My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 158: The Era of Thieves Is Over!

Chapter 158: The Era of Thieves Is Over!

“Bald head.”

“This monk is called Enkidus. We once stormed the Demon King’s castle together. Do you remember anything?”

At Enkidus’ question, Judas simply gazed at him.Then he said one thing.


It was an expression that recalled something.However, Enkidus somehow felt a desire to smack Judas.Baldy, he says.Soon, Queen, who had been watching this, let out a roaring laugh that exploded throughout the reception room.

“Judas lost his memories, that’s hilarious! Have you also forgotten everything about the mighty Queen? Hm? Won’t you remember if you get punched once or twice?”

Queen tightly clenched her iron-like fist.Then she mercilessly threw her fist towards Judas.

“Shock treatment!”

Whoooosh—Something like a cannonball headed full force towards Judas’ face. But Judas stayed still without evading.

Fshhh—Queen’s punch went right through Judas’ head.Her fist hadn’t connected with the actual part as if punching smoke or a cloud.

“What is this…?”

Queen looked in shock between her fist and Judas’ face. It was one thing to evade or block her fist but to let it pass completely?Enkidus spoke.

“Judas has currently transcended beyond the human realm. Though he is human in appearance, his essence is closer to that of an unknown.”

Enkidus recalled what Saint Iris had said regarding Judas.Judas had emerged victorious in the fight against the Demiurge Nocturne and absorbed the vast amount of karma into himself.

However, Judas had relinquished the things important to him in the process.His memories.

‘Though this monk had been the one to emphasize the importance of mind and constraint….’

Judas lost his memories because Enkidus had told him how to control his mind in order to gain power.Of course, no one else thought or said this but Enkidus at least believed so.Although that had led Judas to victory in the fight against great evil, Enkidus felt responsible to aid Judas in regaining his memories.

“So Judas has become a Demiurge? What is he the god of? He doesn’t exactly look it.”

Queen raised a brow as she looked at Judas.With having defeated Nocturne and elevated to transcendence, Judas had surely become an extraordinary being. However, he simply didn’t appear so.Just looked like a strong person.

“Well, being underestimated was his specialty, after all. Maybe he has become the Demiurge of Deceit? Anyway, things worked out well. Really well.”

With a boisterous laugh loud enough to disturb the mansion, Queen exited the room. As she had said, everything worked out well.

Nocturne was defeated and the world was at peace.No, many things turned out for the better, even.

Because when the gate to the other world had opened, Freesia turned into an abundant source of mana and gained the opportunity to progress even further.Graham Academy took charge in cleaning up the aftermath of chaos and confusion and quickly reaped the benefits.

“I am here from Graham Academy. I’d like to check Mr. Judas’ condition.”

Just then, someone came to the Junk Mansion.It was a man.

“I am Headmaster Ilgast.”

He was the newly appointed headmaster of Graham Academy, Ilgast. He was the best pharmacist in Freesia and the father of Elizabeth.



Elizabeth and Naru strongly embraced each other as soon as they met. The sight of the children greeting one another and rubbing their cheeks together filled the hearts of the adults with peace.It was a moment of realizing that the era of peace was finally here.

“I am Ilgast. Do you remember me?”

At Ilgast’s question, Judas frowned slightly.Something floated up like a bubble from a seabed deep under but it popped in the end. It felt like something would surface but it didn’t.

“I remember Elizabeth, though.”

Elizabeth was Naru’s best friend.Once he recalled Elizabeth, that branched off into other memories and eventually reached the memory of Ilgast.

“Ilgast, you must have been promoted to headmaster from deputy headmaster. Congratulations.”

“... Because someone needs to fill in for Elle Cladeco. Speaking of, Elle Cladeco is a wanted person in all regions. We will be notified about her soon.”

Ilgast thought of the missing Elle Cladeco.To Ilgast, Elle Cladeco was his wife’s killer so he had a duty to avenge her. However, he decided to let go of that for the moment.

The man before him saved the world.By sacrificing much of himself.

Though Ilgast was someone who worked a desk job away from combat and wars, he, too, was a man and was moved by such emotional tales.The reason why Elizabeth was touched by many things in the first place was because she inherited this from her father.

“Judas, the Graham Academy will fully support you until you regain all your memories and return to the life that you wanted.”

As he said this, Ilgast now looked to his daughter.Elizabeth was smiling brightly and running around with her friends as if the world hadn’t been in grave danger a sometime ago.

“Naru, look at this! My shadow also has Molumolu!”


Elizabeth talked about Molumolu who had appeared from her shadow. She also explained how when the monstrous pterosaur shadow was about to attack, Molumolu bravely protected her.

“It’s not just me. Molumolu is inside the shadows of all the kids in the world!”

Elizabeth said something incredible.And what she said was true.

Molumolus situated themselves in the shadow of every existing child in the world. And all these Molumolus were now unique friends to the children as well as their protectors.

Ilgast explained this situation.

“From the investigation, a Molumolu dwells with all children under the age of 18. Though there will need to be further research on this.”

Hearing this, Judas quietly realized that the operation of thieves who made money off of kidnapping children was permanently shut down.With a Molumolu dwelling within the children’s shadows, no one will be able to kidnap them now. It was tragic news for thieves and robbers, but good for children.

Now it was guaranteed that children won’t be abused by others or carelessly neglected.

“Oh, holy shh…! So many Molumolus…!”

Naru giggled ‘hehehe’ as she watched the Molumolus that popped out from her, her sisters’, and Elizabeth’s shadows roaming freely around the mansion.As he watched, Judas pondered.

“Ilgast, did you know that I had another daughter? Where is she currently?”

“A fourth daughter…?”

Ilgast had never heard of it.But he soon realized what this man was trying to say.

“Do you mean Tywin Cladeco? Regarding her… We are doing our best to find traces of her. Since she is a witness of Elle Cladeco….”

With the world no longer in danger, someone needed to take responsibility.Elle Cladeco fitted that role best, and since her daughter Tywin knew the most about her, they needed to secure the girl.

“Judas, you seem to think of Tywin as your daughter.”

“Well, because she has a high princess level.”


Ilgas couldn’t understand what Judas meant. He could only think that the man must have gained a different kind of mentality from having transcended.

“Well, there shouldn’t be any troubles for Tywin. She’ll also have a Molumolu in her shadow.”

Judas met with all sorts of people.Brigitte, Salome, and Cariote thought that they may be bothering Judas too much, but Judas didn’t mind it.In fact, the more he met people, the more lively he became and recalled many things.

No one was aware that he was ‘stealing memories and thoughts’.Only a being like Molumolu somewhat realized.Of course, Molumolu wasn’t a being concerned by such things.

“Oh King of Thieves.”“No, is it the God of Thieves now?”

“If it isn’t the Thief Lords.”

Judas greeted the shadows that visited his mansion late at night. The Thief Lords had heard that Judas lost his memories but were rather surprised that he recognized them.They approached Judas carefully, then kneeled before him and asked.

“The Nymph Bandits took the 「Skeleton Key」 that was hidden in Freesia! At this rate, the next King of Thieves will be chosen from the nymphs! That will be a disaster for the thieves!”

The Thief Lords couldn’t imagine what the nymphs planned to do if they got their hands on the Thieves’ Codex.For the moment, Sifnoi revealed her ambition to all thieves that they will only be able to steal candies, sugar, honey, and chocolate.If that became the case… then that essentially meant the end of the thieving profession.

“Sir Judas, could you do something about the, um, Thieves’ Codex? Since you’ve, um…. now become something like a god.”

This was the reason why the thieves came to Judas.They wanted some kind of loophole in the 「Thieves’ Codex」.After some contemplation, Judas shook his head.

“The 「Thieves’ Codex」 is completely in Snix’s domain. If I get involved, Snix won’t be happy.”

“T-Then what is your domain?”

The Thief Lord, Sindbad, asked.Judas chuckled in response.

“It’s best if you don’t know.”

At that, the thieves felt an intense fear.Nocturne had been a nightmare to the world, so surely the one who had transcended after killing such a being would be even more terrifying and vile.

“The era of thieves has truly come to an end….”

The thieves and criminals instinctively realized this day that the glorious days of the back alleys were over. And this was greatly pleasing to Judas.

Because he believed that a world in which thieves and criminals existed wouldn’t be a good influence in raising his /genesisforsaken


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