My Dragon System

Chapter 367 - The alpha

Chapter 367 - The alpha

Currently, Jack was trapped underneath the Dem mansion. He had been tied up with Galthrium chains that were cuffed to the wall - It was too durable for him to break free. However, as of the moment, the guards including his father, just stood there all the while stunned.

As the mage attempted to attach a contract onto Jack, he was suddenly propelled into the air and sent flying backwards - It was something they had never seen happen before.

"Did the contract fail?!" Russel shouted. "But how is that possible?"

The contract that the mage was about to put onto Jack was a slave contract. Once the magic seal had been created and imported onto the person's body, it would enforce the commands of the owner of the contract on the contractee.

A strange power would dominate their senses and if they tried to resist, they would be met with pain. Disobeying an order was almost impossible, so the use of slave contracts had been banned by most kingdoms.

The seal that they put on him was very difficult to break. The only way to break the links was to find a mage more powerful than the one who had created the seal. With the rarity of mages, and these very people not wanting to get on the bad side of others, this was almost an impossible task.

Right now though, for the first time, the bestowment of a contract seal was unsuccessful. What the others didn't know was it was because Jack was already under a contract - It was more powerful than the one that was attempted to be incorporated in his body.

"Try again. We can't waste anymore." Although the seal was unsuccessful, when the mage had attempted to put on the seal, he felt a little pain in his body. Truthfully, Jack didn't want to feel that again.

This time, the mage opted to move cautiously, step by step, towards Jack.

"What are you doing?" Russell shouted. "Hurry up! He's chained, so he can't do anything to you."

As the mage got closer, Jack continued to pull on the chains. Then slowly, his body was starting to transform. All the while his muscles bulged, swelling beyond a human's capability, fur began to grow on every inch of his skin.

Seeing this, the mage immediately darted out of the room. They had seen creatures like this before, but never a werewolf of this size.

When Jack's transformation was finally completed, he pulled as hard as he could. At that moment, the cuffs that confined him on the wall soon broke.

"My word." Russell said, staring at Jack. "He's an alpha wolf. We have to do everything we can to capture him. He will be worth a fortune!" Russell commanded.

In that instant, four of the yellow knights entered the room. Jack tried to fend them off with his one free hand, but the chain holding down his hand was heavy. Thus, it was hard for him to move as freely as he wanted to.

Jack blocked one of the spears that was thrown at him. However, another one was catapulted, aiming right for his chest. As it landed on his body, it managed to pierce his tough hide. Forthwith, blood began to trickle down from the hole that was made - A totally rare occurrence for Jack.

The weapons that were being used were made from high tier beasts. Furthermore, the knights were no small fries. With each strike, they made sure to utilize their Ki as well.

Seeing the problem he was in, Jack had no choice but to run. Since the chains were removed, he would be able to deal with them easier. Withal, he was presently not in a situation where he could take the time to hesitate. Also, it's most likely that reinforcements are on their way.

He gathered his strength one more time and tugged on his other hand as hard as he could, pulling the chain links and cuff off of the wall.

"The beast is free!" The guard shouted. "We need back up immediately."

Just then, the sound of footsteps running down the stairs resounded in the vicinity. Heeding to Jack's assumption, more guards were called to put him down.

Ignoring the damage that the weapons were inflicting on him, Jack ran forward with his arms held up. As he ran past the knights, several stabbed Jack on both sides of his body. They attempted to pierce his hide. Fortunately for Jack, their attacks weren't deep enough to cause any significant damage.

After a few seconds of struggling, Jack was finally out of his cell. As he looked around, he profusely tried to find a way to his freedom. There were the men coming down from down the stairs, but if possible, he wanted to avoid fighting them.

Still, as Jack observed his surroundings, he noticed that there were several more cells in the dungeon. In addition to that, they weren't empty.

The other cells contained prisoners who all looked like they had been confined for a while. Each of them were tied up in a similar way that Jack was. Some of the appeared to be around the ages of five to eight. Meanwhile, others were middle aged women whose eyes already looked dead.

'Just what is happening here? Who are all these people?" Jack thought, bewildered of his discovery.

The problem was, he couldn't stay just to find out the reason as the guards had already arrived. Now, standing in front of Jack were twelve guards and his father.

"Please, Jack, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have." Russell said.

"I thought I had arrived back home, but this… this is not home." Jack replied in a snarly voice. The words he said couldn't be quite made out, since he still wasn't used to his large snout as a werewolf.

He then realized that, if the knights had come down the stairs, it meant that there was something that was above them. Finally deciding on what to do, he gathered power and Ki in his legs as he bent down.

Seeing Jack's actions, Russell quickly figured out what he was trying to do, shouting,

"Quick, get him before he escapes!"

Jack then leapt, using all of the strength that he could muster in his leg's, towards the ceiling. At the same time, he transferred the Ki from his legs into his claws. Before, JAck was never able to control his Ki that well, but over the time he spent with Ray, he had slowly gotten used to it.

As of the moment, for a brief time, he had complete control. The strike was powerful as it hit the ceiling, causing it to come tumbling down. Jack did his best to avoid the falling rocks. When the rubble had settled, there was now a large hole that replaced the ceiling.

Again, Jack used his legs to leap out of the hole, and when he landed he was back on the first floor of the mansion.

Without slowing down, he made a break for the exit, smashing straight through the large double doors. He proceeded to continue to run in his werewolf form towards the front gate.

The guards, who emerged from the bas.e.m.e.nt, took chase while the ones from the gate turned around. Now, sprinting on all fours, Jacked picked up his speed. The knights all drew out their spears, pointing it in the direction of the berserking beast.

Nevertheless, just before they could attack, Jack leapt up in the air, jumping over the row of knights and the gate as he rushed to escape on the other side.

"After him! We cannot let him get away!" A voice could be harkened shouting from the mansion. Standing there was Russell with anger plastered on his face.

Jack continued to run, but he knew that if he was to run in his transformed state and enter the busy parts of the town, it would cause trouble and only more people would be on his tail.

There weren't that many options for Jack, since the town was located underground. Moreover, Dem mansion was at the edge of the town, putting him in a perilous spot. He could continue running as he traced the edge of the town where there were less people, or head back into the city where he could blend in, though there were also more knights.

Although, just as Jack was about to run into the direction of the city, a strange hooded man appeared in front of him.


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