"


"Fuck! Get away from me!"

Screams and growls pierced the silence, and it was like music to my ears. A sound of judgment and retribution.

Observing Thomas's stat, he took Edie's ATP since the latter had the highest number.

I still heard Edie's voice, though, so I was sure that he was alive. It only meant that Thomas must have only eaten a piece of him, but he still absorbed his ATP.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)



Hello guys,

Do comment if you want the snu-snu scenes to be explicit or not. So I could adjust accordingly

I love Sushi = explicit scenes

I don't love Sushi = no explicit scenes


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