My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 151: My name is Ha Taeho. And I... (2)

Chapter 151: My name is Ha Taeho. And I... (2)

Naru, Hina, and Cecily.And with them, Tywin Cladeco.They all retreated to the Junk Mansion.

Queen struggled to hold the children down and pushed them into the safest cellar in the mansion, but Cecily screamed fiercely in resistance.

"Dad is in danger...! It is not noble to run away from danger. If I flee now, I, Cecily, can no longer call myself a noble...!"

Cecily thought that she had to return to her father and comrades.They had traveled back in time from a much distant future to change the past. But in the end, they felt their powers were far from sufficient to change the world.

Their frustration was far different from that of children who couldn't reach something high.The three sisters were very smart, so they fully understood their situation was nothing short of a 'failure'.The calmest, Tywin, spoke up.

"Going now would only mean death. Nocturne was targeting you."

Tywin was smart enough to be called a genius or a prodigy. She realized that Nocturne had been after the children all along, and that's why they had evacuated the children first.

'Why target the kids first? If he wanted to threaten us, Brigitte or Enkidus and others were much stronger and more dangerous.'

Nocturne was a transcendent immortal, so Tywin, despite being a prodigy among mortals, still found it hard to read his thoughts.But that was to be expected, Tywin was, after all, just a young child in the first grade of elementary school.Of course, she didn't want to confine herself to the limitations of a first-grader, and didn't want the world to reduce her to that either.

"People dislike things that threaten them. Even a demiurge like Nocturne would feel the same. Nocturne felt threatened by these children, just like when he saw Molumolu."

Tywin reached this conclusion after many thoughts. She now knew that Naru had come transcending space and time from a far future.

They had used magic that transcended space and time.It was more of a miracle from the era of gods than magic, and only a deity like Epar could perform such miracles.Even Epar, the goddess, wouldn't be able to rewind the entire world's time on her own.If Epar alone could perform such feats in the world of creation, it would have been Epar, not Nocturne, who was torn to pieces.Transcending space and time was an incredible feat.

So who exactly sent the children back to the past?In fact, Tywin knew the answer the moment Naru became the new Molumolu... Her new familiar and friend.She naturally realized when she did.

"They returned to the past on their own. These three have enough power to do so. After all, the blood that flows in them is not of this world. It's blood from another world."

Tywin was a daughter born of a man from another world and a woman from the continent of Pangaea. To be precise, she was a clone of that daughter—, and that's why she knew something.

The blood of those who come from another world is extraordinary.It is so remarkable that it could cross dimensions so far away that even light would take an eternity to reach.It was possible that leaping through time was within their capabilities.Because they possessed such potential.


"Nocturne feared your potential. And now that you've returned to the past six years ago, his fears were halfway justified. You could be of great assistance in defeating Nocturne."

Tywin's judgment was very accurate.Soon after, Hina responded.

"As you say... We.... We returned to the past by our own power... Goddess Epar helped us a little..., and in exchange, we agreed to help her... ."

Hina was hiding many things.She chose to remain silent, thinking that speaking them aloud could drastically alter the future and bring unexpected changes to them.

But now the time had truly come.There was no longer anything to hide, nor was there a need to hide anything.

"At that time, we were researching artificial demon kings and simultaneously studying space-time magic. Memorizing events that would occur...and going back to the change the future was the experiment..."

Hina played the most critical role.It was her job to cram as many records of the future into her head as possible.

Naru and Cecily inherently disliked studying, and Hina sort of liked it. Especially because of her competitive spirit towards Naru and Cecily, she wanted to take on an important role.

"So I used...a special preserve as many of my memories as possible...."

This was more or less the truth.Upon hearing this story, Naru felt as if her mind was clearing.

"Right! That's what happened! But we ended up returning to the past without being able to help Dad and Mom... Ah, Naru should have trained and studied more...."

Naru became deeply melancholic, yet at the same time, a sense of righteousness surged within her.Cecily and Hina felt the same way.

"...I, Cecily too, would dedicate myself more to hunting practice without throwing tantrums if I had the time!"

"... Hina also...wants to learn magic. Magic is amazing...."

The children's spirits were raised as they spoke fervently.Watching them, Tywin was frankly astonished.The children before her were, in a sense, like large, shining gemstones in their raw form. She was curious about what might happen if they truly pushed themselves to elevate their own limits.

Sssss━─Just then, a wind blew toward the cluttered mansion from somewhere.It was a warm and gentle breeze.

Cecily leaned out of the window and felt the wind rising from a hole she had once dug with her family on a treasure hunt.

It wasn't just the wind.White butterflies were emerging from within.

"Guide butterflies...."

After meeting the princess in that cave and speaking with her, Cecily knew that these butterflies were called 'guide butterflies,'.

"All the butterflies that flew around Freesia today must have come from that cave!"

Pop—As Cecily opened the window, the butterflies swarmed into the mansion as if waiting for the moment.Everyone was momentarily taken aback by this white storm.

"This is the point of divergence."

A voice that was both exceedingly beautiful and cheerful, lifting people's spirits, was heard. Cecilie was familiar with this voice.

"Is it you, Princess?!"

"Yes, Cecily. I am the Princess. And I am also Naru."

Pop—With the butterflies scattering in an instant, a woman appeared.Standing straight with a black silk dress clinging to her body, adorned with jewels Cecily had never seen before.

"Oh wow, holy shh...! A twenty-five year old Naru appeared...!"

Little Naru raised her hands high – whether she was trying to embrace the twenty-five-year-old Naru or just spreading her arms wide, the older Naru stepped back.

"You can't get too close to me. I'm surrounded by a special barrier, so coming this close is possible, but if we touch too closely, we'll merge."

And then she spoke calmly again.

"As you said, I'm you, but twenty-five years old. I know, six-year-old me doesn't like studying, so I'll put it as simply as possible. To put it bluntly, our plan was a success."

The success of the plan.What did that mean?As everyone looked puzzled, Tywin spoke.

"Does that mean we succeeded in sealing Nocturne...?"

"Yes, Dad is an incredible man! Nocturne was sealed, and peace returned to the world. And I was able to grow up this big!"

"Oh wow, holy shh...!"

The older Naru reached out to the younger one.Then she abruptly stopped her hand.Realizing she was being drawn towards her younger self.

Swoosh—The older Naru, retracting her hand, said,

"But we weren't too happy with that result either. Dad... He sacrificed too much..., lost too much. I loved him so much and yet..."

The older Naru clenched her fist.

"Dad... lived in fear of Nocturne's seal breaking his whole life. He couldn't even carelessly stroke the heads of Cecily, Hina and I. And after we turned six, he fell into a coma...."

Her trembling body conveyed a deep sadness and earnestness. Then, as if she had made up her mind, she said,

"To make large-scale changes to the past, I had to send the butterflies first. I needed to make the land's mana soil similar to the future where I lived. That's what the guide butterflies were for."

After Nocturne swept through the world, Freesia gained an unprecedented boom in magical power. Just as the land becomes more fertile after a storm.

Big Naru, big Cecily, and big Hina aimed to create a 'miracle' by first turning the atmosphere of the past into one filled with magical energy.That was the role of the magic butterflies.

"I... We want to reclaim the golden days of our childhood. Over a decade of grueling effort after hiding powerlessly in the Junk Mansion, simmering in anger... It was a long journey, but it ends today. However, as I am now, it won't work. Dad won't hear our voices. And being an SSR princess, I can't embrace him."

"What's an SSR princess?"

Little Naru asked.Big Naru smiled faintly as if lost in memories. It was such a cool smile that it seemed to bloom flowers in little Naru's heart.

Little Naru tried to mimic that smile, moving her lips and cheeks vigorously, but she couldn't quite do it and let out a disappointed snort when big Naru said.

"An SSR princess is Dad's dream. But in truth, it wasn't my dream. My dream was just to embrace Dad again. But since I can't do that now, you'll have to do it for me. Please..."

My name is Judas.No, to be precise, I'm Ha Tae-ho.Shall I share a bit of my story?

I am...Oh, fuck.Now that I'm trying to look cool, I have nothing to say.

Maybe I should start with a description of the scenery?I found myself in some pitch-black space.

In that space, everything floated like mannequins; my elementary school, middle school, high school, and university, along with people I knew, computers, cell phones, and everyone I had met.It seemed like a space created from my memories.You could call it my memory storage.

I was floating here.To be precise, it wasn't just me floating; there was someone in front of me who looked exactly like me. The only difference was that his eyes were completely black, without any whites.

"It's futile. Some outcomes are predetermined in the world. No matter how hard you struggle, there are results you can't escape."


The figure before me kept talking to me.Until just a moment ago, we had been fighting fiercely, but as soon as we realized our abilities were equally matched, he stopped fighting and started talking.Of course, I did not listen to his words.

I knew myself well, so I knew that if I engaged in dialogue with my life-and-death opponent—it was surely to beguile my heart.

"Judas, no, human of another world. I chose you personally. I selected you and forced you to this land. Do you think it was mere coincidence that you left your homeland, relatives, and your dear home?"

When trying to entice someone's heart, it's crucial to drive the point home by inserting words that could sway their mind.Indeed, the figure before me, Twilight Demiurge Nocturne, said plenty to shake my heart.

"You're saying you're the one who brought me to this /genesisforsaken


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