My Evil Stepson System

Chapter 40 40. More Missions.

'What? Hell no!! I just thought to ask, that's all.'

[Hmm.] The parasite found that hard to believe.

Kevin's face palmed before asking. 'So?'

[Well, it's like I said before. Once her 'Love meter' exceeds 70%, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to make her betray you.]

[So, 70% is the minimum you need to complete the quest?]

'Hmm, then things shouldn't be too difficult for me.'

[Indeed. Well that's if you don't chicken out at the final moment.]

'And risk being impotent? No way!!'

The parasite chuckled. [I guess it's nice to see that you remember what's to come if you fail.]

[Would you like to purchase a skill?]

'Of course. I've been quite eager to find out what I can do with a particular skill that's been on my mind for a while now.'

Kevin glanced at the list of skills before him— there were only two. He bought the one that piqued his interest the most.

Currently, he had about 32,200 evil points, and after purchasing the skill, he was left with just 2,200 evil points.

Kevin also assigned his newly acquired attribute points to his desired attributes as well.

[Kevin Lannister.]

[Level: 3] [160/13,000.]

[Evil points: 2,200]

[Strength: 14/ Agility: 14/ Stamina: 14/ Vitality: 12/ Mana: 14/ Resistance: 12.]

[Available Attribute points: 0]

[Skills: Sensitive Touch, Erotic Gas, Emotector, Cubic Fabricated Reality.]

[Equipment: None.]

[Love Meter: Victoria (60%).]



Right after he was done, Kevin drove off from the hotel, after sending a text message to Victoria, saying that he would give her a call later today.

After several hours, Kevin returned home to find the doors unlocked. It was odd, but nevertheless, he entered.

As he scanned around the house, he found out that Drake and Vanessa had travelled to Diamond City for 'family reasons.'

But Kevin knew very well that it was just an excuse for Drake and Vanessa to give themselves three whole days of uninterrupted sex and they would be back by the evening.

Just the mere thought of the both of them having sex made Kevin's blood boil.

If it were him from a few days ago, he would have gone to his room to calm down, but there were more pressing matters to attend to.

He had to pay a visit to Dahlia now since no one else was at home. It was a weekday, so she wouldn't be out of the house buying groceries.

She would most likely be carrying out her chores.

But Dahlia wasn't in the living room, dining room or kitchen, so Kevin decided to barge into her room. But the moment he opened the door, he realised that she wasn't in her room as well.

Instead, Kevin was surprised to see what the maid had in her room.

Several photos of Drake both the current ones and his high school pictures were pasted on every wall and corner of her room with each of them having at least one heart sign drawn around his image.

There were several pieces of paper torn into pieces while being scattered around the floor, and they were Vanessa's photos.

"What the h.e.l.l is all this?"


"I hope not. Those kinds are difficult to handle and quite delicate too."

"Besides, Vanessa is still alive right?"

[Maybe she's the patient kind?]

"Let's hope not," Kevin desperately hoped Dahlia wasn't a yandere.


Aside from the obsessed photos of Drake she had all around the room, Kevin found a bunch of B.D.S.M equipment in her wardrobe.

[I can see why Alfred said Drake had tamed both her body and her mind. She's going to be the most difficult target you've faced so far.]

[It will definitely be difficult to obtain information from her.]

'Yeah, but it won't be impossible.'

[I guess you'll have to make use of the [Manarator] after all.]

'It seems so,' An evil grin appeared on his face.

Initially, Kevin had hesitated about using the [Manarator], but now, after seeing everything in Dahlia's room, Kevin wasn't worried about going all the way so he could break her and make her his slave.

[Congratulations!! Conditions for your new missions have now been set. Would you like to see them?]

'H.e.l.l yeah,' This is what Kevin had been waiting patiently to see.

[Main Quest: Tame Dahlia (Inactive).]

[Main Reward: 50,000 evil points.]

[Locked Skill Reward: Maiden's Wish, Harem Mark.]

[Time frame: 7 days.]

[Main Quest (2): Crush Dahlia's Mental Fortitude (Inactive) .]

[Main Reward: 25,000 experience points.]

[Locked Skill Reward: Berserker's Rage.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Main Quest (3): Have Dahlia Betray Her Master. (Inactive).]

[Main Reward: 30,000 evil points.]

[Locked Equipment Reward: Healing Potion, Face Mask.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Main Quest (4): Discover Your Sixth Target (Inactive).]

[Main Reward: 10,000 evil points.]

[New Feature Reward: Immortal Roulette.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Side Quest: Test Dahlia's Resolve.(Inactive).]

[Reward: 20, 000 evil points.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Side Quest: Conquer Dahlia's Heart (Avoidable) (Inactive).]

[Reward: 100 attribute points.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Side Quest: Discover Either Drake/Vanessa's Weakness (Inactive).]

[Reward: 15,000 evil points.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Side Quest: Discover Your Sixth Target's Weakness (Inactive).]

[Reward: 10,000 experience points.]

[Time Frame: 7 days.]

[Side Quest: Claim Victoria's heart (Unavoidable) (Active).]

[Reward: 1000 experience points.]

[Time Frame: 2 days.]

[Failure to complete 'active quests' equals Explosion Of The Heart.]

"Woah!! Parasite, are you trying to kill me?" Kevin crashed to the ground as beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead.

[Of course not, it's like I said. She's going to be difficult to extract information from and the more difficult the task, the greater the reward.]

Kevin acknowledged what the parasite was saying and nodded in understanding but..... "Wow!! You've really outdone yourself."

"Eight new quests and four of them are main Quests?"

"And just look at the rewards as well."

[They're great, right?] The parasite remarked proudly.

"Great? These aren't great. They're amazing!!"

"I can't wait to acquire all these new skills and equipment," Kevin replied, anticipation glowing in his eyes.

The parasite laughed excitedly. [I'm glad to be of help.]


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