My Dragon System

Chapter 273 - Im in charge

Chapter 273 - I'm in charge

The quest requested that the flock of Harpies be dealt with immediately. South from the city of Roland in the green forest, a large flock had been spotted. Usually, Harpies liked to live near mountain areas but if a strong beast arrived, sometimes it would force them to leave their territory and go somewhere else.

There had been multiple reports of sightings of Harpies in the nearby forest to Roland. They weren't strong beasts on their own and the few adventures that had encountered them, dealt with them easily. The problem was the flock of harpies were starting to get hungrier, the fact that they were unable to hunt for food due to other adventures, was making them starve.

They started to become more aggressive and the flock started travelling in a group. It seemed like this flock was fairly large and still were hungry, this led the Harpies to one thing. Cannibalism, this wasn't a good sign, if Harpies started to feed on each other there was a good chance that a Crowned Harpy would appear. This was a King tier beast.

If that was to happen, even with the twenty adventures they would struggle to take it down.

As the group was slowly walked to the hunting grounds, there was still talk of just who the Red wing members might be.

"Hey do you think it was the last group of three that joined?" someone asked.

"No it can't be, one it was two Red wing members, not three, clearly the old man is with them and second of all, they look like kids. What kind of Guild would send out young adventures out to hunt all on their own?"

Hearing all the rumours about them, was starting to make Martha feel nervous, she was surprised that so many people had already known about the Red wings. It was a shame that Martha was unable to message Slyvia and her about this at the time.

"Now remember." Said Lenny, "We need to gather about thirty of these Harpy crystals, our information states that there is around a 100 of them, with the other twenty here it will be tough competition. The rules state whoever kills the beast may obtain the crystal."

As the large party continued to walk through the woods with Rick out front, they started to notice more and more trees around them getting destroyed and fallen over.

"Ready your weapons people, we are getting close," Rick commanded.

"Oh, it looks like he has some knowledge." Lenny said, "The fallen trees are a sign that the Harpies are starting to make a base nearby."

That's when a loud screeching noise was heard from above. Circling above them was a single human-shaped figure with wings, instead of legs though, there were bird-like and at the bottom where they would be feet, were deadly sharp claws instead.

Most of the group continued to slowly walk through the forest, but a single adventurer looked up at the harpy and readied his bow. As Rick turned around, he noticed what the man was doing.

"Wait, don't shoot!" Rick shouted but it was too late.

The arrow had already left his bow and had shot the Harpy down, it was defeated in a single shot.

"What's your problem I dealt with it didn't I." The man said arrogantly.

"Do you not understand, that was a scout for their base!" Rick said angrily. "Now they will know we are coming, our chance to surprise them has been ruined."

Rick then started to walk over towards the man, the rest of the adventures moved out of his way.

"Hey what are you doing, you think I'm scared of you." The arrogant man said.

Suddenly, a large fist was thrown and it landed right on the man's face. He stumbled to the floor and held up his hand against his face. The arrogant man jaw felt like it had just been shattered.

"Because of this man, now there is a higher chance that one of us will die on this quest." Rick said, "Remember I am the commander of this party, do not do anything unless told."

As the party continued to follow Rick deeper into the forest, everyone had walked past the man. What Rick had said was correct, although others might think it was a cruel way to deal with him, there was no chance for them to argue with Rick.

After all, he had a strong guild backing him, even if they did disagree with his ways, there wasn't much they could do.

Out of everyone there, only one person had stopped to help the man out.

"You are an idiot," Lenny said, "But everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance."

Lenny then placed his hand over the man's Jaw and a white light started to appear. The man's Jaw slowly started to heal, and eventually, it could be moved again.

Although this act didn't go unnoticed.

"Huh, he's a mage?"

"Do you think maybe he was the B rank adventurer then?"

"No, if he only knows white magic then he would be useless in combat."

Rick seeing this, immediately got excited. All though Mage's were plentiful In Roland, many of them stayed at the academy. Once they had graduated, they would go on to do greater things outside of the city. They were still a rare breed for guilds.

"You!" Rick said, "Come up here and join us."

Rick was inviting Lenny to travel with the Underdog guild members, since they were the strongest people there it was also considered the safest place, in a way this was also an invite, a way of Rick asking him to join the guild.

"I'm sorry but I must decline." Said Lenny. "I have already been hired by these two to act as their guard, if anything happens to them, I must heal them and bring them back safely."

What Lenny had said was technically true, right now he was being employed by Ray and was on a pay check.

Rick looked at the two young a.d.u.l.ts, their equipment wasn't too great, Jack had only a large great sword that looked powerful but wore nothing else. Not even any armour, which suggested all of his money and savings went on the sword.

On the other hand, Martha at best had an intermediate bow on her. At first, Rick thought that perhaps they were some rich kids of a noble who had hired a mage to protect them but it seemed impossible judging by their equipment.

Had the old man lied to him? Rick thought.

Although Rick couldn't think about it for much longer as they had finally reached the Harpies base.


Special thanks to Ahmed_Kabir_7439, Fenrir2040, DarkShadow_DS, for the gifts they really help.


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