My Evil Stepson System

Chapter 47 47. Drake Returns Home.

Kevin purchased the mana regeneration potions from the store and two glowing blue apothecary jars appeared before him.

He then proceeded to store them in his inventory. The purpose of purchasing them now was to have a backup in case the manarator that was currently inside Dahlia absorbed all his mana reserve.

Then, he would have a means to refill his mana tank without having to panic about what to do next.

[But I do have to say. I didn't see that one coming.]

"What's that?" Kevin asked as he ascended the stairs, heading to his room.

[Your little stunt with the vibrator. I was wondering why you suddenly summoned the store and purchased it quickly.]

[I have to admit, I admire the way you keep surprising me.]

Kevin chuckled at the system's words. "Trust me, I'm just getting started," He replied, closing the door to his room before plopping down on his bed.

"Ugh!! I'm so hungry and yet tired at the same time," He grumbled, finding it difficult to go all the way back down to get a couple of snacks to eat.

"Oh, yeah! That reminds me," Kevin jerked up from his bed.

[What's wrong?]

"I've got a question about the Cubic dimension."

[Oh, okay. Shoot.]

"Once I'm within the dimension, can people from outside still hear anything that is happening inside?"


"Hmm, makes sense."

"But can I see what's going on outside if I want to?"

[Yes, you can. In fact, you can make anyone that's with you see what's going on outside. You can also create the image you want others to see when they look in your direction from the outside world.]

'Woah!! So you mean, I can grope and fuck a bunch of ladies like let's say in a classroom and have all the men think that nothing is actually going on?'

[Yep. In fact, they could even come over to talk to you and you could give a mental message to the fake you in the real world to say what's on your mind.]

"Cool. That's fucking awesome."

The parasite chuckled at his excited response. Meanwhile, Kevin laid back on his bed, a smile on his face as he knew he was certainly going to have a wonderful dream before night fell.

It was still in the afternoon and there were only a few hours left before sunset when Drake and Vanessa would return later today.


Sunset came in a flash but Drake and Vanessa were a little late in returning home. They arrived two hours later than the time Dahlia thought they would be back.

However, when they did arrive, a knock was heard on the main door, followed by a ring from the doorbell.

"Coming," Dahlia hurried towards the door, her excitement visible in her eyes. She opened the door with a bright smile on her face as she gazed at Drake standing before her.

She would have hugged him right there and then, if Vanessa hadn't said something from behind Drake.

"Was that Dahlia?" She asked.

"Yeah. It seems the little runt is asleep, right?" Drake replied to Vanessa and then looked at Dahlia for confirmation.

Dahlia nodded her head, trying to hide her red cheeks from Drake.

"Really?" Vanessa asked excitedly. "That makes it a lot easier for us, right?"

"Yeah, It's better than having to explain ourselves to that little runt."

Vanessa chuckled at Drake's grumble. "I see you're still mad about the interrogation he put you through the other day," She strolled straight to the kitchen sink to wash her hands.

"Oh please, don't remind me," Drake face palmed. The earlier he forgot that day, the better for everyone involved.

Drake opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of tequila before pouring it into a glass cup and pouring a few gulps down his throat.

"Well, if you need me, I'll be in my room," Vanessa said, tying her hair into a ponytail as she walked exhaustively to her room.

"I'll be with you in a minute," Drake informed her, returning the half bottle of tequila back into the refrigerator.

He turned back and noticed that Dahlia was heading towards the refrigerator as well, so he made way for her, but when he tried to step aside, he suddenly felt a tug on his shirt.

He currently wore a maroon short sleeve shirt and a pair of black trousers. He turned back to see Dahlia tightly holding on to a part of his shirt.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Do you have something you want to say?" He asked again.

Dahlia wore a usual maid uniform but this one seemed a lot more skimpy than the others she had in her wardrobe.

Her huge boobs were greatly emphasized by the tight dress she wore, her smooth, creamy hands and thighs in full display for him to lust over.

Dahlia missed the days when it was just the two of them before Vanessa came between them.

Back then, life had been good, things hadn't been perfect in terms of wealth, but she had been happy to be with him all day long in their cramped apartment with a tiny bed that barely accommodated them.

She had been willing to do anything and everything to keep him happy and she'd loved every minute of the day, knowing that Drake never got bored of her body.

He would stare and lust over her body whenever he came back from his shift as a pizza delivery guy while she was busy taking care of his house. But everything changed when he met Vanessa.

Vanessa began to give him a purpose, dreams and things that never really bothered Dahlia while they had been together.

In short, Drake became very ambitious. He saw himself doing big things and living a life of luxury, but Dahlia wasn't pleased with this because, in his newfound dream, her position in his life had dropped significantly more than she could have ever expected.

He didn't view her the same way he once did before Vanessa came into the picture.


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