My Dragon System

Chapter 311 - The spread of the Redwings

Chapter 311 - The spread of the Redwings

The inn felt alive and full of chatter. Downstairs was a restaurant, and today it was packed full of people. Music from the local bards was playing as the drunk cheered and sung songs while eating hearty food.

In the corner of the place was a large man in ragged clothing sitting on his own.

It was what he was most comfortable wearing. As he watched the people inside celebrating and having fun, he thought how peaceful must their lives be. Just earlier today if it wasn't for the Redwings a catastrophe could have struck the city, yet here they were unaware of it all.

Lenny was unsure what to think of the Redwings as a whole. He had decided to do some research after they had taken over the academy, and it seemed like their power and influence were spreading rapidly like a type of cult.

But after witnessing what had happened yesterday, it was starting to make sense. People weren't joining the Redwings because they were being forced into it. But it was out of fear. Most likely, the people at Avrion saw how strong the shadow was. Then, they saw an even greater foe defeat the shadow. They felt like the only way they could be protected, was to join the Redwings.

Not only that but Avrion had the resources and wealth to give them a good life. Strong knights were able to hunt out magical beasts and obtain the cores, selling them for a hefty sum of gold. Although Avrion was at the border of the shadow continent, it was one of the only places that successfully repelled an attack from the shadow.

And for some reason, the shadow hadn't struck again. Unknown to Lenny, the successful defence of the city and further attacks were due to the Wyvern on top of the mountain. All of these things were causing the growth of the Redwings.

Lenny's own goal was to get rid of the shadow he had his personal reasons. Although he was doing his part of it right now, he felt like the Redwings were doing most of the work. Perhaps if he wanted to play a more significant role in getting rid of the shadow, it would be best if he joined them as well.

Just then, as he was sat in the corner, Springett had entered the room. She was dressed as her usual self, in her white clothing of Roland. Although she was a professor, she wasn't too well known herself with the public.

The average city folk didn't bother too much with the affairs of Roland. However, they did know fo the powerful tower masters and Red-haired troupe. On multiple occasions, they had helped out around the city.

Following from behind was another female. She had black hair and purple lipstick on. Over her head, she wore a casual black hood that anybody could purchase form the market, making it hard to see who it was.

As Springett scanned the room, they spotted Lenny and went over to where he was sitting.

"Couldn't we have just met in my home." Mia said, "This place reeks."

"Can old friends not have a drink and talk to each other? I believe there is no alcohol at your house, am I correct?"

The two females sat down and proceeded to talk to each other. Springett went on about everything that had happened. From being teleported at the academy, to going into the shadow world, and being saved by Ray.

"The Redwings huh, I have not heard of them, although I have been to busy in my tower doing research these days, they must be a fairly new group." Mia said.

"Although new, their influence is growing, take a look." Lenny said as he waved his hand. An invisible bubble surrounded them, and suddenly they could hear the conversations of others around them.

"Hey did you hear, that Redwings Guild, they took out the Underdogs with only three people."

"Only three people? Clearly an overexaggerated rumour."

"It is true." Another man said, "I used to be part of the Underdogs and chose not to accept their offer of joining them. But everything, all the rumours you hear are true."

Lenny then waved his hand once again, and they could speak once more.

"Didn't the city try to keep everything that happened a secret?" Springett said.

"It is nearly impossible with an event as big as this one." Lenny replied, "There were too many people, and the task achieved was simply too big. Although the guards, kids and Guild members there were told to keep it a secret, they wish to tell people of what they saw. They feel like it's their duty that this story must be shared. By next week the whole city will know of the Shadow attack and the Redwings."

Lenny then gave a soft look at both Mia and Springett.

"You two are my closest friends in the city as well as the queen. The only ones I can trust. I need your help, and I require both of you for this task. The Redwings have someone on the inside at Roland academy. Their goal is to find the Devine being. I wish you will be able to help this person achieve this task."

"See the divine being? But not even us professors are allowed to see it!" Springett shouted "Only tower masters."

"And that is why Mia is here with us today as well. Springett, I know you believe in the prophecy. Otherwise, you wouldn't have decided to raise those five red-haired magicians. Do you remember the colour of the Redwing member you saw on the battlefield the other day?"

Springett started to think back, she was so engrossed in the fight and her survival she didn't really pay much attention at the time, but now that she thought about it, he had red hair too.

"I believe he is the person the prophecy spoke of," Lenny answered.

Springett sat there for a little bit before giving her answer.

"Very well, I will do my best."

"Me as well, but after this, I owe you no more favours." Mia added.

"What is the name of the person who we will need to support and aid?" Springett asked.

"Inside the academy, he goes by the name of Nes."

Springett's face dropped as she heard that name.


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