My Doctor Son-in-law, Clarence

Chapter 180 - Terminal Lucidity And Death!

Chapter 180: Terminal Lucidity And Death!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Master Dunn’s expression changed. “Punk, what are you talking about?

“Are you questioning my medical skills?”

Clarence did not give Master Dunn any credit. “Medical skills? How dare you call what you have medical skills!

“Leah was in critical condition, yet you only felt her pulse. You didn’t even look at her ears, nose, mouth or ask the maid what’s happened to Leah. You’re just giving her a detox pill?

“Doctors are particular about prescribing patients the right medicine. What are you doing if not killing?”

“You...” Master Dunn shook his hand, took back the detox pill, and headed outside. “I’m sorry, Madam Shaw. I can’t cure this poison.”

Ronda immediately grabbed Master Dunn. “Master Dunn, don’t take him seriously. Leah’s my bestie, so she can’t die. You must help her. Have mercy and save her!”

“Haha, how dare I save her when someone’s said that I’m killing her?” Master Dunn put on a false smile.

Ronda started yelling at Clarence. She criticized him violently. “Boy, what are you talking about?

“Why are you so mean? Would it kill you to speak less?

“Did you say that Master Dunn’s killing her? I think you’re the one who wants to kill Leah.

“Do you know how good Master Dunn is?

“And how good are you? If you dare talk nonsense again, get out of here. Don’t ever show up here again, or I won’t hold back next time.”

Ronda gave her men a look, and the young men behind her maliciously stepped forward and pushed Clarence.

“What are you doing? Don’t you dare!” Kate lunged forward and blocked Clarence from the front.

Ronda ordered coldly, “Beat up and throw out those who won’t leave!

“Don’t show them any mercy!”

The young men rolled up their sleeves and attacked Kate.


Kate sneered, and the young men were knocked to the ground with bruises blossoming on their faces before they could even touch her.

Kate had actually shown them mercy.

If she had given it her all, these people would now be crippled, if not dead.

She was the daughter of the president of the Martial Arts Association’s Mediterranean City branch. Her martial arts were no joke.

Ronda was startled. “Whose daughter are you? You’re so rude.”

“Haha... Nonsense. I’ve never seen such nonsense. It’s more interesting than theatre plays. You can go on fighting. I gotta go.” Master Dunn shook his head in amusement and headed out of the room.

Ronda stopped Master Dunn and pleaded, “Master Dunn, don’t go. I’ll get them out of here.”

With that said, Ronda glared back at Bart. “What are you doing standing there?

“Why aren’t you chasing him out yet? If anything happens to Leah, you will be blamed too!”

Bart looked troubled.

On one hand, Clarence was a good doctor. He saved Bob Lawson, the richest man in Maple Country.

On the other hand, Master Dunn was Elephant Country’s miracle doctor. He even knew the king of Elephant Country, so his medical skills could not be too bad.

‘Who’s gonna be able to save Leah?’

Bart was in a dilemma.

After weighing the pros and cons, Bart chose to trust Master Dunn. He looked at Clarence awkwardly. “Dr. Howard, why don’t you wait outside?”

Clarence knew Bart did not trust him.

Or rather, between Clarence and Master Dunn, Bart had chosen Master Dunn.

If it had been anyone else, Clarence would have turned and walked away.

‘You don’t believe me? Then I’m not gonna help.’

However, Leah had just helped Thirteen Hall yesterday, so Clarence was not going to give up on saving her just because of what Bart had said.

He frowned. “I can leave, but I warn you, Master Dunn.”

“Haha, what do you want to say?” Master Dunn beamed at Clarence.

He was haughty.

Clarence narrowed his eyes. “Leah’s poisoning is severe. The delicate balance in her body was disrupted.

“Two toxins are fighting inside her. That’s why she fell into a coma!

“If you use the pill without careful consideration, you’ll produce a third toxin in Leah’s body. She’s going to die if she can’t make it!”

Master Dunn looked amused. “Do you think I can’t see that?

“She was indeed poisoned, but my detox pill contains jimson weed. Once it gets in Leah’s body, it’ll fight fire with fire and neutralize it.”

Clarence frowned. “Don’t you understand what I’m saying?

“Fight fire with fire? You’re just going to make it worse!”

Master Dunn’s face went cold. “Are you trying to pick a fight, boy?”

Ronda stamped her foot. “Bart, what are you waiting for? Are you going to let him continue messing around?

“And delay the limited time we save to save Leah?”

Bart steeled himself and stepped forward. He reached out with one hand and pointed it at the door. “Dr. Howard, please leave.”


Clarence sighed and headed out of the room.

“She’ll bleed from the ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth. Five of her organs are already ruined.

“Her hands and feet will twitch, and she will start sweating.

“She’ll have terminal lucidity and then die!

“What the hell is he talking about? Nonsense. Gibberish.” Master Dunn sneered with disdain.

Seeing that Clarence and the others had left the room, Ronda said confidently, “Master Dunn, please save her now.”

That bossy yet high-spirited smile appeared on Master Dunn’s old face again. “Don’t worry. She’ll wake up as soon as she takes my detox pill.

“Ground it into powder and take it with water.”

Bart quickly began grinding the detox pill and let Leah take it with water.

Five minutes later, blood gushed from Leah’s ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth. It was terrifying.

“Bleeding from the ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth! How is this possible?” Master Dunn was shocked.


Leah screamed and frantically pounded her chest. “Ouch... Ouch... My insides are burning like fire...”

“Her insides are burning like fire. Are... her organs ruined?” Master Dunn froze.

As everyone watched, Leah began to twitch violently.

She broke out in a cold sweat!

“Her hands and feet are twitching, and she’s sweating.”

What Clarence had predicted had indeed come true.

Leah twitched for about two minutes before suddenly quieting down. Then, she woke up in front of everyone, her face a healthy rosy color.

Ronda clapped her hands in delight. “Master Dunn, you truly are a miracle doctor. Leah, how are you feeling?”

“Master Sanders, how are you feeling?” Bart asked excitedly.

Leah sat up in bed. “I feel like someone has had a fight inside me, but I seem to be okay now. I feel better. Who saved me?”

“It’s good that you’re okay.” Master Dunn nodded slightly.

“Leah, Master Dunn saved you, of course!”

Ronda immediately took credit. She curled her lip. “It’s a good thing we let Master Dunn cure you instead of that boy, or you’d...”

Before she could finish, Leah, who had just sat up in bed, fell flat on her back.

She had a faint smile on her face.

However, she was no longer breathing.


“Leah, what’s come over you? Don’t scare us!” Ronda instantly went ghastly pale.

Bart’s head was buzzing, and his eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets. “Master Sanders...”

Master Dunn was in a trance, his body frozen in place. “Terminal lucidity and then death!

“It all came true. No way!”


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