My Demons

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Upon Ellens request, I hesitated briefly before finally exiting the room.

Well, I have plenty of tasks to attend to. It works out well.

First things first my shoulder pads were completely ruined, so I needed to purchase new ones. The helmet, breastplate, boots, and gloves also required repairs.

Ah, I should also ask them to add steel edges to my shield. And I must acquire some special charcoal ingredients for Ellen along the way.

Fortunately, I had earned a decent amount of gold coins from hunting a crocodile, so I was in a good financial position.

As I left Ellens room and descended the stairs, I spotted Daria with a blank expression, resting her chin on the bar.


Oh, Phoenix. How is Ellen? Is she feeling better?

Ah, her eyes filled with concern. Daria gives off an impression of being well-mannered. Though I dont know the details, I suspect she might not have grown up in a peaceful family.

Shes still groaning a bit, but it seems like shell recover soon. Shes full of energy.

Thats a relief. Whats that?

She inquired, extending her left hand. The flower ring on her finger caught my attention. Thankfully, it hadnt faded yet and looked quite good.

I feel proud Wait, is that a pigweed?

Thinking so, I showed her my armored hat.

I need to fix something, but Im not having much luck. Are you skilled in sewing by any chance?

Well, I have some sewing skills. What do you need to do?

Its not a big deal, just the inside here

After listening to my explanation, Daria adeptly patched the fabric and stuffed it with cotton in no time.

Some sewing skills, she said?

Wow, this is almost like using a sewing machine!

Sewing machine? Who is that?

Umnever mind. Are you free right now? I asked, and Daria let out a deep sigh.

Phew, Im free at the moment. But soon I have to go to the mill to grind the flour

A shadow of worry crossed Darias face as she spoke. Whats going on?

After persistently questioning her, Daria finally revealed her situation.

Theres only one mill accessible to the common people within the walls. Its a bit far away, and I dont enjoy going there.

What? Cant the owner handle it?

If he leaves the place unattended for too long, its not good. The atmosphere has been a bit you know.

Indeed, most of the criminals who were publicly executed yesterday were murderers and robbers.

I heard that some of them had broken into inns and taverns, killed the owners and employees, and looted the food supplies.

Despite this, the lord, who was responsible for guarding the walls and the dock, couldnt devote enough attention to public safety.

The guards patrol force wasnt much different from before, and many crimes remained unsolved.

Observing Darias worried expression, I hesitated for a moment and asked.

Um, where is the mill located?

Its to the west. Theres a creek flowing there.

A creek? Could it be

Thatis it a watermill?

Yes. Why do you ask?

This is definitely a must-visit!

To the west? Then I was actually planning to go to the workshop. Would you like to accompany me?

Really? I appreciate it, but

Daria placed her hand on her chest and gave a bittersweet smile, as if feeling apologetic.

Ah Im so sorry. Last time as well, its all because of me.

Its alright. You helped me with the sewing, so I should return the favor.

Eventually, with my persistent persuasion, Daria smiled faintly and nodded.

I prepared once again and left the inn with Daria. She intended to entrust half a bushel of barley to the mill.

Well, while oatmeal can be roasted with its husk and made into a pie, or boiled thoroughly and eaten as porridge, barley tends to be slightly gritty when eaten as is. Grinding it and using it for bread would make for a much better meal.

Engaging in various conversations, we quickly arrived at the workshop.

Ilton was busy moving around, delivering my equipment to the craftsmen.

I purchased a new shoulder guard that resembled the ruined one, as well as the forearm and shin guards that had caught my eye before.

Both were high-quality plate armors. The forearm guard extended up to the elbow, and the shin guard provided sturdy protection for the calf. They were incredibly durable. The combined cost of the shoulder, forearm, and shin guards came to two gold coins.

Adding the six copper coins for repairs, it was quite a reasonable price.

With a satisfying trade concluded, I left the workshop. Since most of my equipment was left for repairs, my footsteps felt much lighter than usual.

It would be comfortable if I could always walk around like this.

The buckler and pelte made a clattering sound, a little annoying, but wouldnt I feel uneasy moving around without them?

I had concerns about Ubar, but I felt reassured with guards nearby as we made our way from the lords tower and the workshop to the mill through the city gate.

According to Daria, there shouldnt be any gangsters in this area.

The mill was indeed located in a secluded place with few people around, but this neighborhood had its own distinct community.

It was known to be a neighborhood where sword polishers, mill keepers, and executioners resided.

Daria explained this while scanning her surroundings.

But its still a bit eerie. There are many strange rumors associated with the people in this neighborhood.

Strange rumors?

Yes. Like the sword polisher hiring beggars to steal livestock, the horse thief being the executioners doing, or the mill keeper mixing sand with the grain during milling. Well, those kinds of rumors.

As I listened to Darias story, it somehow reminded me of low-ranking employees or mischievous individuals from the past. Their work and the fact that they were somewhat specialized, earning good money but receiving contempt, seemed to have many similarities.

As expected, people are the same wherever you go.

So, could this water mill be the same?

With pleasant thoughts and an excited heart, I continued on and soon arrived at the mill.

The mill was covered with baked yellow-brown tiles and constructed by stacking bricks over the creek.

Contrary to my expectation, the water wheel didnt spin vertically like a cartwheel; instead, it lay horizontally.

Water from the stream was directed through a narrow opening, harnessing its power to rotate the water wheel. The rotation of the water wheel, in turn, moved the millstone through the attached axle. That was the structure

It looked different from what I had seen in folk villages. I was captivated and watched it for quite a while.

The mill workers were all clad in matching brown attire, as if it were intentional. They accepted the grain from us and instructed us to wait in a nearby barn.

Daria obediently stepped back, but was this really okay?

But Daria,


You mentioned that the mill keeper mixes sand with the grain. Shouldnt we keep an eye on them?

Well, if we monitor them closely, they wont start their work. And if they catch us spying, well be in big trouble. Even if youre a renowned warrior, theyll aggressively fight back.

What? Why?

Apparently, the mill keeper is also a skilled technician, and unless you become his apprentice, you cant learn the milling technique.

Well, at first glance, it may not seem like much, but isnt technology inherently valuable intellectual property? They wouldnt want outsiders peering over their shoulders and potentially stealing their techniques.

Of course, I have no complaints. I have no intention of learning the milling technique anyway.

Thanks to these circumstances, I could leisurely sit on the dry straw and chat with Daria, which was actually quite pleasant.

It would have been even better if the barn were a bit more secluded.

As we continued our conversation, Daria suddenly untied the wide cloth that was tied like a headband, allowing her light reddish hair to cascade down like a waterfall.

Shall we play tag? Daria suggested with a mischievous smile.

Tag? I echoed, a bit taken aback. It seemed like an unusual proposition. Even kids these days rarely play tag.

Ah, but wait This world doesnt have computers or smartphones, does it? It wouldnt be strange for adults to enjoy such games, right?

Have you never played before? Daria asked, noticing my hesitant expression.

Well, I have played before, I replied, recalling childhood memories.

Daria playfully blindfolded her with a cloth, her bright smile radiating excitement.

Ill be it first. Remember, you cant leave the barn, okay?

Alright, got it, I agreed, ready for the challenge.

The barn wasnt particularly spacious, so we had to be cautious as we moved around.

I was confident that I could elude Daria all day if I wanted to, but the joy of games like this was allowing yourself to be caught sometimes.

Carefully listening to her footsteps, I felt Daria inching closer, and suddenly she pounced, capturing my waist.

Ha! Gotcha! she exclaimed, triumphant.

Phew! Why are you taking this so seriously? I teased.

Im naturally competitive. Now its your turn! Daria clapped her hands, untied the cloth, and handed it to me. The fabric still carried a faint scent of her, different from the strong shampoo fragrance I was accustomed to on Earth. It was a gentle blend of lime and a subtle hint of sweata scent that felt more in tune with nature.

Ah, my heart is wavering.

Swallowing my dry throat, I covered my eyes with the cloth.

As I tied the knot behind my head, I could hear Darias laughter, like the tinkling sound of a triangle, as she swiftly made her escape.

Im here, ready or not! Come find me!

Darias playful voice echoed through the barn as she darted around.

She kicked a metal bucket on the floor to create a distraction and stealthily moved to the other side, using a hanging pole on the wall. Daria employed all sorts of tricks to confuse and elude me.

Hehe, not there! Try again!

Ah, shes absolutely adorable.

But Phoenixs senses were already heightened beyond those of an ordinary human. I could perceive Darias breathing and movements as clearly as if I were watching her with my own eyes.

So, to play along with Daria, a bit of acting was necessary.

I pretended to fall for her tricks, lunging in the wrong direction, grazing the hem of her clothes with the tip of my finger.

I reached out towards the wall where Daria was crouching in the corner, feigning ignorance of her presence and intentionally ignoring her subtle breaths.

Amidst all the playful antics, Daria, who was chasing after me, seemed to step on something and lost her balance, letting out a startled cry.

Instinctively, I lunged forward and caught her. But then


Haah, phew, th-thanks

Suddenly, the sound of Darias breaths in my arms tickled my ear.

I held her waist and shoulder, and she leaned against my chest, her hands placed on my chest as she tried to catch her breath.

Haa, h-huu-

Through her slightly trembling hands, I could sense the rise and fall of her chest as she struggled to regain her composure.

Leaving my chest plate at the workshop turned out to be a divine move. I could feel her soft and gentle touch through the thin fabric, and the sound of her heart pounding.

Abruptly, I held my breath, captivated by the sensation. And then, Darias breath became even more distinct.

Her breath brushed against my cheek and reached my nose, mingled with a faint hint of mint, creating an intoxicatingly sweet fragrance.

Wow, this is getting a little dangerous. Hard to resist.

Daria, are you alright? I asked, attempting to maintain my composure as I began to remove the blindfold. No, I was about to remove it.

W-wait, she stammered.

Her trembling hand tightly grasped mine, preventing me from taking off the blindfold. Her soft, delicate hand intertwined with my rough, large one. The electric thrill coursing through our joined hands sent shivers down my spine, causing the hairs on my body to stand on end.

Taken aback by the sweet breath that brushed against my lips and the subsequent soft, moist sensation, I was momentarily speechless.


The hand I held seemed to tense up briefly.

But it was only for a moment, as something soft pressed against my lips.

After a brief, tender kiss, our lips parted, leaving a lingering warmth on the tip of my nose.

Savoring that scent, I raised my other hand, the thumb of the hand intertwined with hers, and slowly lowered the blindfold.

The sunlight poured into the barn, illuminating Darias eyes.


It was akin to a summer day, gazing out at the Mediterranean from a castle in Nice.

Her hazel eyes, glistening like the waters of the Mediterranean, seemed to captivate me. I couldnt tear my eyes away from her.

Whether it was due to the game of tag or the unexpected kiss, Daria, catching her breath, had a sparkle in her eyes.

In that moment, my instincts propelled me to pull her into my embrace.

With a surge of passion, I kissed her fervently, and Daria responded by pulling me closer, her hand gently gripping the back of my neck.

What was happening all of a sudden? Was it alright for me to be this happy?

But usually in games or novels, something always happens at this point. I couldnt help but think that something like that might befall me. And just as the thought crossed my mind, a loud noise erupted from outside the barn.


A foreboding feeling settled in.



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