My Dragon System

Chapter 309 - The Giant fireball

Chapter 309 - The Giant fireball

"That strength, it's on par with that of tower masters?" Springett said.

"I don't understand is that the same person that went in?" Bliss asked, "Why does he look so different."

"No that's our boss alright, I can tell straight away," Martha said.

After witnessing the giant fireballs take out two advanced creatures like nothing, they wondered just what was on the other side of that rift. Was it a world where time moved slower than theirs? It would explain the sudden change in appearance and the increase in strength.

But that wasn't it, and Lenny knew there was no such magic that enabled you to do that. All of this was through Ray's own unique body.

The battlefield was now starting to die down. There was only one portal left, and that portal contained the hounds inside them. Ray looked at the entrance once more and was getting ready.

Wiz could see this, whatever happened it was clear that Ray got stronger each time he went in the rifts, and could somehow teleport back out.

Although Ray would have to wait for his teleport skill to cool down and use it the next day. It was worth waiting a day for an increase in points. Who knew when he would run into King tier beasts, he was finding it hard enough to run into advanced tier beasts.

As soon as Ray took a step forward, Wiz closed the final rift.

"Who is this person? They've ruined all of my plans." Before transporting the kids to the shadow continent, he had done his research. With just the professors and student's strength alone, he should have been able to kill them all. Or at least taken away Van.

It was waste to use anything more then he needed to, so he had only prepared three basic tier nests.

Ray then dashed forward Infront of the Underdog guild members who were finishing off the last scraps from the battle. Then when he was close enough, he lifted both of his hands and gathered his mana.

Out came too large fireballs at once, combining into one making it even bigger and ti was heading straight for Wiz.

"Let's see you take this one away."

Sweat was starting to visibly appear form Wiz's face. The stress of everything had gotten to him, there was no way he could create a rift big enough to cover the whole of the fireball.

"The red wings huh, you have just moved your way up the hit list!" Wiz said after creating a small black rift and stepping into it himself.

Now with no target though, the fireball carried on moving forward.

"My Divine being, that fireball is going to destroy the whole forest!" Flynn said in a panic.

One of the skills Ray had yet to uncover was fire control. An ability that would allow you to control fire at will and move it about. Ray then dashed forward, and as he did, he placed both of his hands behind him.

"Fire blast!"

Streams of fire left behind his hands and like two little rockets, they were giving him a boost as he ran forward. Every so often, Ray would stop the fire blast and fire it again, controlling himself, making sure he used just enough to not fall over.

Then finally, he had passed the fireball and stood in front of it, ready to face it.

"Has the boy gone mad, just cause the attack comes from oneself doesn't mean he can take the hit." Lenny said.

But Ray was confident. His time for his fire energy skill was nearly up. The fire skill not only doubled the power of all his fire attacks, but it also his fire resistance. That wasn't the only reason why he had high confidence.

Each time his body evolved, it grew more robust, more like that of a beast and less of that of human. Allowing him to withstand more pain.

Then as the fireball grew closer to Ray, he prepared himself. Still, just before it had even reached him, the direction of the giant fireball started to change. It began to lift upward and continued on that trajectory.

Until eventually, it was high enough in the sky that it looked like a mini sun.

"Disperse!" A deep voice said, and suddenly the fireball split up over the sky. Small explosions were cast off everywhere looking almost like fireworks.

"Looks like I made it in time." Roy said.

As the students and guard turned to see who it was, they immediately bowed down to the man. He was quite tall in size and had curly brown hair. He didn't have much clothing on other than a single large overcoat and a pair of red gloves on his hands.

"Sir, thank you for saving the forest!" The guard said.

"No problem, I guess Mia came out last time so now it's my turn." Then as Roy looked around the room, he spotted Ray on the other side of the field.

"So the shadow Guard has finally decided to infiltrate Roland huh, well with me here no one is going to stop reach the city."

Flames started to form in Roy's left arm, they slowly started to make a shape, until finally, it created a whip made of fire.

"Is it just me or does he have a huge misunderstanding." Max said.

Roy then started to run forward charging across the field.

"I will not let you hurt my boss!" Jack said as he stepped in front of Roy.

"Huh aren't you human?" Roy said but decided to swing his whip out anyway. It wrapped around Jack's waist, and he could feel a burning sensation on his skin. He howled in pain and was then chucked to the side.

Seeing this, Ray gritted his teeth. He had used up quite a bit of mana and Jack was week form the mana Ray had taken.

He charged forward using the fire blast behind his back once again, travelling at an incredible speed.

"No one touches my men!" Ray shouted.


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