My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 143: He-llo (3)

Chapter 143: He-llo (3)

Walpurgis.They were descendants of one of the 13 Primordials, conceived most beautifully when the Gods created the world.「Black Witch - Eve」.Eve, the ancestor of the Walpurgis, was called the Black Witch for a simple reason.

Her eyes and hair were as black as the night.Iti is said that her daughters and sons all had black hair and black pupils.

However, the Walpurgis family was currently known as 'The White Wizards'.The reason was simple.They were mages who wielded white magic.Of course, now they were only able to handle magic of nearly white, grayish, or beige tinged with dull light─Still, they were called The White Wizards because they wielded purely white magic.And they developed and specialized in elegant and noble magic like 'dimensional gates' and 'flight magic'.

But Brigitte was different from them.Brigitte only dealt with black and destructive magic.That's why Brigitte couldn't help but be surprised by what Friede had said.

"You want me to open a dimensional gate?"

"Yes. You are part of the Walpurgis."

"But my magic power is..."

"I know, it's pitch-black. Pure black."

At Friede's words, Brigitte became slightly gloomy and despondent.

Brigitte's magic power was as black as the current night sky.It was imbued with a very dangerous and explosive force, but it was difficult to handle.

Because of this magic power, Brigitte had been discriminated against since childhood and eventually left her family on her own. The idea of Brigitte opening a dimensional gate was a distant thought.However, Friede was somewhat confident.

"The magic of the Walpurgis isn't really determined by the color of the magic power. Our strength lies in being able to finely control limited magic."

If the current Walpurgis inspired awe in others, it was not because of the color of their magic, but due to their unique 'control technique'.The Walpurgis have been regulating magic with a unique 'breathing technique' handed down since ancient times, which allowed one to mold and sculpt magic as if it were pliable clay.

This was what enabled the handling of magic requiring fine control, such as 'dimensional gates' or 'flight magic'.Brigitte didn't know this.She had been excluded from her family since childhood.

"Brigitte, whether you like it or not, the same blood flows through you. You should be able to master the ancient breathing technique passed down from Eve in no time. You'll also grasp the subtleties of the dimensional gate."


The Walpurgis breathing technique.A treasure among treasures passed down from the primeval 'Witch Eve'.However, it was a secret known only to the members of the Walpurgis family, so no one knew what this breathing technique was.Only that it was incredibly amazing─.All the mages in the world were desperate to find it out, to say the least. And now, Friede was telling Brigitte about it.

Brigitte was truly astonished.As a mage, the opportunity to uncover what could be called the secrets of that world made her hair stand on end, a thrilling sensation.

Yet, at the same time, she despised the thought of acquiring the detestable Walpurgis techniques.

However.Brigitte made up her mind.

"Fine, tell me."

Near that pillar now, there was Judas.And surely his daughter, Naru, would be there.Brigitte could feel it.There by the pillar of light, Naru was present.

That's why she couldn't control herself, the urge to approach the pillar more quickly was overwhelming.It was only now that Brigitte realized she would walk into a pit of fire soaked in oil if it was for Naru.

Although Naru wasn't a daughter born of her own pain, she was family.Yes, that's what family was supposed to be.The resentment towards Walpurgis grew stronger, but Brigitte felt she couldn't forgive herself if she lost Naru over personal vendettas.

"Alright. Speak."



Brigitte urged.Soon, Friede drew a long breath.Everyone's gaze turned to Friede.

Saint Iris also perked up her ears.The Walpurgis family's breathing technique, passed down from the beginning of time.Despite the situation, or perhaps because of it, she became very interested, seeking even a bit of fun in all this.What an intriguing affair.

"The Walpurgis family's breathing technique, you see, is very difficult. First, you take a breath in. Then exhale."


Brigitte scowled.

"...Are you messing with me?"

"I'm not joking. That's all there is to it. Inhale and exhale. That's the Walpurgis family's breathing technique. Nothing special. Just breathing is all."


Brigitte was dumbfounded.Was her sister rejecting her even in this situation, the thought made her angry.But Friede spoke seriously.

"It's an ordinary breathing technique. Yet, everyone thought it was amazing and kept it a secret until it was passed on. That's how 'The Walpurgis Breathing Technique' came into being."


"That's what you believe. Then it truly becomes special. Brigitte, do you believe a mage can conjure fire in their hand?"

"Of course. They're a mage, after all."

"But, the Primordials couldn't use magic. Yet someone believed 'a person can also bring forth flames' and she did just that. In essence, belief is the nature of magic."

Belief.Those words gave Brigitte a sort of epiphany.

Even if they were related by blood, if one does not believe that the child is the father's daughter, then she isn't.Blood relations, appearance, names, etc, without this belief, they all become useless.Brigitte knew this better than anyone.

'...Believing that something as ordinary as breathing is special, makes it special.'

Just that could change the world sufficiently.

"Brigitte, I believe you can use the Dimensional Gate spell. And I'm sorry for not believing in you sooner. You are our family. But now, you must go save the family you've gained with your own power."

Friede's words ended there.No other words were necessary for Brigitte.Brigitte reflected on herself.A wizard known as the greatest genius of the Walpurgis family since Witch Eve.

Brigitte imagined opening a Dimensional Gate in her mind.It didn't come to her easily.But she could imagine piercing a hole through space.

Swoosh—Brigitte lifted her wand high.She finally slashed it down with all her might from above.

"Space Severing!"

It was a destructive spell, different from the delicate magic of the Walpurgis.Zzzzing—It finally cut through space, creating a path to a distant place.


Knight Roland clicked his tongue as he watched.But Brigitte had no time to admire her own miraculous skill.

"Let's go!"

Brigitte stepped into the zipper-like tear in the dimension.Instantly, the scenery around her changed and she saw a black pillar rising before her eyes.


Judas shouted.

'Judas is alive. Though it seems he's lost an arm, if he's alive, we can somehow...!'

Brigitte was immensely relieved.Then who had opened that gate?No matter, that was of no importance now.

"Brigitte, take the kids and escape!"

Judas yelled.In front of him stood a one-eyed man, and everyone who had arrived through the Dimensional Gate realized what he was.He was everything humans feared, embodied in the form of a man.

"I'll close the Dimensional Gate! Please protect me!"

Saint Iris screamed.It was at that moment.

"You'll close the Dimensional Gate? No, you won't."

The man took a step forward.That alone made everyone feel their hearts constrict.All were unable to move a step.

"...Fuck, no choice then."

Judas moved.

"I'll handle this for now. Close the Dimensional Gate and evacuate the children."

Judas spoke calmly.The one-eyed man tilted his head, "Handle? Me?".Judas did not reply.He simply approached the man.

Then, a bizarre event occurred.The bodies of Judas and the man began to stretch toward each other like magnets being pulled together. Even the one-eyed man frowned as if he hadn't expected this.

"What's this?"

Observing, Brigitte had a realization.

"Like attracts like... they want to merge together..."

Judas and the man.Their bodies were overlapping, becoming one.Seizing the moment, Judas shouted.

"I can't hold on much longer! Do whatever it takes!"

The saint's judgment was swift.She knelt down quickly and cried out.

"Oh Yahbach, your servant begs of you. Please grant me strength!"

The saint was but a mere mortal.Yet, she could receive power from the God of Light.After all, that was the purpose of a saint.

Fwoosh—!The saint's body emitted light.

She spread her palm and shot out a dazzling beam of light, which, upon touching the blackness, caused the expanding dark light to emit a ferocious sound and begin to close.It all happened in an instant.

" it done?"

Queen asked.Enkidus responded to that.

"...No, this is just the beginning."

Enkidus's eyes now looked upon Judas, who had become completely one with his other half.His left arm had returned, and his lost left eye was back as well.Had the fusion of two beings fully restored his body?

So what was to happen next?At a moment when everyone's hearts were pounding with tension, Judas, who had his eyes closed, came to his senses.His eyes were black, like the night.

"Temple of Darkness, Tartarus."

Pop—!As Judas placed his hand on the ground, shadows that emerged from his body began to envelop everything around him.Brigitte was startled by the sight.

"Judas! Don't tell me you've been possessed...!?"

Possessed?No, Enkidus didn't seem to think so.

But the current Judas was neither god nor human, an ambiguous state.Fused together but with two souls existing within the inner self.To Enkidus's golden eyes, the souls mingling within Judas's body seemed to be struggling for dominance....And one side was much stronger.


Someone screamed at that moment.He was a paladin who had followed Brigitte through the dimensional gate, but when he turned his head, he had vanished without a trace.Soon, similar incidents began happening everywhere.

"Argh!""M-My foot!"

Shadows.Hands sprung from the shadows, snatching the paladins' feet and dragging them into the darkness. This was a technique well-known to both Enkidus and Brigitte.

「Temple of Darkness, Tartarus」.

It was a technique that used Judas's shadow to attack.

All past Judases had nicknames fitting their characteristics, and the current 13th Judas was known as 'Shadow Judas' until he defeated the Demon King.Because he specialized in techniques using his own shadow.

His skill had saved many commoners until now, but it seemed that the time had come for the blade to turn towards the commoners themselves.The first to grasp the situation, Paladin Roland shouted.

"From now on, we start the operation to annihilate and counter Shadow Judas! Everyone, stay sharp─."

Roland's words were never finished.After a flash of a cross-shaped dark radiance, Judas with black eyes, holding shadow blades in both hands, muttered softly.

"Isseom─, Asura."

Ssshhhh—!With those words, Roland's body split into four like a sliced watermelon.

A platinum-ranked paladin fell in one attack!As everyone stood speechless at this unbelievable situation, Warrior Queen raised her great sword, rallying her spirit.

"Fight with all your might to survive!!! The one with daggers in both hands never spares his opponents!!! We are now fighting against the King of /genesisforsaken


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