My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 134: We Can’t Have Everything! But… (4)

Chapter 134: We Can’t Have Everything! But… (4)

“Wow, holy shh…!”

Naru was happy.She couldn’t finish her science homework because of playing yesterday, but when she opened her eyes, the homework was all finished.A filled notebook.Someone surely must have finished the homework for her while Naru had been sleeping.


Perhaps it had been the Demiurge of Science Homework, Molumolu?Thinking ‘what if’, Naru checked Molumolu’s house.

“Did Molumolu do the science homework? Molumolu, did you become the Science Homework Demiurge like Naru had said?”

Molumolu’s house was made out of fluffy cushions inside Naru’s room, and it was where it stayed when it felt bored inside Naru’s shadow.A dolmen made of cushions.Molumolu wasn’t inside.


Naru then went out into the garden and checked Molumolu’s food bowl.

The fresh, morning air woke Naru up completely.It felt like the air traveled through her nose down to her fingertips.

Passing under the sun’s rays that were aptly warm for summer, she saw a food bowl piled with pet food, acorns, and biscuits.The red food bowl had 「Molumolu」written on it in squiggly writing.It was handwritten by Naru herself when Molumolu became family.


Molumolu’s food bowl was still full.Molumolu hadn’t eaten anything.

“Molumolu, must be hungry.”

Naru tossed the food bowl with drops of dew into the garbage bin in the garden. Then she took Molumolu’s bowl to the kitchen and filled it up again with pet food, biscuits, and fresh strawberries.

“Molumolu! Come eat!”

Naru shouted into the area around her.Before, Molumolu would’ve popped out with a ‘Miaaao—’ or ‘Kong— Kong—’, but today there was nothing.

Flutter— Flutter—Instead, there was only a strange butterfly flapping around.It was a white butterfly.


The color of its wings, rather than a simple white, was closer to a glowing mini bulb.When it landed on Molumolu’s bowl, something unbelievable happened.

Fwoop— Fwoop— Fwoop—Molumolu’s bowl suddenly started to empty!

“Hiiik…! The butterfly ate Molumolu’s food…!?”

Naru was stunned.But at the same time, she thought something was off.How did a butterfly the size of Naru’s hand eat the large bowl of food so quickly?

“... A legendary butterfly?”

It could be an amazing butterfly.Flutter— Flutter—Looking now, there were many of these butterflies in the garden.

“One, two…. eight, nine….”

About ten.Ten butterflies were sitting on the strawberry tree as if resting their wings. But the fascinating thing was that the tree had a bunch of fruits.

“Winter strawberries!”

They were strawberries that only grew in the winter.Being hard to find in the summer like this, it was an expensive fruit that Naru wasn’t able to have easily.How were winter strawberries grown already?

“… The winter strawberries are already grown!”

Thinking to get one and see, Naru reached towards the winter strawberry tree.


Whoosh—Someone grabbed Naru’s shoulder and jerked her back.Because of that, Naru fell into something warm that smelled nice, and when she looked up, Brigitte was watching her surroundings warily.

“Don’t touch those butterflies. They aren’t normal. Since you’re awake, let’s head to the basement for now. We’ll take Hina and Cecily as well.”

“Brigitte, smells like grapes!”

Anyway.With that, Naru headed to the basement.The basement was already full of adults.

“Brigitte, how’s the situation up there?”

In response to Salome’s question, Brigitte described all that she saw.

“The butterflies decreased in number. There are about ten left in the garden. It’s better compared to over a thousand from earlier, but they might have flown away elsewhere.”

There had been an immeasurable number of butterflies in the garden.But when it became morning, they all flew off somewhere, leaving only a few.Was it a good thing?

Conversations were happening.Naru quietly listened to the adults talk.She was smart, so Naru had no problem understanding what the situation was outside.

“Oh, holy shh…! Naru doesn’t have to go to school today?”

* * *

“No, I’m saying that the canvas I purchased from your store last night already had drawings on them! Did you sell your conscience along with this used item?”“Dear customer, our store doesn’t sell used products. How could there be drawings on the canvas?”“Then what’s this? This squirrel drawing here! I don’t know why my signature is on it but—”

Morning.Mornings were usually peaceful but today, the city was quite noisy.The entire city seemed to be tangled in some kind of situation.

“Someone chopped all the firewood that I had piled together to do myself last night! My, that was a fascinating thing.”“Look at this. The hair that I cut last week has already grown out. What's happening?”

A chaotic street.Naru looked around and giggled.Because she was happy.

“Going to school with Dad! Oh yay!”

Naru liked taking the walk to school with her dad.But Naru’s dad, Judas, clicked his tongue as he looked around.

“School’s still open in a situation like this. Graham Academy is hardcore. My school would close if there was flu going around.”

All of Freesia was affected by the strange phenomenon.But it seemed that the children’s education must continue.

“Ah, look at that!”

Just then, Cecily pointed at something.They were rows of cherry blossom trees that had been blooming beautifully about two months ago. So much so that it had been sad to see them go.

But, the trees that had lost their flowers when it became summer were in full bloom again.The pink petals falling from the breeze were lovely but at the same time, a little unsettling.

“Cherry blossom…. pink…. Hina’s hair color….”

Hina caught a petal.As her ruby eyes shone strangely, Judas spoke to her.

“Hina, was this written in your picture diary as well?”


Hina closed her mouth in contemplation.And she then soon shook her head.


They continued like this and before long, they arrived at school.The children enthusiastically entered the classroom.The room already had others inside but although not all the desks were occupied, it was more chaotic than usual.

“Hans, look at this. Someone assembled the transformer robot that I was going to make!”“Someone finished my 500-piece puzzle that I was going to do….”

The children were busy talking about the strange phenomenon that had occurred overnight.

As Naru listened, it seemed that everyone shared the experience of having something completed on its own.Naru also had something to add.

“Naru also had someone finish her science homework! Maybe it was Molumolu?”

Naru thought it was Molumolu’s doing.At that, the kids asked.

“Naru, Molumolu still isn’t back?”“The Mini Molumolu are also all gone. When will Mini Molumolu come back?”

The worldwide disappearance of Molumolu.There didn’t seem to be any signs of a solution yet.Soon, Salome opened the door and entered the disorderly classroom.

“Everyone be quiet. You have science homework from yesterday, yes? The person at the back can collect all the homework. And Naru, get ready to write a letter of reflection.”

“Naru did the homework! No need to write one!”

“Really? Then I’ll mark yours first.”

Scritch— Scritch— Scritch— Scritch—Salome marked Naru’ science homework and then spoke.

“You got all of it wrong.”


“Getting everything wrong is the same as not doing it. Naru, write your letter on the paper I’m giving you.”

Naru slumped at Salome’s words.Salome looked at her narrowed eyes.Soon, Salome’s brows gathered in the center and created a fold on her forehead.

“Hina, did you not do your homework?”


Hina couldn’t do the science homework.Because she had been running around on the treasure hunt and fell asleep immediately after lying on the bed.That was the same for Cecily.

“Cecily, Hina, both of you are to write letters as well. Let’s start class, then. First period is science today. We’ll be learning about the temperature and color of mana. Mana in its most natural form is pure white in color—”

And like that, class was finished.Naru looked at the large paper and shook.

“Don’t want to write the letter!”

Then the other kids who also didn’t do their homework all nodded their agreement, saying, “I know,” and “Me, too.”Just then, Hina took something out from inside her jacket.It was a glass container for holding peanuts but instead of that, some other weird thing was inside the transparent bottle.

“Wow, holy shh…! It’s the glowing butterfly…!”

It was an illuminated butterfly.Hina carefully opened the lid and placed the butterfly on top of the paper.When she did, something astonishing happened.

Scritch— Scritch—Words appeared on the paper.

「I’m sorry for not doing my homework. I will study harder from now on.」「I’m sorry for not doing my homework. I will study harder from now on.」 . . .

Seeing this, Naru was amazed.

“The butterfly wrote the letter! Write Naru’s, too!”

Watching the butterfly, Naru reached for it.But the butterfly lost its glow and then vanished like melting snow.Seeing this, Hina muttered softly.

“Once it uses its power…. it must be the end…. Interesting butterfly….”

Hina felt like she understood a little about the butterfly’s powers. And the other children did, too.

“Let’s catch butterflies!”“I’ll make it write my letter for me!”

“There were a few out in the field!”

“Oh, holy shh…! Everyone follow Naru!”

The children followed Naru excitedly and rushed out of the classroom.The only ones left were Elizabeth and Tywin.Elizabeth was a little frightened of what had been happening since last night.

‘Dad told me not to go near the butterflies….’

Should she have warned the other kids?Hiding her unease, Elizabeth asked Tywin.

“Tywin, aren't you going to catch butterflies?”

“No. And they aren’t butterflies. It looks like one but it’s said to be closer to pure mana. It’s all white. You remember learning from science class, right?”

“So you’re saying that someone’s making these butterflies and releasing them? That it’s magic? Are they using magic to help the others with their letters or homework? But why?”

“I don’t know, either.”

Tywin didn’t know much, either. She had only overheard her mom talk on the phone with someone in the morning.

Her mom, Elle Cladeco, had said the butterfly had the ability to twist time.That it may be some kind of time magic.

Whatever it was, Tywin couldn’t say exactly but from her mom’s excited voice speaking into the receiver, it must be something astounding.

There might be a mage somewhere even greater than Tywin’s mom, Elle Cladeco.

‘If I find them…. then can I ask them to help my mom?’

Tywin thought of Elle Cladeco, her mom.And the experiment that she was still working on in the basement.


The thought of it caused shivers all over her body.If that finished, it would mean an end….Knowing that, Tywin couldn’t stay put.

“I need to go, too.”

Drrrr—As Tywin pushed back her seat and stood, Elizabeth asked, startled.

“Need to go? Where? For what? The next period is going to start soon.”

“I have to go find a butterfly.”

“… Butterfly?”

Elizabeth was bewildered.But she felt a little envious picturing Tywin and all the other kids roaming the field to catch butterflies.Thinking that this could be when Naru and Tywin become closer than her, she also felt a bit nervous.

‘... I’m Naru’s best friend! If I catch more butterflies and give them to Naru….’

Fwsh—Finally, Elizabeth and Tywin also left the classroom.About a minute later…

“Children, today will be about predestination….”

The theology professor, Pelagius, entered Class A’s room.But the classroom was empty.

“What is /genesisforsaken


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